There is still hope
Your POV
I was stabbed. I knew that I am gonna be dead. But what's gonna happen after I die?
But there was something which was sure... I didn't smell blood. I was still alive but I didn't know how if they stabbed me. I opened my eyes and I saw them laughing.
"Oh my gosh Dark, this was the best idea!!" Anti-Jack whipped his tear from his eyes because of the laughter.
When I saw them laughing I saw the knife too. It was made of plastic. And the blood? They put ketchup under my shirt.
"Oh okay we should stop now." Dark said.
"So (Y/n), have you ever given blood to anyone before?" Anti-Jack asked.
"No." I said. I didn't want to know why they asked me about this.
"Well, get ready. Dr. Darkiplier will see you in 5 mins." Anti-Jack said. Then he slapped me so hard that I passed out.
I woke up by Anti-Jack. He was wearing a... Nurse costume. And Dark was wearing a doctor costume.
"What the fuck?" I asked.
"First, Mela-, I mean Réna dared us to wear these costumes. Second you will give us blood." Anti-Jack said.
"What?!" I said.
"Dr. Darkiplier! The patient is ready!" He shouted in a girly voice.
Dark came into the room with surgical tools.
I didn't realize that Dark's hair was red. Like where Mark dyed his hair blue, Dark's hair was red and Anti-Jack's was green.
He walked in front of me and he put the injection in my belly. My blood was going though tube into a packet. He made 3 full packet of my blood. I was very weak but I knew it's not the end.
"Do you think is it enough?" Anti-Jack asked.
"SHUT UP NURSE!! I KNOW WHAT'S BEST! I AM A DOCTOR!" Dark shouted at Anti-Jack, but not seriously. They were laughing. What Dark said, that reminded me of Mark. I knew they possessed them, but I was thinking about how to get them back.
"But I think it's enough." Dark said. "Let's get her back to her place." He said and unlocked the chains. I fell on the ground and I couldn't move. They took away so much blood from my body. They were dragging me on the floor for like 2 minutes.
They put me back in that room again where I was first. They left me and locked the door. It was terrible. I couldn't move, I was still bleeding, i was hopeless. I was lying on the ground, all alone in silence. I could only hear my breathing.
"DON'T GIVE UP!" Someone shouted.
"YOU CAN SURVIVE AND ESCAPE!" I heard it again.
"No. I can't." I said.
"SAVE US!" Someone screamed.
When they said that, I knew who they were, but I didn't know where they were.
"Mark... Sean... Signe... Where are you?" I asked.
"Just open your eyes." I heard Mark.
I blinked and I saw them. Mark, Sean and Signe were like ghost.
"Are you guys still alive?" I asked. I was happy.
"Yes but we are only our souls. We can't get back to our body because Dark and the others are too strong." Mark said.
"And you are our only hope." Signe said.
"But how should I fight them? I am all alone and Dark, Anti-Jack, WishuNight and Réna are against me." I said.
"Well, Réna is a soul too." Signe said.
"But Dark, Anti-Jack and WishuNight are still there." I said.
"We will help you." Mark said. "We will help you to kill them."
"Oh no you won't." Someone said behind me. It was Dark.
"Did you forget it?" Dark asked evilly.
"Forget what?" I asked.
"That your friends are trapped!" Dark said.
"Mark, is it true?" I said.
"Yes." He said.
I saw their chains on the ankles and there was an iron ball at the end of a chaim. I didn't know what to say.
"And you!" Dark pointed at me. "You will have the worst punishment of your life." He smirked.
He dragged me out of the room and as I said I couldn't move, I couldn't escape.
He threw me in a room and he put chains on my wrists. My arms were like in the air but the chains were holding them and my legs were just on the ground.
Dark grabbed a whip. He came closer.
"So this is how we do it." He said.
He could only see my back and he whipped my back. And again. Again. Again. It hurt like hell. I was crying out the pain.
"I AM SORRY!! JUST PLEASE STOP!! PLEASE! I AM SORRY!" I was crying out these words.
He stopped it for a moment and whispered this.
"Saying sorry will not change anything." He said and continue whipping my back.
He whipped my back like 10 times. When he took me back to the room, he wasn't dragging me, he was taking me in his arms. And he put me gently down.
"We will see what's going to happen tomorrow." Dark said and locked the door. When he closed the door it echoed.
I was just lying on the ground, blood on my back and a little on the floor. I could feel the tears on my cheeks. I wished I was dead.
"You are our only hope!" This was echoing in my head.
I needed to be strong. I had to be strong to survive this horror. I just needed a plan but first I needed to rest.
Before I fell asleep on the ground I heard this.
"Tomorrow? Already? But I was having fun torturing her..." Anti-Jack said.
"But Melanie said we had to kill her tomorrow." Dark said.
Then I fell asleep.
- 2 hours later -
I woke up by someone screaming.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Someone screamed.
"JUST DIE ALREADY!" And I didn't hear the screaming.
They were in the room next to me so they could still hear my breathing. I had to be quiet.
I sat up slowly and carefully. No-one heard it and it didn't hurt. Then I tried to stand up. When I stood up I heard footsteps.
"Another one?" A male voice said.
"I need to be strong to possess her, even if she is dead." A female voice said.
They were dragging the body and I saw something shiny on the floor. It was the key! I had to be really quiet because the room was really echoic.
I stepped one. No echo. Another one. No echo. Another one. Still no echo.
"What are you doing?"
I froze down when I heard it. They probably heard it or saw it.
"Come on! Why can't you be positive?" I heard a female voice.
"Do you want my blood again?" A male voice said. I knew it was Anti-Jack but I didn't know who was the girl.
"Yes, please!" then I heard drinking sounds.
"Don't kill me!" Anti-Jack laughed.
"This wasn't enough!" The girl said.
"Maybe later." Anti-Jack said.
"Yaaay!" The girl said and they went away.
"Ah-Choo!" I sneezed.
"What was that?" The girl asked.
"Let me check." Anti-Jack said.
I heard the footsteps became louder. I needed to be in my last position. I laid back down on the ground in that position. Anti-Jack opened the door. He came to me and looked at my face. I mean into my face. He could see the fear. He stood up and kicked me in the stomach.
"Don't ya ever try to escape." He said and went out. He locked the door. I went back to the door and see if the key was still there. It wasn't. My back was on the door and I slided down into a sitting pose. I put my head onto my knees and cried. Cried out the pain, the hope, the love.
"I will never escape..." I said.
"No. No! NO!" I said. "There is still hope! I will never give up!" I stood up and walked to the door. I punched it and it hurt. I punched it again. Then I kicked it.
"It's useless, I hope you know that. " Dark said from the other side of the door. He walked away.
When I punched the door it still didn't open. I had an idea. I went to the other side of the room. I ran to the with force to open it, and it worked. I hoped that I didn't make any noise but it hurt my shoulder.
My room was in a long corridor so I had to choose which way I should go. Left or Right? I chose to go left.
I was walking when I heard a screaming.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! HOOOW?! HOW THE FUCK DID SHE ESCAPE?!" A female voice screamed. It had to be Réna. "Wait..."
"Oh, shit! Please no."
"I can smell her fear and blood. Her blood is fresh. She isn't far away. But, which way?" Réna said.
I wasn't moving, because I knew if I move they will hear it but I tried to walk backwards very slowly and carefully.
"I have an idea!" Anti-Jack said. "Me and WishuNight will go left, you and Dark will go right!"
"Okay." Réna said.
"Let's go." WishuNight said.
They started to walk but they didn't see me. It was too dark even for me.
"Geez, it's too dark here." WishuNight said.
"Wait a minute." Anti-Jack said.
He cut his wrist and his green blood came out. Then he made his blood (which came out) into a lightning ball and it was floating in his hand. It was a green fire ball.
"Thank youuu!" She kissed him on the cheek.
They started to walk again and their footsteps became louder every second. I started walking backwards and of course I fell on the floor and it made a really loud sound and it echoed.
"SHE IS IN THE LEFT SIDE!" WishuNight shouted and I heard them running towards me.
I got up and ran so fast. Very fast. I was just running in an endless corridor. When i found myself that i had chose which should i go. I went left and there was a corner. I heard they arrived so i hid in the corner.
"Where did she go? " Dark asked.
"We should do what Anti-Jack said. Me and Dark will go left and you two will go right. " Réna said.
"Okay. " WishuNight said. She and Anti-Jack went right. I had enough time to throw a little rock to the right and i did it.
"Did you guys hear that? " WishuNight said and she and Anti-Jack ran.
"C'mon Melanie. " Dark said.
"Just let me see something. " she said and she put her hand on the wall right next to me but it was way too dark to see me.
"Is everything okay? " Dark asked.
"Yes. " she said and they followed them.
I sat down and started to think about how should get Mark and the others back, how should i escape even if I don't know where i am and know the truth. Who is Melanie? Or Réna? Why me? Maybe because she looks like me but she is evil.
I made sure that they weren't here so i could continue my... adventure? I don't know but first thing i had to do is to fight with Réna and get Mark and the others back.
Hey everyone! I am still ill! Yaay! But i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was one of my fav chapters and sorry that i didn't update but i started watching Undertale (i know i am late sorry). And nowadays i was thinking about a sequel if i finish this book. Write me if it's a good idea. So i hope you a non-sick day and don't forget to Like-Comment-Share!
I will see you in the next chapter! Bye 👋 👋!!
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