Chapter 5
⚠️Slight Cussing & Mention of a panic attack⚠️
Once they got back to the Light Sides Palace Roman rushed Virgil to Virgil's room while Remus and Janus went to tell Logan and Patton what had happened.
Once inside Virgil's room, Roman layed Virgil down on his bed.
"Can you lay with me?" Virgil whispered, his eyeshadow darkening slightly.
"Of course." Roman replied. He then took his shoes off and layed down next to Virgil who instantly cuddled into Roman's chest.
"I can move if you dont want me to do this." Virgil stated, not moving.
"Its fine, your fine, this is fine." Roman reasured while putting his arms around Virgil's back.
Just then the other sides came rushing into the room, Patton in the lead. Once he saw them he quickly ran over to them and hugged Virgil (who had sat up at the door opening).
"Are you alright? Do you want some food? Water? Anything?" Patton asked, still not letting go of the hug.
"Im fine Pat, just a little tired." Virgil answered, everyone turned to Janus who just shrugged. No eye glow.
"Are you ok with me asking you some questions?" Logan asked while pulling out a notebook.
"Shoot." Virgil replied making Logan tilt his head.
"I dont have a gun and if I did then I would not shoot anyone or anything in here." Logan said, confused.
"Its just an expression. What are the questions?" Virgil sighed as he leaned back against Roman (who had sat up as well).
"What did the Dragon Witch say before she was slayed?" Logan asked, summoning a pen out of thin air.
"She said that I was the most powerful out of the dark sides even though I'm no longer a dark side. Well bacily anyway." Virgil stated.
"Alright, did Janus's eye glow?" Logan asked while jotting stuff down.
"No, his eye didn't glow." Remus stated, Virgil hadn't seen anyone once he hit the ground.
"Ok, well do you know how or why you made a force-feild around you and Roman when you where experiencing an attack?" Logan asked, not noticing Janus and Remus's "NO!" motions.
"I did what?!" Virgil asked while sitting fully up, accidently hitting Roman's chin.
"Oh... did you not know?" Logan asked, blushing slightly in embarrassment.
"NO! How did I do that? I wasn't trying to!" Virgil asked, eyeshadow darkening more.
"Hey, its ok. We will figure it all out." Roman stated while hugging Virgil from the back.
Virgil sighed, leaned back into Roman, and his eyeshadow lightened. "Do you know how I did it?" Virgil asked.
"Well not for sure but I have a few different theories." Logan stated while putting his pen and notebook away.
"Well what are they?" Remus asked while setting down next to Virgil, Janus sitting on the other side of Virgil.
"Well the first one is that his powers glitched, the second is that his body sensed danger so it cast a force-feild to make sure he would be protected. The third theory is that because he had just been in danger his powers where responding like a slow reflex and attempting to protect him and whoever he knew was around him. Or he could have been attempting to just keep you two away for some reason." Logan explained. Janus's eye glowed for every one exsept for the last two.
"So he was trying to protect Roman and keep us away for some reason?" Remus asked, Janus's eye didn't glow.
Virgil quickly hugged Janus and Remus. "I didnt mean to, I swear!" Virgil stated, Janus's eye didn't glow so he was telling the truth.
"We know, its ok. Calm down." Remus said as he and Janus hugged back.
"Well I am going to go and see if I can figure out why his powers are acting like this." Logan stated before walking out of the room and twards his own.
"I think we should leave them to get some rest." Patton stated before giving Virgil a hug and then patting Remus and Janus on the shoulder.
"Call for us if anything happens. Also don't do anything more than cuddle or I will come for you." Remus stated. He and Janus then gave Virgil a hug and then sunk out to the Dark Sides palace.
"And then there where two." Roman said with a small smile.
"Yep." Virgil mumbled while cuddling back into Roman's chest.
"Do you wanna watch a movie or just go to sleep?" Roman asked, only getting a small, cute snore back in responce.
Roman chuckled quietly and followed close behind Virgil, falling asleep with a small smile on his face.
777 Words! I hope you didnt hate this chapter! I also hope you have an amazing day/night!!!😁💖💖💖
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