Punches and Fortune
Melanie's POV
- 4 months later -
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
All I could hear was the clock above the door, but I didn't know the time. I have completely lost my mind. I didn't get many food or drink, Jen tortured me every 2nd day and all I could watch is the sunrise and sunset. When it was dark, there was a candle so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. I didn't really cried, I accepted my fate. If I cried, I would cry because I missed Dark and I hated myself for being a demon. The maids couldn't do anything, because they knew if they try to help me, they will die. All day my hands were chained and so my legs, and I was laying or sitting on the ground. It would have been useless for me to stand up. I lost everything. My life, my soulmate, my friends and myself.
Rainy day, around 10am. Water was coming down a little from that little window. If I could reach it, I could drink it. My dressed had holes and ripped parts because I ate it. I was so hungry, I was literally starving. All I had in my head was suicidal thoughts. If I could commit suicide, I would be free. But I stayed. Stayed for Dark. I couldn't leave him in this world without a girl who can understand him the most. We both know that the time will come when we will be free.
"What are thinking about?" I heard Jen's disgusting voice.
"Shut the fuck up. " I said quietly.
"What?" She asked back.
"How rude." She said. "I just wanted to remind you about your appointment."
"What appointment?" I asked.
"Are you kidding me? Did you already forget it?" She laughed. "Some scientists will come here and try to connect your brain to computer to help me find the orb."
"I need to forget it, I need to destroy this memory."
"And I told them to make this machine torture you while it is connected to you." She said.
"Fuck you." I said.
Jennifer walked back and I was alone again. But then I saw two people walking by the window.
"C'mon Stevie, it is not a big thing to do." A girl said, it wasn't Jen, this girl had higher voice.
"Zara, I told you many, many times that I have to fake this. You don't get it." Steve said, I knew I heard his voice.
"I understand it, but I am getting very impatient. You have been with her for months now." Zara said.
"Are you jealous?" Steve said.
"Of course! You fucked her many times-"
"But only, because I wanted her to trust me. " Steve said. "If Melanie dies, Jen will have no problem and that's gonna be the time when we get into the story."
"But Jen doesn't want Melanie to die, she just wants to torture her." Zara told him.
"Then we have to kill her."
Okas, that was too much for me. So many people really want my death, huh? Or just our fortune. But that's not gonna happen. Since I've heard that Jen is a fake girlfriend for Steve, she will murder him and his real girlfriend. But how am I gonna tell her?
"That sounds fun." Zara said.
"Then let's look around the castle." And they walked away.
Since I've had chains around my wrists and ankles, I couldn't leave this place. So I had to do something else. I knew shouting would do nothing, so I need to find something that could open my locks. The keys were with Jen, I had no weapons, I had nothing to open these things... But maybe I can use my demon powers?
I tried to focus, but it didn't seem to work, so I tried harder. After minutes I heard sounds from the chains, but I just moved them, not unlocked them. I had to try again and again til I can. Maybe after like 30 minutes one of them actually unlocked and my hand was free and my wrist felt relaxed, even though there was a big red circle around my wrist. Well, it has been 5 months. So, since my right arm was free, I tried to find something useful near me, and I saw the candle and I got an idea. I tried to reach it, but my hand was inches away from it.
"C'mon, just a little bit more!"
"It's just over there!"
I almost reached it, the top of my finger touched it, but I heard the door open, so I had to get back. My ankles hurt really badly.
"You know Steve, I didn't know you were interested seeing almost dead animals. " I heard giggle. Maybe this was the chance to tell her.
"Just look at her, she looks like she is about to die, funny." Jen said.
"Don't be ridiculous, please. Steve is one of the nicest guy on the planet. Don't lie to me, bitch." She said.
"Jen, I heard him talking with an other girl named Zara. They just want our fortune!" I said and Steve didn't look very happy.
"Why would I cheat on this queen?" Steve said. Liar.
"Because all you care about is the money!" I just couldn't stand his face.
"Enough of this bullshit!" Jen yelled. "Steve, I would appreciate it if you go upstairs. I have some business to do."
I wasn't scared of her torturing me, I was used to it.
"Jen, you are making a mistake!" I yelled.
"You are a mistake, shut up!" She said.
She fast walked into the cell and went straight to me. She didn't look like she had anything with her, so I knew she is gonna kick me. She slapped so hard that I could barely pretend that my hand was still chained. She slapped me again and again. I spit out blood and my nose was bleeding. She was now punching me. I didn't beg for her to stop.
"How does this feel bitch!" She said into my face and spit on my face.
I thought that this was enough. I was angry and mad at her, and by that she started to float and she put her hands on her neck. I didn't realize that my hand was out. I was using my demon power to kill her. I was choking her until her face was purple. Suddenly I heard that the iron door opened, so I stoppes choking Jen. She fell on the ground and tried to breathe. She couldn't stand up. I thought Steve came back, but no, it was one of the maids. She opened the cell door and ran to Jennifer.
"Queen Jennifer, what happened to you?" She asked.
"She tried to kill me!" She yelled. "Bring the knives!"
"But Que-"
The maid ran out and came back with a table full of knives. Should I regret what I did?
"Just stay there, bitch." Jen stood up and went to the table. The maid went back and left us here.
"I am not scared of you anymore!" I yelled. "I can do-" I was cut off.
Jennifer threw a sharp knife right into my chest. The knife was right under my heart. I just looked down and started coughing blood out. It was coming down from my mouth to ghe ground and my dress. She threw another knife which went to my thigh. The next one went into my hand which was free, but it was on the wall now with a knife in it. The other one went into my stomach. She didn't stop, she really took a revenge on me. The next one went into my elbow, but from the thin skin part. I was screaming now. She walked to me and looked at me.
"This isnt over." She said and left me there with the knives in my body.
I tried to move my hands somehow. I wasn't that weak, so I could use my power. And I did so. I was focusing on my hand and the knife and it moved an inch. Then another and another. Minutes later the knife actually fell on the floor and my hand was free again. But my nose was bleeding again. I tried to take out the other knives and I started with the one under my heart. I was trying to be very careful and I got it out. Then my thigh and elbow and other parts. Maybe it took like an hour. I lost so much blood again. I never thought I had that much blood, since I became super skinny. I remembered that I wanted to use the candle or the candlestick to open the other chain. I was out of energy and blood. I could barely do anything. That's why I closed my eyes, again.
- 1 year later -
"Wake up whore!" I heard a yell which woke me up from my dream. As I opened my eyes I saw an ugly creature, my sister.
"MAIDS!" She screamed.
Two maids came and opened my cell door. They went to me and unlocked my chains. They were actually dragging me out and we were walking next to Jen.
"So, did you sleep well?" She asked sarcastically.
"I slept 2 hours, what do you think?" I replied.
She didn't answer back, it wasn't a problem to me, but the problem to me was that, I didn't know where was she taking me.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked.
"Do you remember that doctor appointment I was talking about a year ago, but that didn't happen because making the machine took them months to make?" She said.
"Oh, no."
"Yeah." I said.
"So that's what happening." She said, happily?
We finally arrived to the castle hall and there was this bih machine. I had to las down and they tied my hands and ankles and my neck. They put these circle things on my forehead and around my head. There were like 10 people in white clothes. They had papers in their hands.
"The machine starts in 30 seconds." One of them said.
I was looking up and I could see was brightness. They were counting down and in every second I was getting more and more nervous.
"Pull the lever!"
First I had a shocking feeling, it was shocking me. I felt my body got out of control. My eyes and nose was bleeding, saliva was coming out of my mouth. I turned my hands into fists. I tried to break free, but I failed. Then I felt my head became heavier and everything became blurry(face). Everything was white now. Bright white. I woke up in a room, bright white walls around me. Not walls, endless room. I was in a bright white room in my black dress. I looked healthy, before Jen put me in the cell.
"Hello?" I said. It echoed.
"Hello!" I heard from a distance. This voice seemed familiar. Could it be...
"Dark!" I yelled. "Is that you?"
"Melanie?!" He yelled back. It was him. "WHERE ARE YOU?"
I didn't know how to answer that. So I started to run. "Dark, keep talking! I will run to you!"
"That's what I am doing, running!" We were shouting.
We were shouting and I was running for minutes now, when I heard that his voice became louder and louder. I saw a black dot in the distance.
I was running as fast as I could. Now I saw his full body, he was a few meters away. We were 5 meters away from each other. I spread my arms out for en embrace, but we didn't reach each other. We were about to meet, but an invisible wall was between us. I couldn't help, but cry. I put my hands on the wall and Dark put his on the same spot.
"No..." I cried out.
"It's gonna be alright, everything is going to be okay..." I saw tears on his cheeks too.
"Dark, I love you."
"I love you too, my sweetheart."
"GUYS!!" An Irish voice. "IT'S ME! ANTI-J!"
"ANTI!" A Danish voice. "IT'S WISHUNIGHT!"
So the whole squad was here.
"WE ARE HERE!" I yelled.
We saw two figures running towards us. But they met with the invisible wall too.
"What?" Wishu said.
"What the heck is this shit?" Anti-J said while touching the wall.
"Guys, we need to calm down." I said. "The only way to get out of here is to tell Jen where the orb is."
"That orb which tell the future or something?" Anti-J asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"No." Dark said. "If you tell Jen about it, she will kill you, and I don't want that, none of us."
"Dark, I would die instead of starving, being tortured and beaten up again. Do you know what I have been through?" I told him.
"All of us had benn through that Melanie." Wishu said.
"What if we lie?" Anti-J suggested.
"That could work, maybe." I said.
"So, where is exactly the orb?" Dark asked.
"I hid in the cleaning closet. Under the second shelf, open a door and a letter will guide you down. It's in a tight space, just go down and down until you see another tiny door, but you can only find it if you keep touching the wall. You open it and you have it." I told them.
"We should say that we hid it under the throne?" Wishu said.
"Or maybe under the roof, in a tiny space?" Dark said.
"Or in the kitchen?" Anti-J said.
"Let's combine them. The roof below the throne in a tiny space." I said.
"That's sounds like you worked on it." Dark said.
"Then let's do it, and before we go. Do you guys where are you?" I asked.
"I don't know, honestly. " Anti-J said.
"They put a blindfold on us and they dragges us apart." Wishu said.
The wall between four of us was the worst. I could have meet my friends, but nooo, there was a wall saying: fuck you.
"We have to go now. " Dark said. "I'll miss you guys."
"Me too." I said with tears.
"Guys, we still have hope." Wishu said.
"The hope is like a tiny light in the dark space. To be honest." Anti-J said.
"WHAT DO YOU HAVE RUIN THE MOOD?!" Wishu said and me and Dark giggled.
"I love you guys, so much." I said.
The walls started to move us backwards. It took us apart even more.
"Guys! NOOOO!" I screamed. I didn't hear them, but all of us was trying to push the walls, we failed.
I woke up and saw light. I was blinking and tried to move my legs and arms. Then I remembered I was tied.
"How was your trip? We recorded everything." Jen smiled at me while I was trying to see something.
I finally saw something and it was a computer in front of me. They pressed the play button and it started. I was on this machine bed and it was shocking me. It stopped and I was laying there as a lifeless body. Then my saliva (a lot, just way too much) came out of my mouth. Then I started to talk.
Cleaning room.
Tiny place.
I shouldn't have said the last word. Then I started to scream and blood was coming out of my eyes, nose, ears, mouth, nails, just everywhere. (I didn't have my period, you pervert). Then I woke up.
"Oh fuck." I pretended that I failed and laid back... into the pond of my own blood. Euw.
"Guards!" Jen yelled and they knew what to do. They brought a ladder and tried to reach the roof, they succeed, but they didn't find any door. Oh what a shame. Then they were thinking.
"She said something about the cleaning room and a shelf." Jennifer said and sent the guards.
They were pushing the shelves and one of them found the tiny door. I was a little worried.
But then it happened, they found it, the door.
- to be continued -
Hey everyone!
It's almost Christmas, aren't you excited? Ohh and winter break, the best. Away from school... And my classmates. But! I have been okay with my anxiety, so i am chill now, i hope. But since winter break is in 4 days, i will have more time (yes, i will have, but not a life) to write. Currently I am working on this book, YouTube High School and a secret project (i am not gonna tell ya 😁😋😜). Lot of work to do (i didn't sign up for this.
But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to Vote-Comment-Share!
I will see you in the next chapter!
Bye 👋 and smooches 😘
P.S.: Did you guys watched the Cringemas Livestream, it was so good *-* especially when Jack did an impression of Pewds XD (sorry for the mistakes)
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