Chapter 29
It is already dark when Madame Rose comes to wake Fon up. "Get up, child, and wash yourself," Madame Rose orders.
Sleepily, Fon covers her ears to drown out Madame Rose's voice. "I don't want to," she says.
"Get up!" Madame Rose insists and removes the blanket covering her.
"I said I don't want to!" she says a little louder.
Then Fon hears the sound of something heavy hitting the wall in front of her bed, followed by the rushing of feet. Fon sits up and realizes what she has done. Madame Rose is sitting against the wall and both Hector and Lector are helping her to her feet.
Color drains from her face. She accidentally let out her aura and sends Madame Rose whirling away from the bed to the wall a few meters away from her!
"Is she alright?" she asks, getting off her bed. She is hesitant, but she knows that if she wants her dream of becoming the Great Witch, she needs to apologize. "I am sorry. I did not mean to—"
"This is why I told you to get up and wash!" Madame Rose scolds, groaning from the pain.
And so, Fon does not need to be told twice. She rushes to the washroom without another word and obeys.
"That kid. I feel like I broke some ribs," Madame Rose complains as the twins help her to the nearest chair.
"I can be your crotch for the entire week," Lector offers.
"One week?! Oh, please pray it's not that bad."
"She really needs training," Hector interjects.
"And control and discipline," Lector adds.
"If she can let out that huge amount of magick without meaning to, how much more can she release when mad?"
Fon exhales and gets out of the washroom. It's her fault. This place feels too comfortable that she lost hold of her magick. She can't blame them.
"I am still here," she says. "I can hear everything that you are saying."
"Good. Then at least you are aware that you need training," Madame Rose says. There is a knock on the door and she comments, "I guess Aderes is here."
Aderes escorts them to the dining room. She is also with two other women who are wearing white and orange, respectively. Unlike the aberrant helpers, people on the watchtower are free to wear anything they like.
And so, Fon follows Madame Rose to the dining hall. As they make their way to it, Aderes starts to talk. "These two are Azalia and Avis," she informs.
"I suppose those names are not your real names?" she asks while looking at the two women with Aderes.
"Fon! That is rude!" Madame Rose scolds her again.
However, Aderes only smiles and answers, "Sir Remington gives us our names when he found us."
"Does he have a hobby of naming people? Shall I expect to be named differently too?"
Aderes chuckles. "Only if you wanted to be named. If not, then you are safe from his hobby."
Madame Rose moves closer to her as if with a warning. However, she won't be stopped. "So, if I may guess... The three of you have a dark past. You want to leave and run away from your previous life. Remington saves you and then you accepted his suggested names? Is that close to the truth?"
"Fon!" Madame Rose complains again. She presses on her side, and she glares at her.
'That's an aberrant way of disciplining their children! It won't work against a powerful witch like me!' Fon thinks. However, Fon flinches the more Madame Rose presses against her skin.
Aderes laughs good-naturedly. "That's correct, Fon. Want to hear about the details?" she offers.
"Ouch!" she complains. "Rather than the details, I think the names he gave you are very fitting. Ouch!" She moves away from Madame Rose and moves closer to Aderes.
Aderes raises her eyebrows at her comments, yet answers with a smile. "Well, thank you. I thought so too."
They cross the hall and Fon is becoming aware of the way Madame Rose groans in pain. Hector and Lector were helping her out, and Lector even offered to carry her to the dining room. Fon winces. She feels a bit guilty about hurling Madame Rose through the room she occupied. The Wizard of the North should not learn of it!
Opening the door to the dining room, Aderes ushers them inside. Inside is a wide space decorated with several tables and chairs. Only one table has plates full of food and is filled with some kind of delicacies.
"That is the Master of the house. The one who gave us our names," Aderes whispers to her. "Sir Remington of the East Watchtower."
Fon shifts her attention to the man who is standing beside the table. He seems to be waiting for their arrival. The Watcher is lanky, past middle-aged and is holding a cane. Although, based on his posture, he doesn't need one. His hair is so long that it reaches up to his waist, with the gray hairs sparkling against the light. He is also wearing eyeglasses with chains that connect them to the breast pocket of his robe–which makes him look a lot older than he actually is.
"Madame Rose," Remington greets and gives Madame Rose a tender hug. "You look fine, except for the bruises that are starting to show on your arms," he comments.
"I had a minor accident an hour ago."
"A minor accident..." he mumbles. After playing with the words, he faces Fon. "And this might be Fon Carlson, the same minor accident that is the cause of those bruises."
Remington gives her the same hug, and she almost pushes him away. She is not used to people hugging her, especially if it's coming from those she just met!
"Pleased to make your acquaintance," Remington says. "Even if I can see the blatant disgust for me. Not so fond of physical communication, are we?"
"That is not communication. It's physical contact and is invasive of someone else's privacy," she corrects.
"I am sorry, she just woke up. Please forgive her. You know how teenagers are," Madame Rose butts in.
"Forgive her even if she hurls you a few meters away because you disturbed her sleep?" he asks. "Nah! I think she needs some punishment."
Fon glares at him, thinking about why he is acting as if she will be under his care. And yet, Remington answers her glares. "A rebel. I guess that personality is the main reason everyone is apprehensive."
"I already apologized!" she retorts.
"And what?!" she snaps.
"What are your next actions?"
"What do you mean?"
"Isn't the essence of apologies to vow never to do the same things again? If hurling people away from you is your normal behavior, surely you need to plan so you won't do it again?"
"I..." Fon starts but trails off. She is not the best in apologies. Other than Rissa, who really did she apologize to? Maybe Philomena? She shakes her head. She is just anxious about what Philomena might do, so that doesn't count.
"Then the apology is null and void," Remington says when she can't respond.
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