The Game Begins
Liam POV
I couldn't believe it. Seems like Stiles wanted his revenge. Like on a deep level. Me ? A Mikaelson ?
I was at Mason's house in the bathroom when Stiles appeared out of nowhere. "What the hell !" Stiles looked me in the eye and told me to calm down. He didnt come alone. That girl Rebekah had come with him. "Come willingly and no one gets hurt" Stiles said. I was terrified. What was so important about me ? What would Scott say ? I bowed my head and followed them out of Mason's house undetected.
They had taken to me to this mansion in the woods. "If I didn't know better I'd say you're wannabe Cullen's..." Stiles laughed the first genuine laugh I've heard from him. "We don't glisten in the sun, Liam. We just burn the hell up." Now I was confused. They've been walking in the sun just fine. "Then how do you not burn up ?" Rebekah held up her hand where a mesmirizing ring lay on her finger. "We have daylight rings to protect us."
The laughter soon stopped. I was corned by several pairs of yellow eyes & eyes with black veins under them. "You have two choices, Liam. Be my spy on the pack, or get to run for your life as we all hunt you down." I looked Stiles dead in the eye. "I'd rather run."
Laughter erupted around me. "I'd make your pack aware that you need to run. Because we'll be coming after you..."
I then took off running. I needed to get to Scott. I ran through the black bleak trees of the forest. I didn't stop. I couldn't get myself to stop. My heart was hammering in my ears.
I finally made it to the loft driveway collapsing. All was black...
Scott POV
The pack & I were discussing what to do about Stiles when a loud thud was heard outside. Derek was the first out the door with me to follow. "Isn't that your beta ?" He asked, scowl evident. He doesn't think I'm trying my hardest to be a great alpha.
I made my way into the cold air. I turned the limp body over finding Liam. Terror was the only emotional I could smell on him. I picked him up. I brought him inside.
"It's your damn fault." Derek growled shoving me. Eyes flashing blue in the process. "How in the hell do you figure that ?" Derek got in my face. We were mere inches apart. "You just had to kick him out of the pack, did you ?" I growled kicking Derem across the room. My eyes flashing red. "Don't forget you're a beta, Derek."
Liam finally woke up & he refused to make eye contact with me. "He warned me. Him & the Mikaelson's...They will hunt us down. One by one. They have a pack...a HUGE one at that." I could hear the terror in his voice. "Then we run first thing in the morning. Get ready."
Everyone scurried about getting prepared, but Liam stood in place. Unmoblie. He hadn't moved in the last 45 minutes. "We'll survive this, Liam. We always do."
Liam shrugged staring out the loft window. "You weren't there, Scott. My choices were to side with him, or we all run for our lives. You didn't see the look in his eyes...in he pack's eyes..."
I hated that he was so distraught by all of this. Why did Stiles pick Liam ? I sfood next to him. "You don't think you're strong enough. Liam, trust me. You're strong enough. This pack will get through this. Stiles might not he out friend right now, but do you honestly think he will hurt you ? Or us ?" Liam numbly looked at me before turnibg to watch the pack get ready for us to leave.
"He isn't planning to hurt us, Scott. He wants to kill us. It's all your fault..." I opened my mouth, but ended up shutting it once more. "You kicked him out of the pack. Now he wants us all dead. He most certainly doesn't care about us. The Mikaelson's are his pack now..."
Fast Forward
No one POV
Scott & his pack ran, as they didn't know when Stiles was going to come after them. One thing was sure in their minds. It was Scott's fault.
What else could they do ? They.had the option to fight back, but how many had to to die for that ? Who pushed Scott in the first place to get him to kick Stiles out ? Why were the Mikaelson's keeping Stiles so close ?
All will be answered in time.
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