The Orignal Oneshot (& Chapter 1)
This Oneshot was made by my identical twin KbaeStar so go and follow her!!! And read her Sanders Sides books!!!
So this one-shot will be about how the Dark sides make Thomas do things that they think is right. ⚠️Angst with happy ending, Mentions of death, alight cussing, tell me if I missed any⚠️(Side Prinxiety, Demus and Logicality)
(Not edited) /
Dark sides powers:
•Remus can read people's minds and give them horrid thoughts.
•Janus can tell when someone is lying because his eyes glow and can shape shift into other sides.
•Virgil can make Thomas have an attack, fight or flight instinct, and can make other sides anxious.
●They can all take over Thomas's thoughts so they are the only ones being heard by Thomas and make the other sides do whatever they want them to.
(3rd person's POV):
"Lie Thomas! Say that you have a lot of work to catch up on so you can't go to the party!" Deceit's voice boomed through Thomas's head, making Thomas think about it a lot. "Plus if you tell them that then it will keep me down, you know how much we hate big groups!" Anxiety agreed, making the Dark sides thoughts the only ones Thomas could hear, making Thomas quickly tell his friends that he can't come to the party. After Thomas sent the message he rubbed his temples, sighed then went to sleep, it was already 10:30 anyways. But in the mind palace, everyone was still very much so awake.
•In the Light sides part of the mind•
"I can't believe that they did that again! Thomas should be allowed to go to parties without Anxiety/Paranoia and Deceit budding into it! This is the third time they have made Thomas turn down his friends offers! Plus Thomas could have met someone there, you never know!" Roman ranted to Logan and Patton who were just nodding in agreement, until they heard the door open. "That would just be the better reason to keep Thomas home. If he did meet someone there then he could have made himself look like a fool, making Thomas stay in an embarrassed state Thomas stay in an embarrassed state for about a week then all the self confidence he has gathered would vanish." Anxiety/Paranoia explain from the door with Deceit and Intrusive thoughts beside him. "Or he could have met someone and hit it off, however thanks to you we will never know and Thomas will be lonely forever!" Roman dramatically stated while walking closer to Anxiety/Paranoia with every word until there was a mase at his throat. "Really Remus? You can put that away now." Roman stated while glaring at his brother. "Then back away from Vergil, before I force you." Remus growled while all three dark sides eyes glowed.
(Pretend Remus is holding his mace^)
"Fine, no need to get so violent." Roman stated while giving one last eye roll to Remus, a glare to Janus, and a smirk and wink to Vergil, who blushed slightly. "Don't wink at him, don't even look at him." Janus growled, eyes glowing brighter as Roman was thrown onto a near by couch. "Okay kiddos, lets calm down a lot. Please? " Patton stated in his dad voice but added the please with a pleading look. "Whatever, we just came here to say your welcome and to not mess with us or talk bad about us to Thomas, or else." Janus growled before snapping his fingers so them, Remus, and Virgil were all back at the dark side of the mind. •In the Dark sides part of the mind•
"My god, Remus your brother is so annoying!" Virgil and Janus exclaimed in unison while also flopping on the couch, just Janus brought Remus with him. "It's not my fault, I didn't raise him, if I did he would be much worse." Remus stated while snuggling up to Janus. "Please, your easy enough to handle, Roman on the other hand is just straigh up annoying and obnoxious and just ugg!" Virgil exclaimed while flinging his hands in the air. "Looks like someone has a crush~." Remus teased with a small smile, already knowing that Roman has a crush on Virgil. "What?! I do not have a crush on Roman, did you not hear my rant on how annoying he is?" Virgil asked, but Janus caught the lie because his eyes flaired. "Liesss." Janus hissed out with a smirk, making Virgil sigh in defeat. "Ok fine, I don't know why I like him, I mean all we do is fight with each other and he is super annoying. But it's just his stupid Princyness, and his stupid charmingness, and his stupid smile an-." Virgil was cut off by Remus. "My god your in love arn't you?!" Remus exclaimed playfully, the dark sides didn't voluntarily use there powers on each other so Remus didn't know that he just guessed the truth. *sigh* "I'm going to bed, night, don't be to loud." Virgil stated with a smile then snapped the T.V volume down lower so he could sleep properly. "Hey Jan." Remus asked while strattling Janus. "Yes?" Janus asked back with a raised eyebrow. "Can we go to my room and cuddle while watching both versions of IT until we fall asleep?!" Remus asked excitedly with puppy eyes Janus could never say no to. "Of courssssse darling, anything for you." Janus stated before picking Remus up and walking to his room.
*Time skip to the morning*
(3rd person's POV):
"AHHHH!!!" Virgil screamed then emidently covered his mouth and hid in a dark corner. See the reason why Virgil screamed is because he woke up in not his bedroom, it looked similar but this room has purple and black walls, every emo band you can think of posters littering the walls, and the most different thing was a picture every single side playing together with Thomas in Thomas's mom's backyard. "Where am I am why the hell am I here?" Virgil thought, well that was only one of the many, many thoughts swirling in his head. Virgil was then dragged out of his thoughts when the door to the room opened and all the light sides ran in the room, Roman had his sword up, Logan had a kitchen knife, while Patton had a rubber base ball bat. "Who is in here? Show yourself at once!" Roman yelled into the extramly dark room. "Go away!" Virgil yelled out of instinct, then emidently regretted it. "Virgil?" Roman asked while putting away his sword, making Virgil come out of his hiding spot. "What did you do?! Did you all kidnap me for some reason?! What do you want from me?" Virgil asked with his magic sparking from his eyes, looking almost like magical tears? "What do you mean? We didn't even know that this room was here, it's to close to the dark sides place for us to go so we stay clear. When we heard screaming we thought someone was getting hurt, and sense Remus is my twin, Janus is Logan's brother and you are Patton's brother we were going to help anyway we could." Roman stated like it was extremely obvious, which it kind of was. "Well then why am I here?! I distinctly remember going to sleep into my bedroom last night and then I end up here!" Virgil stated while gesturing to the room around him with paniced eyes. Virgil's eyes quickly stopped sparking and started fully glowing while looking at Logan. "Your smart, tell me what's happening, and don't make me get you know who because they will rip you all to shreds, even if they are Your smart, tell me what's happening, and don't make me get you know who because they will rip you all to shreds, even if they are your brother." Virgil stated, right once he stopped talking Logan's eyes also glowed purple and he started talking. "Thomas's brain made you into a light side, that's why you woke up in this room, you don't have a choice, you are now a very prominent side of Thomas so you will be living here from now on." Logan stated then his eyes went to normal again when Virgil looked away with even more panic in his eyes. "Will Re and Dee know about this? Are they looking for me? Do they even care that I left?" Virgil asked the last question bairly audible. "They were given a note from the mind palace gods saying why you are not there, also I am almost 100% positive that they were looking for you and worring about where you were." Right after Logan said this there was a loud bang at the entrance to the light sides door. "Virgil!!!" Janus and Remus yelled at the same time, making Virgil try to get out of the room but two strong arms hold him back. "Wha?"Wha? ROMAN LET ME GO!" Virgil yelled while trying to get out of Roman's very strong grip, forgetting that he had magic. "Sorry, but they have to be shown that you have to stay here, because without you Thomas will only have Janus and Remus to help Thomas, do you know how insane Thomas would become?" Roman attempted to sooth, which helped a little but not much. "Remus, Janus!!!" Virgil yelled down to Janus and Remus, then they all heard two very loud foot steps then two people show up inside the door frame. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Janus and Remus yell in unison before attempting to snatch Virgil away from Roman with magic but bounced off them from Virgils magic. "Virg? What are you doing?" Remus askes with tears in his eyes. "They need me here, I will always visit you guys in your free time but Thomas needs me here." Virgil states with tears pouring down his face, then lunged at Remus and Janus in a bone crushing hug. "Well if this is what you want then you can stay, just promise us that you will visit every single weekend, and whenever you have free time. IF ANY OF YOU HURT HIM I WILL GIVE YOU A VERY SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH!!!" Janus yelled to all of the other sides, eyes glowing bright yellow, Remus's eyes glowing a very dark green. "We would never!" Roman exclaimed while hugging Virgil from behind, which Virgil leaned into. "I am going to bednow, goodnight to you all." Logan stated while pulling Patton back to there shared room. "Bye virg, remember if you ever need to come back then we will always be here." Remus stated while giving Virgil another hug, Janus soon joined in. "See you later." Virgil sighed while leaning back into Roman's touch, before Janus and Remus went back to the dark sides part of the brain. "And now there were two." Roman stated with a smirk. "Yes there where. But then there was one. Goodnight Princy. Virgil stated while guiding Roman out of the room so he could get changed and go to sleep.
"Goodnight Emo Nightmare." Roman replied before going to his room and going to sleep himself.
Ok so there may be some doubal lines in there because I copy and pasted it all from her sending it to me. So I'm sorry about that. Also the reason why she isn't making this a book and I am is because she is making a Mafia book that is Roceit, Remus x Virgil, and Logicality that is AMAZING!!! You should 100% go and check it out!!!
So anyway, thats her oneshot and I hope you have an amazing day/night!!!😁💖💖💖
Also I am using this as Chapter one in the book! So yah 🙃
Edit- I changed her ending to make it work for the book so go and read her version on her account please!!!💖
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