Naruto is only five years old yet he already knows how crule the world can be his parents neglect him in favor of menma and all he has to pass the time is drawing and writing even when most kids cant even speek in well structured sentences he him self wouldent even know how to write if it wernt for the darkness subtlety helping him with certan letters
Naruto was drawling something most people would not expect or want naruto to draw he was drawling a pale little monster curled up with its knees to its chest and a Cheshire grin plastered on its face
Little did naruto know that the darkness saw this and decided it was time for his host to have his own persional gremlin with a few small changes here and their it was ready to materialize but the darkness made naruto pass out so he wouldent scream or notice its two heads come out of his back and regurgitate the little creature and then draw them selfs into his back again
All in an atempt to hide from naruto until he is mentally ready and physically ready to deal with the darkness and its full power and the side effects that come with it
Once the heads were back inside of naruto the gremlin stalked up to naruto and pulled up his shirt, once the shirt was up he placed his hand on his chest on the opposite side of the heart and gently pushed its hand into the skin and his hand started too seep a deep black substance and stained his chest with his mark so that he may better serve his new partner
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