A true Queen and a Legend
It was still raining. I was walking through the kingdom while holding Jen's head in my hand. The rain and the blood was dripping from my clothes and from Jen's head. I didn't look at the people but they were looking at me with fear. They had their rights to be afraid since I just tortured and killed my sister. I was tired, weak but happy. A little smile was seen on my face for a while until I got to the main square of the kingdom. I stood in front the statue.
"WE ARE FREE!" I started shouting and raised Jen's head in the air. "JENNIFER IS DEAD! I'M THE NEW QUEEN!" I saw fear on their faces. "Do not worry, tomorrow I will show you how different I am from my family." I said.
- the next day -
I had a black and red dress on me and my hair was in a bun but two locks of hair was out. I had make up on my which was only eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick and mascara. I was in my black high heels that I rarely wore but today was special. This was the day when the crown will be on my head. I would lie if I said I was not scared. People were in front of the castle waiting for me to say what I have to. The maids helped me to get ready since they knew I am harmless.
"Are you ready Ms. Leyva?" Felicia asked.
"Just call me Melanie." I said.
I was walking to the balcony with confidence and fear. The people were loud outside. I stopped at the railing and looked at them. They were finally free from that dark hole.
"DEAR PEOPLE OF THE LEYVA KINGDOM!" I shouted. Everyone had their attention on me now. "I know that my family couldn't get any worse, I know what they had done, I know they kidnapped and tortured innocent people from your families, I know they just made the taxes higher and higher every month, I know they made so many laws that soon it would illegal to exist. I want to show you that I'm better than them. I know I am not human but a demon indeed. I know you hate me and afraid of me but you don't have to, I'm not going to hurt you, in fact I'm going to help you, free you! I was never the sweet daughter of the Leyva family, they hated me, hit me, kicked me, starved me, molested me and when my parents died and after Jen became the queen she put me behind bars and tortured me evey day. Those days were unforgettable and they still are. She tortured me in every way possible but then I managed to escape by a very good friend of mine who is resting in heaven now. I escaped and trained for weeks for that fight that you must have seen. And why did I do that? To free my friends and the people of the town. And if you don't believe me, I'm going to show you that will make you happy." I finished my speech for the crowd. "Francesca, bring the papers out, please."
Francesca brought a table full of many pointless but harmful papers. The laws.
"Do you see these?" I yelled and showed them a few papers. "These caused the problem that we have and where we are! The children can't even study well, the parents are overworking themselves just to have enough money to eat, the grandparents are wishing this would end! I do not want our children to be born in a place and time like this! We had enough of this shit! It's time to end it." I said and it looked like the people were with me.
I put both of my hands on the papers and started to tear them from the top 'til it reached the bottom. The crowd cheered up. I could see the happiness in them.
"We need freedom! We don't need these stupid rules! I want the children to study well and about important things not unnecessary things! I want the adults to have good jobs and take care of their children in peace or having a house which is a best home for their family! I want the grandparents to live their last years in peace!" I lighted a match. "I want... Happiness."
I put the match on the papers and threw it down the balcony. The fire wasn't big so it was safe if someone's hand was in the way. We didn't need laws about how to take care of your children like how to dress them up or make them hair, how to decorate your house, how to take care of a garden. I remember walking down the streets and it always reminded me of the color grey since all the houses looked grey, the plants were dead and nobody wanted to go to school nor to work, people were feeling depressed and ridden, some of them were really skinny because the food prices were so high that they were glad cheap food still existed. Wishu was one victim of this since she didn't really have a house to live in with her family. The water was awful and there were times when the lights just turned off for no reason and stayed there for hours, sometimes days. How do I know all of this? One time I was at Wishu's apartment and it looked really bad: the wallpaper barely stayed on the wall, must was seen at every corner and not to mention the bugs. The kitchen had two counters, an oven with a stove, a little fridge and one sink. Even these wanted to escape that hell. The cleaning sets were one of most expensive things in the stores. All they had in the fridge was a bottle of water, milk, one piece of meat and bread. Sometimes they had potatoes and a few other things but that was like once a month. Wishu's room was one of the worst things to see: her bed nothing but two blankets on the floor with a pillow and blanket which she covered herself with when she went to sleep, she had a broken desk which could have been destroyed by any second. Her clothes were in a trash bag and luckily that was clean. Her parents had a dirty-ish mattress with a dresser which was still in a good shape. Their bathroom was a disaster: they had a shower but the tiles were broken, sticky and which was white it became almost dark green and you must wore slippers so you won't get sick. I slept over at their place on that night. The next day I brough them medicine, thicker blankets, clothes, food and clean water.
Anti-Jack had a normal childhood. He had a normal house with a normal room but one thing wasn't okay with him: his parents didn't really love him. He wasn't a planned child and his father sometimes beat him. He decided to move out with Wishu but the problem was that the time they wantes to move was the time when Jen's people kidnapped them.
Dark had a normal demon life with her demon parents but when he was about 12 years old his parents died because of the Leyvas but he wasn't mad at me since he knew I wouldn't do that, only my parents. He had to rule the kingdom by himself as a 12 year old, it was hard for him but he knew I was there.
I can remember all the pain, sadness and torture that we have gone through but now as I look at the cheering crowd who is crying because of happiness was great. We were free. All the useless laws were gone now forever.
"So, Queen Melanie. Does the deal please you?" King Fred asked.
"Unless the person who wrote the deal dies." I said and everyone started laughing. They thought I was being funny. That is funny.
"It's always good to make a deal with you, ma'am." He said as he raised his glass of wine up in the air. "It's time taste this delicious wine-"
"Made by your people." King Thomas said as he smirked.
That stupid Fred took a sip of the wine and at first he looked at it curiously then he suddenly dropped his glass which shattered into pieces and he didn't start to choke but his nose, ears, mouth and eyes started to bleed heavily. Then his legs were like jelly and he fell on the ground. His body was twitching then all the blood that was coming out was on his disgusting beard, clothes and floor. He tried to say something or speak for help but he was unable since the bleeding stopped him for doing that. People stood up to help him but we all knew it was too late. I pretended that I was scared and tried to go to him. Then his eyeballs looked like they were about to pop out and they did. They were coming out and out until they just exploded and all the blood went on men and women. His wife wasn't there but when she would see this, oh boi.
"Everyone, I'm really sorry that this happened." I started to cry because I 'blamed' myself.
"It wasn't your fault, Queen Melanie. Maybe someone tried to murder him." King William said. Stupid people.
"I think everybody should get going now. I just...can't." I said.
"We understand you, goodbye." Queen Debra said.
Soon they all left me alone and I checked if I had enough time to put his soul in the bottle. I took out the bottle which was full of souls. I sat down next to him and the time was right. His soul was supposed to go to Hell but as it left his body I raised the bottle and made the soul go into it. It slowly flew into the bottle which contained other souls, maybe hundreds or thousands. When it finally went into the bottle I quickly put the wood plug back so that they won't escape.
I put my hand out to start the ritual. I started to squeeze the blood out of his body through his nose, eyes and mouth. His body was getting skinnier every second and his skeleton was almost seen. His skin was really dry and his hair and beard started to fall out. I broke all of his bones and those turned into dust. The cracking sound wasn't the most fun in this but I had to do this. Then his skin was the next. I grabbed it and raised it in the air with my power and tried to iterate into the smallest form that it could go. Then I put him in a thick glass, put it down on the ground and grabbed a box of matches. I took out one and lighted it. I walked closer to the glass then put the match into it and the top of the glass. Since the skin of flammable it was quick. While it was burning a few arms were coming out of the floor to grab the glass. These hands had sharp fingers with blood on them. One of them reached it then the other one then the other one. They all grabbed it then brought it down with them. Soon it was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey babe." I heard Dark entering the room.
"Hi babe, you just missed something good." I smiled than kissed him.
"Don't worry, I saw it all." He said.
"Heh..." I said. "It's still not enough."
"What? How many do we need?" Dark asked as he came to me.
"I don't know, maybe hundreds or thousands." I said.
"We can do this, don't worry." Dark said as he walked to me and caressed my cheek.
Let me tell you this story.
I was walking in the town with Wishu. We bought some food from the grocery store for ourselves and the kings. Wishu and Anti-Jack had their own kingdom since I killed a few people because I had to. When I reached my castle I asked a few maids to help but no-one was in the castle. I put down all the bags and looked for people.
"Hello?" I yelled. "Dark! I'm home!"
I started to walk to our thrones but all I found was a note. Before I could open it, my phone rang. It was Wishu.
"Wishu, what is-"
"MELANIE! YOU HAVE TO RUN AWAY-" She was cut off.
"Hello? Hello!" I said worriedly.
"Hello Melanie Leyva. I don't think we have met yet." A raspy voice said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Have you ever heard the legend of the Cry brothers?" The voice said. I looked at the note that was left on my throne.
"Yes, w-why do you ask?" I said. I was very confused by this point. I read the note, it said: Which is more important? Your friends or your people?
"Do you know what they do?" The voice asked. I read the note again but it didn't make any sense.
"Kill people who seem weak." I said.
"Correct." The voice. "Well, your friends seem weak to rule a kingdom." I was shocked when I heard it.
"What did you do to them? Let them go!" I almost yelled.
"Nothing yet." He said. "But, we need something that you have."
"What is that?" I asked.
"Your crown." He said. I looked at my crown which was next to my throne. It was shining and I deserved it after all these years.
"No." I said. "I won't give it to you."
"Well, then say goodbye to your friends." He said.
"Wait!" I yelled.
"Yes?" He said.
"I want to make a deal!" I said.
"A deal? Sounds interesting." He said. "Meet us here and we'll talk about it. You have ten minutes."
They hung up and I started to go. I was a little away from the other kingdom so I released my dark angel wings and started to fly. I had to fly fast and because of that, the wind was wild. My hair was really behind and my wings could still take this. When I saw the tower of their castle it was a relief for me. I landed on the ground then ran into the castle. I opened the big door and saw Dark, Wishu and Anti-Jack tied. The Cry brothers were behind them with a knife in their hands. The others had a few cuts here and there
"Let them go!" I yelled.
"The deal?" Mad!Cry said. I just looked at him. "We kill the people who seem weak or useless for the kingdom but people always forget one thing: sometimes we just do it for fun. You know it's fun to kill right? We saw you."
"What?" My eyes were wide and I was shocked. How? Only a few people saw it since we were outside the big walls. Maybe, just maybe...
"Did you use black magic again?" I said.
"This girl is clever." Virus!Cry said.
"It can affect anyone!" I yelled.
"Then let's make the deal." V.Cry said.
"I have an idea for it!" M.Cry said. "We will let your friends go and won't come back if you fight us and win, sounds good?"
I was thinking for a few seconds.
"What if I lose?" I asked.
"Then you will die with your people." M.Cry said. I was shocked. I was fighting for them to live a normal life so I just can't let them die that easily. I couldn't fight them now, I wasn't prepared for that.
"We know you can't fight so we will let your friends go but we will watch you. You cannot escape us." V.Cry said.
My friends' and my boyfriend's hands were free. They ran to me and hugged me and so did I. I was so happy that they were free but I thought about the deal. I just risked their lives. Everyone's lives. I started panicking, tears were coming down on my cheeks. I just didn't want to believe it was happening.
A year later
Our plan was to kill people and their soul would come into a bottle so it would help us but human souls were very weak. We thought what if we caught a demon's soul. It seemed like a good idea but where do you find another demon?
We were walking around the town looking for something that would help but then a person bumped into us. He didn't even say sorry.
"Rude." Wishu said. I looked back at the person and he looked familiar. White and big head, long arms and long body. I knew exactly who he was.
"It's Mad!Cry." I whispered.
"What?" Dark asked. All of them looked back and they saw him too.
"I have an idea." Anti-Jack said.
The boys went after Mad!Cry and we, the girls, called Virus!Cry to talk about some stuff.
"So? Is it the time already?" He asked.
"Not yet, but we wanted to ask some questions." Wishu said.
"Yes?" He looked surprised.
"Yeah, so... Do we have like a time limit?" I asked.
"Not really. If I think you guys had enough time then I'll come and start the fight." He said.
"Okay and can we use like weapons or something?" Wishu asked. We knew what we can use, we just needed to ask stupid questions.
"You have your powers so that's enough." He said.
"Uhmm... Yeah..." We said.
"So that's all?" He asked as he crossed his arms.
"N-No, I just-" Wishu was cut off. I felt my phone buzzing which meant the boys were done.
"Actually yes, that's all. We should go now Wishu." I said.
"Tcch, ridiculous." V.Cry said as he disappeared.
We ran to the boys who should have had M.Cry's soul. They must have been in a dark alley and as we arrived, I was right. They were standing next to a lifeless body which was lying on the ground.
"How did it go?" I asked.
"Actually, it was easy. He didn't really try to fight back. We stabbed him in the back, shut his mouth then dragged him here. He was trying to get away but he failed then we just stabbed him in the heart and poof! He died." Dark said.
"Nice." Wishu said.
We burned his body into ashes then the wind blew it away. We walked back to the castle and checked how strong his soul was and sadly it still wasn't enough.
"DAMN IT!" I yelled as I slammed my fist against the table.
"Guys, I think you should go home." Dark said to Wishu and Anti-Jack. They nodded as they left the castle.
"Melanie, we'll have it but please be patient." Dark said as he put his hands on my shoulders and tried to calm me down.
"Dark, maybe our time isn't limited but I feel like we don't have much time." I said.
"You know we have a big library. You may find something useful there." Dark said. This wasn't a bad idea.
"Thanks Darkie." I said as I kissed him on the cheek.
"No problem." He smiled.
I walked to the library which had hundreds of books, every kinds of books but what I was searching for was in a hidden place. My parents hid those books in a very private and barely seen area. I walked the the right corner of the room and jumped on the floor to check where the hole was. As I found it I put the carpet away and saw the handle. Many people couldn't see it because it was painted the same color as the floor. I grabbed the handle and pulled it with all my strength since it was made in the 17th century. As I opened it the box was still there. I took out the box and opened it. The silver and rusty key was still lying there but this key was fake. The real key was hidden deeper. I put the box away and move my arm to the bottom of the hole which wasn't that deep. I pulled that handle too and it reveals the real key. It was clean but black as the darkest night. I took it out then put everything back to their places. I walked to the opposite part of the room and brought a ladder with me. I put the ladder next the the shelf then made it stable. I walked up to the top then got off the ladder. I was on my hands and knees as I was walking to a tiny door which was found in one of the corners. I opened it with the key and darkness was only found. I found the matches next to the door and lighted one. It revealed many old, dusty and dark books. I walked to the end of the room and saw the book I was looking for. The book which had the darkest magic spells.
Dark was already asleep as I was reading the book. I didn't really find what I wanted and as I wanted to close the book I found something interesting.
How to possess your other half who is from another dimension
It reminded me of that girl who looked exactly like me but more human. I read every part of the chapter and found the key to kill Virus!Cry once and for all.
Hello fellow readers.
So I'm back with a good chapter.
Sorry for the last one I just needed get things out.
Me and my friend are friends again and she stopped self-harm. Our dance show, The Wizard of Oz, was amazing and summer break is almost here.
So a little spoiler for the upcoming chapter(s): Melanie will explain how she got to know (Y/n) and how she felt when she was fighting and torturing (Y/n).
But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to Vote-Comment-Share!
I will see you in the next chapter!
Bye 👋 and smooches 😘
(P.S. I'm learning Korean bc of BTS so wanna join? XD)
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