Taking back the crown
Melanie's POV
Today was the day. The day when I can have a chance against Jen. She might be 20, but I can tell people why she shouldn't be the queen.
I was woken up by my phone. It was ringing, Dark was calling me.
"Hi. " I said. I was half-asleep.
"Did I wake you up?" He asked.
"No, a bird peed on me. " I said.
"That sucks. " He replied.
"Of course you woke me up! " I said back.
"Geez, sorry. " He said. "But I have a present for you. "
"Present? Dark, it's 1am. " I said.
"Look out of the window! " Then he hung up.
I was still sleepy, but I got out of the bed and looked out of the window. The lights outside made me help to find Dark. When I found him, I saw him holding a big sign, which said 'Happy 16th Birthday! '. I was so happy that I ran downstairs, opened the front door and ran into Dark to give him a hug. I was filled with joy and even tears came from my eyes.
"Thank you Darky! " I said.
"This is the gift. " He said and took out a box from behind him and gave it to me. I opened it and it was a picture with four of us. Dark made this picture when we went hiking to the forest and found a beautiful field and Dark took a selfie, even though, you can't really see the field. We were so happy and goofy. I happened half a year ago. Then I found a beautiful red diamond necklace. I could open it and there was picture of Dark and Me and on the other it said 16. I have never got a better gift than this.
I gave Dark a long kiss, and it turned into French kiss. This was one of the happiest day in my life. Then he pointed up. The dark blue sky was absolutely beautiful. The stairs were shining and the moon was full.
"Thank you so much Dark! " I kissed him again.
"You don't have to say. " He smiled.
I looked into his black and red eyes and I saw that he wanted something too. And I knew what he wanted. We were together for over a year now.
"Why don't you come in? " I asked with a smile. "Jennifer isn't here. "
We came into our castle, went to my room and I put down the gifts. After this Dark attacked me with his lips and it just felt so good. I put my hands behind his neck and my legs around his waist. We didn't break the kiss, just for 3 seconds for air then we instantly continued. He put me on my bed and he was on top of me. He moved his hands lower then looked me in the eyes.
"Can I?"
I was ready. I knew if I don't give him a chance, he won't trust me.
This was the last birthday gift.
Losing my virginity.
It was beautiful. He was gentle, he knew what to do. I knew that I could trust him. We were laying on the bed, nakedly. I rested my head on his chest. He put his arm around me.
"I love you." He kissed my forehead.
"I love you too. " I smiled.
We fell asleep.
- Later that day -
It was 6:30am when my alarm clock woke us up. I opened my eyes and punched my alarm. I rested my head back, but then I felt Dark's hand on my cheek.
"Good morning. " He said.
"Good morning. " I blushed. "I don't want to wake up. "
"You have to. " He replied.
"Why? " I asked.
Then he started to tickle me. He knew my weakness! I tried to grab his hand, but it looked like he grabbed my hands. I was laughing and begging him to stop.
"Okay, okay. I am awake! " He let go of me, then I attacked him.
After this 'fight' we got out of the bed, put on some clothes. I walked down quickly to make breakfast for us. He was still in my room, putting his clothes on. I don't know what took him so long. I made pancakes for us and put down the plate on the table. He (finally) arrived and put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
"What took you so long? " I asked.
"You know, it's not easy to be handsome. " He replied.
"Who said you are handsome?" I giggled.
"You, at night. " He said.
"I don't remember it. " I looked away, hiding my lie.
"Really? Because I think you moaned out: Ohh you handsome fucker!~" He said.
"Shut up." I punched him playfully. "You won't get breakfast! "
"But I get you. " And with that he kissed me.
We sat down and I started to think. I knew that Jen said she will come home next day, but when. Like afternoon? I was worried when will she open the door and yell at us and send the guards at us. Thank god it didn't happen.
After breakfast we walked to school, holding hands. The sky was light blue with the white clouds and the shining sun. But our pale skins could take it.
While walking to school, there were a few posters...about Jen.
"The next generation is here!
Jennifer Sarah Lola Leyva will be your new queen from tomorrow!
You are probably thinking about: Will it be different from the other Leyvas?
The answer is yes! She will make the kingdom more colorful and shiney for all the citizens! But the laws all the same! And remember: If you break the law, the queen will break you! "
I have never thought that it is already time. I remember her saying that when she will be the queen, she will give me my punishment what I deserve. I was a little bit afraid what will she do.
"Is something wrong? " Dark asked. He saw my reaction for the poster.
"Nothing, let's just go to school. " I said looking away.
"I hope nothing will happen to you. " He said.
"W-What do you mean by that? " I looked at him.
"That you won't be punished by her." He said.
"Wait... How did he...? "
"You don't need to think about it. "He smirked.
"Come on! " I giggled.
"Every demon has a power, what do you think what is mine? " He looked at me.
"Really? " I smiled.
"And other thing, but that's not important. " He said.
We arrived at school and I saw Wishu and Anti-J sitting and chatting on the grass.
When they saw us Wishu stood up and ran to me to give me a hug.
"HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY! " She almost yelled.
"Thanks girl. " I smiled.
Anti-J gave me a hug too and they gave something. A present.
"Come on guys, you shouldn't have to." I told them.
I opened it and it was a handmade bracelet. It was cute!
"Thank you so so much! " I hugged them and put the jewelry on my wrist.
We went inside the building and we saw the posters as me and Dark saw on the way to school. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't terrified, just a little bit, but at the same time shocked. She really wanted the attention.
We went to our first class which was P.E. I really fucking hated it. Not because you have to do something, only because the teacher was a fucking jerk.
We changed into our clothes and the teacher decided to go outside and make us run 10 laps. We were running the laps when the teacher yelled at me saying that more 5 laps for Melanie. WTF?!
Well, after 15 laps we went to play soccer and the girls were against boys. There were more boys than girls but the teacher didn't care as usual. We started to play, a girl kicked the ball than passed then kicked and the same stuff. I tried to get the ball, but they just ignored me even when I yelled at them. Then I got the ball and kicked it into the net... No-one said anything. Bullshit. After the lesson I was upset, I could have use my power but I was kind this time.
In the changing room the girls were talking about me and Wishu. They were talking so loud about it that the whole school could hear it.
"And she freaking thinks that if she kicks the ball into the net she will get respect. What a bitch. " Vivian said.
"If you think that talking about me right in front of me makes me sad or something, then you thought it wrong. I am 100% fine and I don't give a damn fuck about you. " And by this I turned around and left the room.
"Such a whore. " She said.
"Sorry darling, but I am not a mirror." I said.
Me and Wishu were walking down the hallway when we got into our number one enemy.
"Oh, hi Tamara. " I said.
"What do you want? Get lost! " And she fast walked away. Strange.
- Later -
The posters were still all around the school, almost like it was the wallpaper. I saw her ugly face everywhere. Our next lesson was I.T.
We sat in front of the computers, but our teacher was ill so another one was in her place and she said we can do whatever we want. So I went to YouTube for some music to listen to, but only videos about my sis were found. They were about what she wants and what she will accomplish. She mentioned me one of her speech.
"As I said, my dangerous 'sister' will not see the outside just like other demons. This is a human world for mankind, not for demons who can kill and destroy everything. We don't want to wake up like there is something outside that can kill us or don't want our children to live their lifes in fear, do we? Then after the 16th birthday of my 'sister' she will be locked into her room or does anyone have any other suggestions? That's what like, nobody. So tomorrow will be the day, when I officially be your queen and leader. "
I thought I will faint. Lock me in my room? That meant the next day. The good thing was that the class ended quickly and it was our last one so we could go home. I didn't want to. I wanted to spend the afternoon with my friends and my boyfriend. I asked them if they heard about it. Sadly, they did.
"You don't have to worry, we will escape before she will get the crown. " Anti-J said.
"Where? To Dark's kingdom? You know she can go wherever she wants to. "I told him.
"And I can't leave my family here. We could finally managed to pay the rent and have enough food for a month. " Wishu said. "I would rather fight than run away from the enemy. "
"But she isn't just a queen, she is my sister who can be a big bitch and brutal. " I told them."There was one time when she beated a maid. "
"Dude what the heck? " Dark said.
"We will help you escape-"
"We don't need to escape, we need to ruin her. " I said.
"You mean murder her, right? " Dark asked.
"What? No... Maybe. " I said.
We were sitting on a bench in the park, talking about politics. This is not how I had plans. I thought that we will have fun and stuff, but instead of it, we are talking about what will happen if Jen will be the queen. But then...
"I GOT AN IDEA! " I yelled.
"Jesus! " Anti-J said.
"What is it? " Dark asked.
"If we will get locked anyway, why don't we do act like a rebel teen demon? " I told them my plan.
"That's a really good plan. Tonight? " Anti-J said.
"Behind school? " Wishu asked.
"Around 11pm? " Dark asked.
"It is planned then! " I said.
We went home after this and we were getting ready for tonight. I was wearing my ripped jeans, black shirt, plaid shirt (I wore it as a jacket) and black Converse shoes and my snap back of course. Jen still wasn't at home, she was with her boyfriend, again.
It was only 9pm and I was hell bored. I didn't know what to do until 11pm. I was thinking about my demon power, if I would try it out.
I was in the kitchen, above the sink. I was trying to concentrate. I put my hand out because I didn't know if it would work with it. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I felt something and I opened my eyes to see it. The knives were floating but there was like black smoke. I didn't know what to do or say that time. Then I put my hands down and the knives fell on the ground. Then I had an idea. I ran onto the roof and looked down. I was gonna do it. I have let myself fall into the air. I saw a few people walking by, they didn't really care. My head was about to touch the ground but I used my demon power to float and fly away. I was flying between the clouds. The stairs gave me a beautiful view, but then I knew that it will be taken away from me.
I went back to the castle and it was almost 10:30pm. I knew I can't be late, we couldn't waste any time. I went behind the school and I saw no-one. I was early.
A few minutes later I saw Dark. He was with Anti-J. I waved at them and later Wishu joined us. We went to the center of the city. We had graffiti, drinks and other stuffs. We knew this night was gonna be one of the best night in our life. The whole city hated us, so we knew we could do anything.
First we threw eggs and toilet papers at houses, threw smoke bombs into alleys, made some fire, sent some coke into the air with mentos, did some graffiti on the walls. Then the most fun part came when we used our powers. Wishu was flying in the air and giving the spooks to the sleeping people, Dark threw rocks at the windows by his power, Anti-J turned water into green acid liquid and I? I messed with the lights outside and inside of the houses. We showed them what happens when someone messes with us.
Later we saw a few boys walking to us.
"Are you trying to be cool?" One of the boys asked.
"Do you have a problem with that?" Dark asked.
"We are the king of this street, so you go or you will get beaten up." The boy said.
"Beaten up? That's hilarious." Anti-J said while smoking. "But seriously, we are better than you."
"Do you know who are you talking to?" The other boy asked.
"I could kill you anytime I want boi!" Anti-J dropped his cigarette and stepped on it.
"We will murder your faces and rape your girls-"
Dark punched the boy in the face and lights started to fade a little bit. The other guy started to fight with Dark and Anti-J, while two other guys tried to grab me and Wishu and molest us. I tried to punch them, but it was hard since they were behind us. I stepped on the boy's feet and he groaned in pain. I kicked him in the dick and by that he fell onto the ground. I started to kick him in the stomach, every kick was stronger than the other. He was puking blood and I couldn't help myself. I kneeled down to his level and broke both of his arm slowly and painfully, then took his nails out. His screams just made things even more fun. The blood was on the ground, on him and his clothes. Sadly I didn't have a knife with me, so I had to use a sharp rock instead. I was stabbing him with rock in the belly and the neck again and again and again and again. That son of a bitch was still breathing so I pierced his eye. I felt something that I haven't felt in years. I found joy in killing and torturing people slowly and painfully. I licked the blood off my hands and my face and started laughing.
"It's enough."
Dark said this which made me turn around and look at him. I lost my sanity for seconds, maybe minutes. The other guys weren't here anymore, so they learned a lesson. Three guys survived out of four. They messed with us so they deserved it. I looked at myself.
"This isn't the first for me doing this. It felt the same when I did this with my parents." I told them. "I-I couldn't help myself." I felt the damn tears on my face. Dark came to me and hugged me.
"It's okay, we know you too well." He said.
"Thank you." I said.
We put the body into the acid and it disappeard, so we left no clue. We started to walk in the silence. I heard a few people screaming a little because of the spookiness we gave them. It was funny to be honest. We were just walking under the dark blue sky when we heard footsteps, a lot. It sounded like the guards. We knew we had to hide, so we hid behind boxes in an alley. They were looking for us already?! They went into houses, searched for us but they didn't succed.
We needed to go the castle instantly. We went out and made our way. We had to be careful where we put our feet. People were going to the castle too. Why? We were mostly walking in the shadows. We arrived and a lot of people were there... with torches and sharps things. They were shouting things like demons must die, they are killers and stuff like that. Jennifer was standing on the balcony, trying to calm the crowd down, but she didn't really succed. Minutes later the crowd shut up and payed attention to Jen.
"People, I told you that when I will have the crown on my head, I will lock all the demons away and everyone can live a happy life. And the good news are that many and many people said I should get the crown right now! So, in my hands, I am holding your future and I promise, this kingdom will change. " And by that she put the crown on her head.
We knew that this was the end of our journey. At least I spent my last hours with my friends.
"THE MONSTERS ARE THERE!!" A man yelled and pointed at us.
They were throwing their stuffs at us, but Anti-J and Dark made a shield with their power to keep us safe. I made some dark smoke to have a chance to run away. It actually worked, but a few guards were faster than us. I was holding Dark's hand while we tried to run away, but a guard grabbed my hand tried to pull me back.
I couldn't hold Dark's hand so our hands fell apart. He looked back and I said: Run away.
I couldn't hold my tears again, but tried to escape and go after my friends. But even they couldn't run away, in the forest they were caught and brought back. We were taken into the castle, the guards put handcuffs on us and we were kneeling in front of the new queen. She was walking to us slowly while the people behind us were screaming for our death. Thanks.
"Did you make the town scream?" Jen asked me.
"Don't lie to me!" She slapped me. Dark tried to escape, but the guard held him back.
"Why do you care? You will lock me in my room anyway." I gave a deadly stare.
"Did you really thought that I will lock you in your room? I made a whole room by cold bricks for, with chains on the wall, no furniture, just one window and of course with grids. It's only for you. Your stupids friends will be sent to different part of the kingdom, not the world. Oh and Dark, your kingdom is mine, your parents are fucking dead. " She said.
I freezed for seconds. I will be under the castle behind grids and with no sunshine. She wasn't fucking joking years ago. And Dark's parents? Did she freaking killed them?! I just couldn't believe what she said minutes before. But before I could realize what she said I heard Dark and the others screaming. I turned around I saw them being taken away.
"Noooo!! Don't take them away!!
These were my last words before I was taken away too. I didn't know what will come after this, but one thing was sure, I will not survive this. Then I heard Jen's words again.
"Happy birthday."
Hello everyone!
I am still alive (idk how) but this chapter took a while write and i just wanna say a big thank to you guys for over 500 reads!! Kisses for every single one of you!
But as i said, i tried to write every day and it's working a little bit, but the my fav parts will happen in the next chapters.
But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to Vote-Comment-Share!
And I will see you in the next chapter! Bye 👋 and smooches 😘
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