My prize for being a demon
Melanie's POV
It has been a week or so, since I have been under the castle, chained to the cold brick wall and seeing cold grids opposite of me. The window was on the other of the grids far away from me. It was small, near the ceiling and with grids.
I was in my black dress that I used to wear as a princess. I hated it. I had a few bruises, cuts on me. I was too weak to use my power against Jen. She tried to torture me, but she didn't know how so she just punched and kicked me.
And my friends? I know nothing about them. I miss them so fucking much. Dark's kiss, Wishu's laugh and Anti-J's comebacks. I heard the big iron door opening every day. Even though the door wasn't in my view.
Sometimes I heard a few people talking about how bad this kingdom is, because Jen made it worse. People are even poorer than they have ever been. And more laws were made of course.
For example:
All girls must have long hair, short hair is BANNED.
All men has to be in military minimum for a year.
Woman can't have more than 2 children.
Who tries to leave the kingdom will be dead instantly.
Who tries to kill anyone will be dead instantly.
Children MUST go to elementary school, high school then collage/university.
Smoking, doing drugs, drinking alcoholic drinks, stealing, hurting someone (bullying, abusing etc) and raping are ILLEGAL.
Gay marriage is ILLEGAL. This means no gay people in this kingdom!
Breaking the law means DEATH.
Hospitals must cure people in a month.
Women MUST wear skirts or dresses, women wearing pants or jeans are ILLEGAL.
A child can't have a phone until the age of 15.
No sex until marriage.
All fast food restaurants are BANNED.
ONLY one computer and TV per house.
Do you wanna hear more? Because I don't want to talk more about it.
So you can imagine how life is here. It has only been a week and 10 people died already. Jen said, they probably deserved it. She is killing innocent people. But why should I care? I am underground where no-one can find me, so why should I care about people who hate me. Whatever.
I heard the door open. Footsteps by high heels, they were getting louder and louder. Then I saw my sister's ugly face.
"How you doing? " She asked.
"Why do you even care? You took everything from me that I loved! " I yelled at her.
"You did the same years and years ago. This is called revenge. " She said.
She opened the door and stepped into my hell room. But she had something with her. A knife? She can use a knife?
"Are you going to kill me? " I asked.
"You are really funny today. Why would I kill you? " She went to my level.
"Because you hate as much as the people hate you. " I said. She slapped me so hard that she left her red hand mark on my face.
"I just want you to suffer. "
"I am suffering since I was born, so you kinda failed actually. "
I knew that I was making fun of her, and as I knew her too well, she was angry. I knew if someone makes fun of her, the person actually dies in that minute.
"I will torture until you will beg for me to stop it." She said.
"Oh no, I am so scared. " I said sarcastically.
"You son of bitch! " She slapped me again.
This was the point when the torture started.
She made the chains tighter which made me stood up. There were chains on my ankles, I was literally on the wall, above the floor. Then Jen stabbed me in the elbow. I screamed so fucking loud because that was one of my weak spot. Then my other elbow. Then my knees. She made sure I won't be able to walk. The blood was dripping down to the floor and it became a little pond almost. Then the next one was my nails. She pulled my nails off one by one. More blood. The pain that I felt was horrible. And when my nails disconnected from my fingers just made me scream even louder. Since I was a demon, I could heal faster then humans. But I can hold it back, so I can heal any time I want, if I have enough power. The next thing she did, was that she pulled my tongue out and cut it off. The blood came out like the Niagara. I was still screaming, not begging.
"Why aren't you begging? Isn't it painful? " She smiled.
I spit blood onto her face which made her even more angrier. She grabbed the knife and put it in my belly, but with strength, so much of it. And she was doing it all over again. Maybe 8 times. Then she got a better idea. She made a long cut on my belly and one at the top of the cut and one at the bottom of the cut. She opened my fucking belly! She put acid stuff there, even lemon juice which can hurt like hell. I was screaming, crying but I still didn't beg for her. Blood was on me, on my dress, on the wall, on the floor, on Jen. She closed my belly and made me fell onto the ground. It hurt so much, I groaned in pain.
"If you think that you will survive this shit, you thought it wrong. I will beat and torture the shit out of you. For me, for Mom and Dad and for my people. " She said.
She started to kick me in the stomach, so it was very, very painful to feel her leg on my insides. She even kicked me in the eye, head, leg and back. Then the punches. She started to punch me in the face and a few teeth fell out with some blood of course. She even held my head for her punches. I felt my eyes bleeding. It wasn't what I felt as a I child when I went insane, it was different. It was painful actually. When she finished, she was tired. She was looking at me, how did I look. Since I was on the ground, my hands on the wall, she put the knife into my right palm so it stayed on the cold wall.
"Disgusting. " She walked out of the 'room' and went back to the castle.
I started crying. I was crying because of what happened and what was happening. I was being tortured by the queen who is my sister and who knows what happened to my friends.
I started to think. Think about what would Neoma say to me. After my parents' death, I visited her a few times. She was always right and now, I don't even know if she is alive. Because there was an accident in the past.
- Flashback -
I was 14 years old and I was on my way to Neoma. She said she has a surprise for me. We built a great friendship, if we could call that, I visited her once a week. She always told what to do and who should I look out for. We could always talk about everything.
I entered in her place and she was sitting on her chair, as usual. She had a gift in her hands.
"What is that in your hands?" I asked with a smile.
"It is for you, my darling." And she handed it to me.
I opened it and it was a cape with a hood. I liked it. It was in dark green.
"Thank you so much Neoma!" I said and put it on.
"You don't have to say that." She said.
I sat down on my usual place and we started talking about the future. She was one one those people who I could trust. Then we heard something. We heard knocking and footsteps.
"Who is there?" She said. "Melanie, go out through the back door." She whispered.
She knew something wasn't alright and I did as she said. I escaped through the back door and saw a bunch of guards at the front door. I wanted to go back and tell her, but I knew it was too late. I was hiding and I heard that they broke into her place and took her out. She couldn't stand on her legs, they were taking her away, I didn't know where, but from me.
- end of the flashback -
I still had that hood, but I didn't really wear it. Later I tried to take out the knife, but I was weak. My wounds started to heal a little bit, I tried to take the knife out again. She put the knife so hard and deep in my hand. It took me like 30 minutes to pull it out. I hid the knife in my dress. She won't came back until tomorrow, I guess.
I was looking at the window, which was far away from me. I could see the full white moon on the dark blue sky. I knew I was hopeless and that I will lose my life sooner or later.
I was looking at the ground and I saw my tears fell on the ground. I was sobbing, again.
"DARK! WHERE ARE YOU?! " I yelled. I knew no-one could hear it.
I stood up and tried to walk, but the chains held me back. But I didn't stop. Something made me stood up again. And I did this like a hundred or maybe thousand times, I don't know. But every time I fell, I felt something. I felt that I couldn't give up. It looked like the grids were close to me, but in reality, they weren't.
Later I knew if I keep doing this, I will just hurt myself over and over again. But isn't that what I deserved? The pain what I caused. I hurt so many people, but just because they hurt me.
I have tried to cut the chains with the knife but it was pointless.
"Hey Jen! " I yelled at the top of my lungs. "If you can hear me, I just wanna say: FUCK YOU! YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! I WISH YOU WOULDN'T BORN AT ALL! THE WORLD WOULD BE HAPPIER WITHOUT YOU! I HATE YOU, EVERYONE HATES YOU! " This was something I wanted to say for a very long time. I knew that I will die eventually, so why not do things that I couldn't do before.
- 2 months later -
"Tell me, where is it?! " Jen yelled at me and stabbed me again.
"I will not tell you, and if you kill me, you will not know anything. " I smirked.
"I will torture you, I will make you suffer even more! " She put another big and sharp nail in my knee.
"AAAAAAAAHHH!! " I didn't beg for her, I wasn't that weak.
"Tell me you whore, TELL ME! " She put the knife to my neck.
"I will never tell you, even if you threaten me." I said.
"Ohh, really. Then what about this? " She brought her iPad with her. On the screen there was Dark. Blood around him, just like I had. A big pond of blood around us, because of the torture we had.
"Let him fucking go. " I said.
"Why? " She giggled. "He did so much wrong to this world, and so did you. You and he deserved this. And THIS! " She put a sharp nail into my finger. I had more than 20 nails in my body. In my elbow, knee, fingers, ears.
But let me tell why was she torturing me.
It happened a week ago, when she was so stressed about everything that she didn't leave her room. She knew that in the castle there was an orb which can tell the future. Jen was worried about her relationship, about me escaping and killing her, about her kingdom, just about everything. I used that orb a lot of times, but then I hid it. So she started looking for it, but she couldn't find it and she knew that I hid it somewhere.
"So, here is a deal. You will tell me where is the orb and I will not hurt Dark. So? " She turned to me.
"I know you too well. You will hurt Dark anyway, even if I tell you where is the orb. We are demons, so you torture us. " I told her. "And that is a puppet. Dark has red hair, not pitch black, so you kinda fucked it up."
"You sack of shit! " She put another nail in me, but this time, into my head.
My head was bleeding heavily. I started to fade. I knew if I scream, it will be pointless, so I stayed quiet. But the pain didn't. When she just put it in my head with a hammer, I instantly knew that this will be my death. The pain didn't stop, I could see the blood, I even licked it off.
"Why aren't you screaming?! " She was stabbing my head with another nail over and over again. I think I lost the half of my blood from my body, honestly.
"Would it change anything? " I said.
"Yes. It would make me happy. " She said.
Blood was everywhere. On her dress, face, hands, tools, wall, a big pond on the floor, on my body, face, just everywhere.
"You won't tell me, will you? " She asked.
"What do you think? " I said.
"Well then. " She said.
She pointed a gun right at my forehead.
"Pull it. What are you waiting for? Do you want me to beg? I am not that weak. " I said. "So why don't you pull the trigger? You can do it right now, if you really want to. But let me tell you again: if you kill me, you will never know where the orb is. " I said.
She actually pulled the trigger, but she shot me in the stomach. I screamed, this was the first when someone shot me. Then she shot me in the knee, both of them.
I was dying. I was loosing so much blood, I had so many sharp tools in me, I was shot. But I was trying to stay alive, trying to fight against closing my eyes.
"Don't you fucking dare closing your eyes! " Jen slapped me and I opened my eyes.
"You can torture me forever, but I will never tell you where it is." I spit blood at her face.
"That is enough!" She yelled.
She went back to her lil' desk and brought a few tools. The sharpest blades, cables, electricity cable, scissors and a bucket of water. She wrapped the cables around the nails which were in my knees and wrists and ankles. Then she poured the water on me. I knew what was she going to do. She walked to a puller which was on the wall.
"Tell me, how does it feel to be electric shocked." And she pulled the puller.
All I could see was light. My body was shaking, my mouth was closed and my eyes were wide open. The water made it worse, so it went through my body for sure. I felt something near my eyes. Like something was dripping from my eyes. I couldn't look down, I could only look forward. I could hear Jen was laughing evilly. After 5 minutes of this, she stopped and walked to me.
"So?" She looked at me. "Ohh, what is this? Just blood from your eyes, nothing much."
I spit blood at her and the disgust on her face was everything. It worth it. She got upset (obviously) and she grabbed a very sharp blade. She was walking to me slowly, just to make me scared. She placed the blade near my heart, I think she could feel the beats. The she stabbed me under my heart and cut my chest slowly. The blade was deep in my bust and the blood was just coming out, nothing could stop it. There was a big and deep line on my chest, also blood. I was half dead at this point. I felt like I am falling (SO I'M TAKING MY TIME ON MY RIIIIIDE sorry :P). My head seemed heavy everytime. Whenever I tried to close my eyes, Jen always slapped me. The worst part came. She grabbed the scissors, walked back and looked at me with a smirk on her face. I still didn't beg for her, but I wasn't ready for this. She put her hand and the sciccors into my bust and she was looking for something to cut. She was making cicrles with her wrist and the sharp sciccors made my inside bleed even more. Then she found her perfect spot and started to cut with the sciccors. She didn't where she was, she was just moving the sciccors. I was screaming like hell, but not for help. Later she got bored and tried to do something new. She put out her hand and the sciccors, she cleaned it a little then looked at me again. It made me stare at her, which was a really bad idea, because the next thing she did, was that she put the shear into my left eye. She left it there for a few seconds then pull it out with my eye on it! I couldn't even say anything now. Blood was coming from my eye, nose, mouth, chest, arms, legs. Blood was on me, on the wall, on Jen, on every tool.
"So?" She looked at her tool. "You still won't talk about it? Well then..."
Jen was about to stab me, but a maid came.
"Queen, if you stab her, you will kill and you won't be able to know where the orb is. So I suggest you to stop, for now." The maid said.
"You are right Gabrielle." She said.
And by that, she picked up all her tools from the ground and took out all the things that she put in me. It felt great but painful at the same time. Blood came out like the Niagara. I think I didn't have much blood in my body after this. She put her gloves and coat off.
"Take her down." She said. The maid pressed a button and I fell on the ground with massive pain, well I fell into the big pond of my own blood. She went down to my level and grabbed the back of my head.
"How does it taste? Good? I will give one week to heal, because I will come back next week and torture the shit out of you. I want you to scream for help, I want you to beg for me to stop." She said.
"You know what's funny? You are just like your parents, they tortured people in the same way, so you are not very creative, heh." I said.
"Shut the hell up." And she dropped my head.
She stood up and walked back upstairs. Two maids came into the cell, one of them help me up and put the chains onto my wrists and ankles. I was on the wall a few minutes ago, chains around my wrists, ankles and neck. So now I was sitting on the ground. The other maid tried to clean up the blood from the floor, wall and the torture wall. I also got some bandages on my body. They knew that this will happen, so they gave me some of their blood. I felt a liltte bit better, but I was still weak. I could barely move and even if I moved, it hurt like hell. I knew that I was so close to die, but Jen didn't let me because of that fucking orb. And this wasn't the first big torture, it happened like once or twice.
Maybe an hour later, the maids left the cell, leaving me alone. They left food for me with water. I could lay on the ground and do whatever I wanted. And all I did was crying. I knew that if this keeps going, I won't live a long life. I was only 16 and other 16 years old teens are going to parties and stuff. But I was just suffering in cell.
"Dark..." I sighed. " I love you..." And I closed my eyes.
Okay so before you ask something, i was trying really hard to write this torture down like in the first book and i don't know, it was okay. there were times when i was out of ideas but a lot of things came into my mind so yeah. This torture will continue and don't worry. Thanks to Panic! At the Disco and twenty øne piløts for inspiring me XD
But i hope you guys are doing well, because now i am just sitting here thinking about the tøp concert which was in my neighbor country.
But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to Vote-Comment-Share!
And I will see you in the next chapter!
Bye 👋 and smooches 😘
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