Chapter 10
They hear the two shouts almost at the same time. Sven hears her sister scream, and she sees Finn thrown out of the grounds. There is also the creation of a huge barrier encompassing everything on the grounds until the area where the previously charred front seats are.
She notices that it was Philomena who to took action first. She tried to enter the barrier using her broom. Like Finn in the ground, she did not make it. She used her aura to force her way into the barrier. But the sheer force, of both the barrier and her aura, threw her away.
Sven also heard when Ayin falls unconscious beside her. Her magick is being drained by the crystal, and she too, is losing consciousness. She attempts to remove her hands away from the crystal, but the more she forces it, the more she is being sucked into the crystal. Worse, the crystal is taking more magick from her.
She scours the area. Fon is glaring at Prim and Prim is laughing hysterically. Is this the reason why she doesn't want Ayin to use up his magick earlier? No matter how small, she needed his magick into the crystal.
And so, dread fills her, especially when the magick becomes so clear to her senses. It is familiar. She felt the same magick one time when a dark witch attempted to unseal herself. She almost died back then, if not for her older sister, who successfully sealed the dark witch back to its cocoon. It was a memory that has long been forgotten. Or at least, she tried to forget. The dark witch is horrible, it tried to enter her mind and possess her. She won't let it happen again! And yet, with her determination, her magick is totally siphoned off from her, and with that, she feels herself falling and hitting the ground before everything went black.
In her peripheral, she watches Ayin, Cesky, and Sven losing consciousness. She notes the exact same time that the crystal completely drained the three of their magick. Ayin is the first to fall, almost instantly. After some time, Cesky drops to the ground, followed by Sven whose eyes stay a long time on her sister. There is fear in her before she lost consciousness.
She's also aware when Myrielle screams, the aberrant Finn is thrown out of the grounds, and Philomena whirls away from the barrier and into... who knows where.
She shifts her attention to Prim, who is still holding unto the crystal. The girl is about to fall unconscious and yet, she grabs the crystal as if her life depends on it. And that instant, she realizes what is happening.
She feels her rage rising and it is all directed at Prim. This girl, who has everything at her disposal, is interrupting her plans to have a little of that everything!
Fon, indeed, wants a lot more, but she is a consistent worker. She wants them one at a time until all her dreams are achieved, but this girl is hindering that!
"I underrated your stupidity to let a dark witch inside this Academy, Prim," she insults.
"I didn't know you care that much about this Academy," Prim retorts.
"I care about winning the Search and you are interfering with it!"
Fon knows the goal of the draining crystal based on Prim's strongest affinity. It is incessantly taking magick from her to transport a dark witch into the Academy. The crystal is bypassing all the defense magic that Philomena and all the other teachers had set in place.
"We can continue with the Search once the dark witch appears," Prim taunts. "But I am not sure if you are still conscious by that time."
"You think you can drain me dry before that dark witch of yours appear?" She snorts. "Not a chance."
Then, Fon pushes her magick into the crystal. It is point-black and no extra magick is wasted. The crystal starts to pulsate into different colors. It looks to somehow gain life as she breathes in the magick into it.
"What are you doing!?!" Prim snaps.
"Your dark witch needs a huge amount of magick, right? I am just inviting her in," she says and further increases the output of magick that she places into the crystal.
"Stop it!" Prim shouts as she realizes what she plans to do.
Due to the amount of magick she gives, the crystal drains Prim faster than she expected. And without Prim, she will be freed from the crystal. Besides, no one will ever be able to defeat her supply of magick, especially when she is using an external source and pushing it into the crystal. She smirks, energy molding really is a useful skill.
Before long, she watches Prim blinking and trying to keep awake. She is sweating hard and the barrier that she puts up is losing its strength and durability–which means that even if the dark witch comes in, she will need to fight the powerful witches in the Freya Academy. Like she said, one less dark witch in the world.
A sense of victory engulfs Fon as she watches Prim fall to the ground. Her eyes are still trained on her until she relinquished control of the crystal.
"You really think you can outlast me when it comes to continuous use of magick?" she asks. She kneels before Prim and touches the middle of her chest. She smirks before saying, "Good night, Prim. I will visit you in prison."
Then, Fon's magick activates. A steady stream of lightning appears from her palm, to the tips of her fingers, and into Prim's chest. The current courses through Prim's body, paralyzing her before she loses consciousness. Visiting her in the prison is a lie though. She will never be allowed to that dingy dungeon, and she doesn't want to be there too. It's filled with witches like Prim who tried to liberate the dark witches in their seals. Those are just crazy bastards.
As she looks at Prim's sleeping face, she wanted to laugh at Prim's attempts to do this when she is on the same grounds. They should have taken her out like Myrielle and Philomena. The stupid, stupid girl who thinks they can use her.
Fon looks around. The barrier is still up, but with Prim unconscious, it has weakened considerably. Unfortunately, the Search is a mess. The students are cut in half. The teachers are doing their best to destroy the barrier. The judges are all over the place. And the participants are all unconscious!
She clenches her jaws as her anger surfaces. This foolish, crazy student! She felt the need to hurt her! Pursing her lips, she prepares herself. Using her magick, a bow materializes in her hand. She points it upward, and in a second, arrows made of crackling lightning appear inside.
She didn't wait for long. She shoots a volley of arrows into the barrier. She will not take any chances. She needs to break the barrier so the others can come into the grounds. Right now, she doesn't trust herself that she won't hurt Prim when she wakes up. Uncontrolled, she might break Prim... very badly.
The arrows continue to hit the barrier and before long, Fon watches the barrier as it shows signs of cracks. She knows that when the barrier completely shatters, everyone will swoop inside especially when most of them are preparing to enter. Even if Prim succeeded, the dark witch that will enter the Academy will suffer from a united front from these witches.
Fon readies another volley of arrows. With it, the barrier will cease to exist especially when these kinds of barriers are weaker inside. So, she let her arrows fly and braced herself for her next goal. She needed to destroy that crystal. In that way, the other participants will wake up, and no need for them to replenish their magick naturally.
Fon approaches and touches the crystal when suddenly a hand grabs her. She frowns at it. The hand is coming from an open portal close to the crystal. Before she can make any action, a loud thunder reverberates throughout the grounds.
She jerks and turns around to look at the cause. The barrier is being reinforced! Not only that, Prim is floating even when she is still unconscious! There is a red light surrounding her body like a halo, and it is connected to the barrier which now has a reddish tinge!
Damn this stubborn girl! When is she going to stop?!
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