Chapter 6
"What the hell is this?" Luna asked, panic written clearly across her face when she walked into the hotel room she and Boh were currently occupying.
It had been three days since the full moon phase had ended and three days since she'd even bothered having any sort of conversation with Boh.
But seeing the story of the mauled hikers was a shock to Luna's ears and eyes.
She had thought she was far enough away from Virginia that they wouldn't be flashing it all over the television and with Boh being around she knew it would only be a matter of time before she was confronted by what had happened.
Boh shifted uncomfortably at having being caught out watching the news, he couldn't help it...he was curious and he knew Luna would bite his head off.
"I was just flicking..."
"Don't give me that shit, the guilt is all over your face." Luna cut Boh off, it wasn't so much she was angry with him but what he was watching.
Since her last shift she had been trying to act as close to normal as she knew how to be, the cold slap of reality that she wasn't normal and never would be floored her to a point that all rational thought stopped and angry Luna came out.
"If you knew what I was doing then why did you ask?" Boh retorted.
Luna was slightly surprised at the tone in which Boh spoke back to her, she had assumed he would always be a push over and never stand up to her but it seemed she was wrong.
"Rhetorical question asshole," Luna shrugged, her temper dropping tenfold as she snatched the remote off Boh and turned the television off.
Sitting in a chair at the small, rounded table Luna sat facing away from Boh as she flicked through the complimentary magazine that came with the room. It was old and had been flicked through several times, a few pages ripped out.
Frowning slightly, Luna glanced over her shoulder when she heard the t.v flick back on again and saw as Boh sat cautiously on the furtherest point of the bed away from her.
Noticing that it was not the news, Luna went back to her over abused magazine, not worrying about Bohdan and what he was doing.
"You know, I killed someone." Luna tried to ignore the statement, she didn't want to open up to Boh and she didn't want Boh to open up to her. It meant caring, it meant putting effort in to maintain meant sharing personal things and diving into everything, good and bad that had happened in the past.
"I was fourteen and I had just turned into a werewolf for the first time,my dad had gone away on business the night before so it left me, my mother and my oldest brother at home with me." As Boh took a deep breath Luna involuntarily shuddered, she could already see where this was going and wanted to yell at Boh to stop.
But she had a feeling that no matter how loud or how much she pleaded and demand he stop he wouldn't.
"My brother had gone to a friends house to stay the night and I was grounded because I'd sworn at my father the night before, I can still remember that night. He'd been so mad he'd back handed me across the cheek." Boh said as he stared off into the distance, the scene of that night playing out in his mind.
"We used to live in one of those big, fancy country houses that you see on really fancy. My mom had been down doing laundry when the transformation hit me. I can't remember anything during the attack, but when I came to I was out the back in the forest. I was naked and covered in blood." Luna turned around when Boh spoke of his waking the next morning, it was the unknowing that usually got her...the questions and the need to know what she had done.
"When I went back into the house no one was home...but my mom. God, when I saw her laying there all ripped to bits the night before came flooding back and I could hear her screaming and pleading with me to stop, she tried to run...she put up a fight, she she didn't stand a chance." Luna stood wordlessly from where she sat and approached Boh, she could see he was still clearly in a daze, so she did what she would do to anyone and slapped him hard across the cheek.
For a few moments Boh blinked as if he had been unaware of his surroundings and then looked up at Luna.
"Thanks...sometimes I get in those moods and stay like that for days," Boh had a sad smile on his face which momentarily compelled Luna to hug him but she shook her head clear of the thought.
"What happened to your mom? Or when your dad came back?" Despite her dislike of becoming familiar with Boh she wanted to know.
"I cleaned myself up and called the police, they put it down to a beast attack and that was that. My dad didn't believe it though, he thought I should have died protecting my mom. One night he got blind ass drunk and beat me bad and eventually the truth came out...I got a broke arm and fractured cheek bone because of it." Boh shrugged, when it had happened and a few years since he had killed his mother he, his father and brother had convinced him that whatever bad thing happened to Boh he deserved it.
"My brother hated me after that, my dad too. And then I was locked away with no one...I mean there were armed guards, but they were only ever there to put me in shackles and leave. They patrolled the perimeter during my transformation waiting for me to escape." Luna was surprised, from the outside Boh appeared normal and with it.
Complete and utter turmoil swirled in his eyes, she could see it clearly.
She would never have expected it, looking at him when she'd first met him...Luna found it hard now to imagine Boh being anything than what he was.
"They used to tease me, ya know? The guards, they would say. 'I wish you'd escape so I can shoot you dead.' Or something along those lines, sometimes I wished I had escaped just to rip their heads off." There was one guard in particular that Boh hated with a passion, he often made it a thing to never hate people if he could help it...but there was just something about that guy that he hated.
"So how'd you get away?" Luna was now curious, since meeting Boh she'd had a feeling in the pit of her stomach. It had morphed into something of dread the last few days but she wasn't sure why.
"I managed to get hold of a gun and made the food delivery driver take me away. I'm surprised my dad hasn't found me yet...the other two times I managed to get out of the house he hunted me down within two days." Luna stood suddenly, not feeling very good.
"What does your dad do?" She asked.
"He's a bounty hunter." Boh answered simply, now he was a bounty hunter. He hadn't always been a bounty hunger, Boh was sure it was because of what he'd done to his mother that his father had changed profession.
"You mother fucker! You couldn't tell me that before?" Luna huffed as she went about the room, picking up what she'd dropped before and stuffing everything back into her bag.
"Hurry up Boh, if your dad is a bounty hunter then he's probably not that far behind. We'll have to stay off the radar for a bit. Come on, we're going to withdraw as much money as that card lets us and then we're dumping it." Luna pulled Boh from the room down to the reception where they paid for their room.
When Luna pulled out of the parking lot she noticed the black SUV she'd been seeing a lot over the last few days pull in and she sped off quickly.
"Get in that bank and get as much money out as you can." Luna ordered Boh as she pulled up around the side, staying off the main street was the one thing she'd learned to do well and she kept a good look out while Boh was in the bank.
"Where's your card?" She asked as Boh approached her, a wide smile on his face.
"They let me get out a bit," he commented as he waved a wad of cash in her face.
Luna waved his hand out of the way and levelled him with a serious look.
"Where is your card Boh?"
"Here, why do you need it?" Before Boh could even finish the sentence Luna had dropped the card down into the storm drain, much to Boh's surprise and annoyance.
"Luna! What the heck are we going to do for money once this is all gone?" Boh asked as he again waved the money in Luna's face.
"The lessons begin when that money runs out, now get your ass on this bike or I'll leave you here for your dad to shoot up. I can't believe you didn't tell me," Luna said annoyed as Boh tucked the money away and climbed onto the back.
Boh said nothing further, he was annoyed at Luna but he could also tell that she was angry at him.
So what if he forgot to mention his father was now a bounty hunter? It wasn't like he'd actually put a bullet in either of them, it wasn't as if he knew what Luna least Boh hoped that was the case.
As they zoomed away however it began to dawn on Boh that maybe he had made a mistake becoming friends with Luna, what if she ended up dead because of him?
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