No Longer Alone
Stiles POV
I had gotten these texts from Scott saying I'm out of the pack. I slumped to my floor sobs racking through my body. How could tgey do this to me ? Soon enough Mason was calling. I had shut my phone off. I didnt want to hear any of it.
I crawled under my covers. I need to get away from here. Tbis town was poisoning my soul. Beep ! Beep ! Beep ! I cut off my alarm clock and got ready for school. I was up earlier than usual because this was going to be my last day in Beacon Hills.
I walked into Coach's class holding back tears. I sat between Scott and Isaac for the time being. I kept my eyes either trained on the board or my notebook. The bell rang and the pack filled out of the room. I walked up to Coach to resigned from the lacrosse team. "You want to keep your jersey and retire your number? You leaving Stilinski?" I nodded to answer his questions just wanting to leave. "Alright. Come back soon, Stilinski"
That was the nicest Coach has ever been to me. I grabbed my bag and headed for the cafeteria to grab lunch and eat in in my jeep after signing the paperwork for me leaving the school.
I drove out of the school parking lot heading home. I packed me some bags and wrote my father a goodbye leaving it on the table.
I love you, Dad. I will return soon, but not now. This town is draining my soul. I wont stay here only to drive myself insane. Goodbye. Love, Stiles.
I hopped in Roscoe and began to drive. Once I passed the 'Welcome to Beacon Hills' sign I knew I was finally free. I stopped at a motel for a night's rest. I then got the feeling I was being watched. "Dont be scared, Love. Im not gonna hurt you." The beautiful blonde spoke to me causing my hearbeat to calm. What is she doing to me ? What is she ? "Close the door. I've got a propsal for you. Im Rebekah. "
Why have I felt like I've heardd that name before ? "Stiles... Stilinski." Rebekah sat on my bed patting the seat next to her. Your head's way to easy to get into. You shouldnt let your guard down like that." She said fanning her breathe into my ear. "Sit still...dont move or scream."
Next thing I know I feel her teeth sink into my neck. I couldnt do anything. It was like my body wasnt responding. My eyes got blurry before suddenly everything went black.
Eventually I woke up finding Rebekah watching me intently. "Good you're awake. Drink this." She tossed me a bloodbag. It smelt amazing, but at the same time I wanted to vomit. "What am I? What are you?" Rebekah laughed kissing me on my cheek. "Im an original vampire. Im Rebekah Mikaelson. Of the feared Original Family. Yoh however...were born a witch before I turned you onto a vampire."
What she was saying was nonsense. Yet again I was up for anything since Scott abandoned me along with the rest of them. I tried out a spell sending a searing pain through Rebekah's head. "I can still practice magic so...what does that mean ?" Rebekah smiled after regaining her composure. "You're a heretic. A witch that was turned into a vampire. That's why you still have your magic. Drink the blood, Stiles."
I brought the bloodbag to my mouth loving the sensation of the taste. One I went through about 10 bags I was good to go. "What was your propsal ?" Rebekah smiled and showed me a picture of a handsome blonde man with hazel eyes. "This is my brother Niklaus. I have a feeling he's going to like you. What do you say about becoming a Mikaelson ?"
I didnt want to be alone and I already enjoyed Rebekah's company. "How will I become a Mikaelson ?" Rebekah smiled and said the only thing I wasnt expecting to hear. "Simple. We give you our last name, but in return you become my brother's...companion. You respect him. He respects you."
I agreed wanting to be surrounded vy people I knew would never abandon me. "Good choice. Now let's go introduce you to all my siblings."
She drove me to a mansion. Letting us in with no hassle. "Freya ! Elijah ! Nik ! Come to the living room !" Soon enough I was standing next to Rebekah insanely nervous.
This is Rebekah.
Anotger blonde girl smiled before hugging me before hugging Rebekah. "Im Freya. You will be a great heretic, Stiles.
This is who I have recognized as Freya.
I looked around the room catching a picture of two other boys I assume are part of the family. "Who are they ?" Rebekah sighed before answering me. "Tbose are our other brothers. Their names are Kol and Finn. They are dead for the time being." Freya coughed signalling one of the men in the room. "They are asleep. Stop trying to make the boy uncomfortable, Bekah. They'd be here is Klaus hadn't daggered them."
She said giving me a smile.
"Who is your dashing friend, Sister ?" One of the men asked with a thick accent. "This is Stiles. Stiles this is Niklaus." When my eyes met his i was instantly intimidated. This was to be my new family ?
This is who I've come to know as Niklaus. "Wise choice in a friend, Rebekah." She laughed and hugged her other brother. "Thank you, Elijah.
This was who I've come to know as Elijah. "He will be your new companion, Nik. He will take our last name and learn to perfect his magic and vampire senses. He will now be know as the Original Heretic."
Klaus led me to my room which happened to be across from his and next to Rebekah's. "You'll be safe here. Our sister Freya will help you with your magic. Come to me if you need anything " his hazel eyes burned into mine before he turned and briskly walked away. I went into my room falling asleep instantly.
This will be the best I've slept in weeks.
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