Chapter 1
Luna Wolffe, that was her name.
It often brought about a wave of sniggers and laughs from strangers when they heard her name.
The reactions had been the same since she was little, her parents never set out to permanently shame her but they had and her name did.
Of course she was in good company with her siblings having equally unfortunate names though none were as ironic as her...and yet no one knew just how ironic her name one knew the darker side of Luna Wolffe.
Through high school she had been the female rebel without a cause, often creating mischief and living in mayhem where ever she went.
She had been kicked out of home at the age of sixteen and had been forced to fend for herself.
At first it had been hard, scary even for a fifteen year old girl out in the big world.
But things had changed, she had changed.
Luna wasn't sure yet if it was for better or worse, but change she had.
She was a forceful sort of carefree, always making sure she had fun and that fun always had to disturb someone.
Though when that fun brought her into contact with another such as herself she wanted to run, to run as far away from him as she could.
What was wrong with him?
He was normal, he was plain...he had successfully hidden from society and the public eye since he had been turned.
Another fellow werewolf who put the Twilight species to shame.
Of course the Twilight creatures did not exist in their world, but whenever Luna heard another soul utter so much as a 'I wish the Twilight werewolves were real' sentence, that often lead to a gushy, fluff filled conversation about half naked hot men and being made her want to vomit.
Those sorts of conversations made her not want to exist, but exist she did.
She had to admit though, she was glad she didn't have to report to an alpha...she was glad she didn't have pack members to 'hang out' with and she was most certainly glad that she didn't have a mate that hounded her and clung to her.
Learning early on in her teenage years that relationships were a pain in the ass, Luna had worked extremely hard not to attract that sort of attention from men.
From time to time she had come across as batting for the other team, a hard task for a woman who did indeed love her men. But her choices were on her time and her time alone.
Rolling her eyes for the millionth time, Luna was brought back to reality by the clicking of fingers next to her ear.
Clamping down on the hand she narrowed her eyes at the man sitting opposite her, they were in a diner and it probably wouldn't do to have the booth they occupied repainted red.
It would more than likely freak a few people out too.
"You should just fuck off like I told you to yesterday," Luna grit out as she let go of Bohdan's hand as he leaned back, the playful smile finally gone from his face.
"I was just asking if you were hungry and you completely spaced out on me," he short back, Luna could hear the hurt in his voice. It was clearly written across his face too as he slouched in his chair looking a lot more dejected than he had five minutes ago.
"Buy your own food, I'm going to the toilet," Luna wasn't used to company, since the age of fifteen she had more or less been alone and was not used to kindness of any sort.
Early on she had learned that most kindness came with a price and it was often a price she was not willing to pay...if a man or woman persisted they often found themselves dead or locked away in a loony bin soon after their in encounter with her.
She didn't care, one reply should have been enough.
Bohdan wouldn't be so easy to scare or kill and Luna knew that.
He was male, which meant he was more than likely stronger than she and probably faster as well.
His straight laced behaviour annoyed the fun out of her, given what he was Luna wasn't sure how he managed to appear so normal. What she had done...what she continued to do to those that wouldn't leave her alone haunted her sleep and occasionally her waking hours.
Bohdan had claimed never to kill, but that would be like saying he'd never taken a dump, like he'd never eaten food.
It was in their very nature to kill, especially when they were forced to transform at each full moon.
When Luna pushed open the door to the females toilets she was greeted by a dank and dirty smelling toilet block.
Shrugging she entered, it was a truck-stop diner and she had been to far worse than this one.
"Hello there sweet cheecks, care to take a ride?" The man didn't give her much time to respond as he rushed her.
Luna side stepped him easily and used his momentum she shoved his head into the wall and light switch, he was out cold as soon as his head hit the floor.
"Pig," Luna snarled as she pulled him into a sitting position away from the door.
Her lips quirked a little, there was going to be a permanent scar in the middle of his forehead, if the blood coming from the wound was anything to go by.
Doing her business quickly Luna washed up and went back out into the main area of the diner, careful to avoid the seedy glances men kept throwing her way...if only they knew what she was they'd either be stir crazy to pursue her or deprived of female contact.
It didn't help that Luna wore tight fitting and low ridding jeans, ripped and a little of the thin side from a few years of good use and wear. Her leather biker jacket was a little on the small side too, she had 'purchased' it a few years ago before her figure had filled out to that of a woman's.
But she had finally managed to find boots that matched the colour and wasn't about to throw it out any time soon.
"I ordered for you, food makes a person less grumpy." Bohdan quipped as Luna settled back down into her half of the booth.
"In that case it better be good because I'm starved," she said, her mouth was watering at the mere thought of a big, fat and juice beef pattie between two buns. Luna didn't really care about vegetables, she wasn't a huge fan of the green things.
"It is because I'm hungry too," Bohdan commented as he watched her sit.
"Honestly, why won't you leave me alone?" It had annoyed and surprised Luna that her show of ferocity had been met with a kind and understanding smile, she didn't understand the guy and assumed he was a pansy assed city ninny...she had been too but she wasn't any more.
And she had never dressed as straight laced and clean as Bohdan appeared at that moment.
"I guess because I've finally found my equal in every which way."
"We're not equal, you're a geeky nerd who looks like the next strong gust will blow you over and I'm...I'm me." Luna wasn't sure how to describe herself but she had plenty to think and say about Bohdan.
"I'm not geeky or nerdy and I will admit I should be a little bit actually. I take that back, I don't need to look beefy for what I am, I'm fine just the way I am." Luna snorted at the conviction in his voice, it was obvious yet again that Bohdan hadn't been out of his mama and papa's home for very long.
"What's so funny? It's the truth!"
"You see those two big, beefy and slightly on the obese guys sitting up at the bar? They'd probably try bend you over the garbage cans out the back and have their wicked way with you. You scream nancy boy and they won't hesitate to take advantage of that." Luna knew...she knew all too well the kind of men that frequented places like these.
There were nice guys around, but often she found when she wandered in late at night that the nice guys had either gone to sleep or completely ignored the ass holes that remained.
"That's not funny!" Bohdan exclaimed just as the waitress came over with their plates of food.
True to his word, Bohdan had ordered more than enough for Luna and she began scoffing down her food as soon as the 'Tiffany' had put the food in front of them.
Bohdan took his time, clasping his hands in prayer before picking up his burger and eating it with some civility.
"I wasn't kidding, and eating your food like that...and dressed as you are. It just screams naive," Luna said as she tried to get the words out and keep the food in.
"But I'm done talking, I'm going to eat until I feel like popping." Luna gulped down her mouthful of food before belching. It felt like a wad of beef was stuck in the back of her throat so reached for her coke in a cup to help move it along.
"Good because your table manners suck." Though Bohdan tried to make it sound like an insult it didn't come out as one.
To Luna it was more like her grandmother was tutting at her for lifting her dress to show off her knickers.
This is an old story that I had posted a few years back, I'm going to be editing s
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