The next day came, I wonder the school hallway with a chunky History book in my hands, as my class had just finished. The hallway was busy with students going to their classes, my gaze cast down to the end of the hallway to the double doors. But a wave of emotions had hit me all at once, making my head pound. Whispers had entered my head, they were getting louder and louder, I squeeze my eyes shut, as I came to a halt.
Suddenly, the whispers turned into screams, like screams from the dead. I dropped my book onto the ground, I could feel the vibration from the drop, but it sounded like a bomb had just gone off...
I snap open my eyes to find myself not at school anymore, but standing in my old home when I was a human. I stood watching my parents and my sister talk to one another, like everything was fine. Suddenly, the door to the house opened, and past me walked in, wearing a dress... Colour had dripped off my face, my heart began to break, tears already streaming down my cheeks. I know what was going to happen...
"Alice, what have we told you, don't stay out after dark. Especially on a full moon," my mother had stated to my human self. This wasn't a lost memory, it was a memory I wanted to forget. Human me just huffs at my mother, as back then I still didn't believe in other supernatural creatures beside Witches. I was stubborn back then, but even more now.
I blinked for a moment, and when I reopened my eyes, the scene had changed . There was no longer food on the wooden table, and my family and myself were sat around the fire-place. Human me was drawing my sister as she was sat in front, doing different poses, making Human me laugh. A smile came to my own face, as it was the most happiest I had seen her.
"No," I whispered to myself, my tone weak as I know what was going to happen next. I took a few steps forward, my gaze on my sister. Suddenly, wind blew through the house, making the lit candles blow out, the only light was coming from the fireplace. Just then, a low growl emitted from an open window in the kitchen, as it was all in the same room, besides the bedrooms. My sister was curious from this, so she stands to her feet and heads over to the window.
"Eliza, it's just the wind," my mother retorted to her, but my sister kept going. Every step she took, my heart began to break, as I was following behind her. As she came to the window, she peers out of it, and cocks her gaze left and right to listen to the wind rustle through the trees...
It happened so fast, the wolf jumps through the window, it's teeth on show and snarling and snatched my sister, biting her, and clawing at her. My sister screams for a moment before it had died down, and she was dead...
All of us were mortified and pain, sadness and rage filled us all. The creature stood on it's hide-legs and nearly touched the ceiling of the house as it was massive. His teeth dripped with fresh blood. My parents didn't waste anytime in using their magic, to kill this wolf.
"Run!" My Father yells, as my past-self runs to a corner of the room. Just as my parents used more of their magic on the creature, casting a pain infliction spell on the creature, but it did little too it. The creature lashes out and parted my parents, throwing them to different sides of the room. The red glowing eyes cocked to past-me, before it roars loudly and runs on all four. But before it could reach me, my father used his magic to fling back the creature, but it uses it's claws too dig into the ground, slowing it down. The Wolf cocks it's gaze to my father and with one quick jolt forward it uses it's giant claw to rip into my father's chest, blood pouring from him.
With rage, my mother used her magic on the creature and it only had minor effect too it, but the creature slashes .at her too, opening claw wounds on her chest. She falls backwards and hits the ground, her gaze at me, blood leaking from her.
"Run. Go," my mother's voice was weak, as she wanted past-me to run away and don't look back. Past-me took her gaze too the creature who's claws dripped with blood, and she knew she was next...
"Invisique," I see myself chant, as I had turned invisible and the creature roars loudly, like he had just lost the one he wanted to kill the most...
My gaze turned to the death that surrounded me, my heart began to break once again, and pain took over. I closed my eyes and darkness had covered my heart...
I gasp awake as a bright light was shining down on me, students hovered over, whispering to one another. I was on my back, the cold marble floor was barely warm, meaning I had been here only a few minutes.
"Are you all right?" One of the male students asked, making me nod to him, as I lean up, as the students took a step back. I stood to my feet, collecting my book one the way. I still felt a little light headed, making me rub my forehead with my free hand. I shook my head slightly, as the students still looked worried for me, but I pushed past them, and down the hallway. Before I reached the double doors, and the fresh air hit me...
Awhile later, I had gotten a text off of Scott, asking to meet at the hospital to search for Lydia and Stiles, who went there looking for something. I push open the doors to the hospital, to see Scott waiting for me a reception desk.
"Alice, glad you could make it. I need to find my mom," Scott states, as I nodded firmly to him and turned right, following him to the elevator. He presses the button to call it and it dings as the doors open. We enter and stood side to side to one another. I hadn't told Scott about what happened at school today, no one knew... But I need to tell him. The doors to the elevator close as Scott pressed number 4 on the panel.
"Scott?" I began, as I turn to face him. "I had a memory resurface, but it was nothing to do with the Dread Doctors," my voice was soft, as the memory was fresh in my mind. "It was about my family. All those years ago, their deaths, replayed in my mind," I held the tears back, while biting my bottom lip carefully. "And now, when I close my eyes. I see their bodies laid on the ground, blood splattered on the wall-" I stumbled with my words as I was getting upset, Scott 'shh's' me as he leans in and embraces me into a hug.
"You couldn't have done anything. Your parents wanted you to live. Don't be ashamed by that," Scott states, his voice soft to hear, as I took a deep breath and pulled back, offering him a small smile.
"Thank you," I replied back, as he gives me a smile. As I went back to facing the elevator door, it opens, as we were greeted on the fourth floor by a sign. Scott and I step out at the same time, but the lights began to flicker and a crackling noise came from the right, we both shot our head too it. Before I knew what was happening, one of the Dread Doctors grabbed me by my throat, choking me for a moment, before throwing me down the hallway. I went with such strength and speed, that I hit the ground hard and made me skid across the marble flooring.
I inhale deeply, as pain shot through me, and my throat hurts. I see the Dread Doctor electrify Scott's chest, making him inhale deeply. Scott grabs something from his pocket which was an inhaler, but he drops it to the ground. I rub my throat as I stood to my feet, just as the Doctor drops Scott to the floor.
"Hey!" I shout down the hallway, as the Doctor turns and look at me through the mask. "Motus!" I thrust my hand out side-way, but the Doctor stumbles a bit back, like I had knocked him gently, but he did stand on Scott's inhaler. The Dread Doctor shot out his hand, and his finger tips generated electricity, he clicks his fingers together. Making a sound that vibrated through the hallway. A loud pitch sound entered my ear-drums, making me scream in pain, as it was loud. I fell to my knees as the sound was unbearable. My fingers threaded through my hair as I clutch my skull, hoping the pain high pitch sound would stop.
I see the Dread Doctor lower his hand, and the ringing had stopped, but the pain lingered. He goes over to Scott and lifts him up into the air, choking him as he wheezes. Just then the ding of the elevator came to ear, making me look up to see the doors open to reveal Malia, growling. The Dread Doctor throws Scott my way, and he rolls on the floor, groaning, as my hands left my skull as the ringing sound was dying down. I grab Scott's shoulder as Malia went high and kicked the Doctor, making him stumble back a bit...
I pushed the sounds out and concerted on Scott, as I need to get him out of here. I pulled him too his feet, and vamp-sped down the hallway, and into the elevator. The high pitch sound still was in my head, making me drop Scott as we came into the elevator, he fell to the floor, as I clutched onto the back bars. I could hear Melissa scream to Malia to come back, and my head was pounding. But I turn around to see Malia running, and the Dread Doctor behind her...
Malia had ran into the elevator as the doors shut once she entered, and before the Dread Doctor could get inside. The elevator thuds and rattles for a moment, the light above flickering.
"We never should have read that book," Scott states, making me turn to look at him. The sound in my head began to dim, but it was still ringing...
"Did you hear the loud pitching sound?" I had said to Scott, as his expression had no idea what I was on about.
"I heard nothing," he states. My eyes left his gaze and looked to the elevator doors, to see my reflection...
What the hell happened to me...
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