The unforgettable birthday
"Ahh, finally it's over. Darkiplier and Antisepticeye are gone forever. Now I shall have my breakfast, get changed and wait for my friends!" You said happily.
You went down to have your breakfast. You told your mom about your good dream and the yesterday 'romance' . She was happy to hear that. After you finished your meal you went to the bathroom to get changed. You put on the dress which you bought yesterday. You were doing your make up when suddenly the mirror broke into many pieces.
"Mom! Come up here! The mirror has broken." You shouted to your mom. You couldn't move because if you move, your feet will bleed. You were scared because you didn't even touched the mirror.
"I am here, honey. Did you break the mirror?" Your mom asked.
"No, I didn't. I was doing my make up when suddenly the mirror broke. " You told to your mom.
"Well, okay." She said and she swept the glasses. You could finally come out the bathroom and you were ready for the party.
-30 minutes later -
You heard the door bell rang, you opened the door.
"Hi! Happy Birthday! Am I the first one?" Emily asked who was invited to your party.
"Thanks and yeah, come in! Do you want some cookies?" You asked.
"Yeah. Where can I put the gift?" She asked.
"You can put it on the table in front of the couch!" You said and you came out of the kitchen with a plate of cookies.
"Here!" You said. "And how are you doing? This is a really nice dress! "
"Ohh thanks. Well I am good. I played with FNaF 4 yesterday and I beat it! Next time I will do the 20/20/20/20 mode! I think I can beat it because if Markiplier did it, I can do it! " She said. You liked her because she was a gamer.
"OMG! Congrats! And I heard from Tina that you download a new game from Steam. What is this game?" You asked.
"Well, I think you know what game is it. In this game you need to get Senpai and-" She said, but you cut her off.
"YANDERE SIMULATOR!" You shouted the answer.
"Yeah." She said and giggled.
Someone knocked on the door. You opened it and it was Jake. Your crush's best friend.
"Hey girl! Happy Birthday! You look pretty!" He said. He is one of the coolest guys in the school and he is in love with you.
"Hey! Thanks!" You said. "Come on in! "
He came in and he put down the gift. He sat down on the couch and he took a cookie.
"Where are the others? I thought I will be the last one. "He said.
"Well, we need to wait for them. Until we wait, what do you want to do?" You asked.
"No no no! You are the birthday girl, you decide what should we do because it's your birthday party!" Emily said.
"Okay. Hmmm... Do you want to play Frials Fusion on the Play Station?" You asked.
"Yes!" They said in the same time. You got the controllers and you connected them. Before you started the game, someone was ringing on the door bell and knocking at the same time. You have already known who was that. You opened the door and your BFF jumped into a hug.
"Thanks! Thank you so much!" You said.
"I got the best present for you, but you can only open it when it's the time!" She said and she came in. She saw that Emily and Jake were already there. She said hi to them and they said hi to her. You suggested her to join the game. She said yes and you got the last controller and gave it to her. You two sat on the couch and started the game. Four of you were playing about 10 minutes when someone knocked on the door. You opened it. It was Tina and his brother Joe.
"Hi! Happy Birthday!" Tina and Joe said and they came in. There were no cookies left on the plate so you ran to the kitchen and you found your mom. She gave you the next plate of cookies and popcorn. You put them on the table. You said that someone could play with her controller because she need to do something important. Joe went to the controller and picked it up. You went up to your room, you wanted to make sure you look beautiful so Your Senpai will notice you. You heard the door bell rang. You went down and you opened the door and it was your love, David (that is your crush's name but you could name what do you want but i will write this and your BFF 's name is Mary but you could name her what do you want).
"Hi! Happy Birthday Baby!" David said and he hugged you and you (OF COURSE) hugged him back. He came in and sat on the couch. He was watching the race where the others failed. They were laughing.
"Okay guys, who wants some cake!!" Your mom asked.
"Me!" Everyone said at the same time.
Your mom brought the cake out and everyone sat on their chairs. You got the knife to cut the cake into 8-9 pieces, so you cut the first piece and put onto a plastic plate when there was blood instead of vanilla cream. Everyone screamed. They blinked and the blood disappeared and there was vanilla cream again. You give the cake piece to Mary and to the others. While you guys were eating the cakes, Tina went to the bathroom and she screamed. Everyone ran to the bathroom and When everybody got in the bathroom, you saw a title on the mirror.
"There is no escape!" It was written by blood.
"Tina, I think you should go to the bathroom upstairs." You suggested and she nodded. When everybody went out from the bathroom you tried to make the title disappear, but you couldn't. You tried with water, with shampoo, everything what you found in the bathroom. So you covered with a towel. You went out and everybody put their plates in the trash. Suddenly the lights started to fade.
"What's going on?" David asked.
"Okay, if someone tries to mess with us, well this is not funny." Emily said.
"I bring a new electric burner." Your mom said. Later she brought a new burner and she changed with the old one. The lights went back to normal.
"Okay... So what do you want to do now? Go outside or play on the tv. " Your mom gave some suggestions. Everyone wanted to go outside because the sun was shining and everything, but suddenly it started to rain. So you played on the tv. You switched on the TV and connect the PS. You guys played a game which only 4 people could play. You, Tina, David and Joe played.
- 20 minutes later -
Suddenly the screen went off.
"Ahh, come on. I was about to win." Tina said.
You tried everything to fix it but nothing. The screen went on but there were only moving white and black dots. You pulled out the connection of the TV, but the TV was still on.
"Okay, guys if you try to trick us well it was funny Ha-ha but now could you stop it, okay?" You said.
"It wasn't us. We wouldn't do something like that." Emily said. The lights went off.
"What the fuck!" Jake said. The lights went on again but there was something strange. There was something that smelled bad.
"WHAT THE FUUUUCK?!" Mary shouted. She saw blood was coming from the TV screen. And there was a title too and it was written by blood too.
"This isn't over!"
Everyone was scared by now.
"I came here to have fun not shit my pants." Emily said.
"Look guys, I didn't do anything of these things, I promise." You said and you pointed up you pinky finger and that meant you said the truth.
"But, if (Y/n) didn't do any of these things, who did them?" Jake asked.
"Do you think you control your dreams? Well, you are going to have the worst birthday of your life. And not only (Y/n) will have some terror. Hahahahaha!" A voice said.
"Oh no, no, no! This is impossible!" You said.
"Look, maybe we heard a creepy voice but it won't do anything." Jake said.
"Guys, you don't understand this. They are going to make us scared or even worse! " You said.
"But who are they?" Tina asked.
"Darkiplier and Antisepticeye." You said quietly. "I know, it may sound like I'm crazy, but I am not."
"Well, we are fucked up." David said.
"Why?" Emily asked.
"You don't know Dark and Anti-Jack. They are demons. I had nightmares with them for a long time. But I said I control my dreams not them. Maybe they became angry about it and try to make my day and life even worse what they did in my dreams. So we need to hide." You told to everyone who didn't know Dark and Anti-Jack.
"Well, your mom isn't at home and we need to hide." Tina said.
You guys heard that every mirror broke into pieces. Big mirrors and bathroom mirrors. The mirror pieces started to fly. They flew to you arms, legs, neck, just everywhere.
"Ouch, they made a cut on my arm." Emily said.
"What the fuck is going on?!" Jake said.
"Guys, I have bad news." Joe said. "The windows and the doors are locked."
The pieces made cuts on your legs, arms, necks, faces, bellies. Everyone became terrified.
"Stop! They didn't do anything! Don't hurt them, just me!" You shouted. Suddenly Dark appeared on the TV screen.
"So, you said I don't have to hurt them. Well I have to tell you something. I will hurt you and your friends because it is more fun. And you won't escape from us, (y/es/n) [that means your evil side's name who appeared in the mirror, I will name her as Réna,but you could name her what do you want to ] and if the queen said that, well we have to do that, and you will die in pain and slowly!" Dark said. Emily and Tina started to cry because they were really scared. Tina's brother, Joe, came to them and try to cheer them up. Jake wanted to come to you but David was faster and Jake went to Mary. So he hugged you, you hugged him back.
"Look, everything is gonna be okay." He said.
You heard plates were coming out from the cupboard. Plates were floating out of the kitchen.
"DOWN!" Joe said.
Everyone went down to the floor. You opened your eyes to see what was really going on. You saw blood on everyone's body, some on the wall, floor. You stood up.
"STOP!" You yelled. The plates stopped in the air, but they fell to the floor and they broke into smaller and sharper pieces. The plate pieces and the mirror pieces started to fly again. They flew through your two hands and your ankles. You were on the floor, you could only see the ceiling. There was a mirror piece in front your face which could kill you anytime.
"Guys, help me!" You yelled while tears came from your eyes. Nobody moved except Mary. She started to crawl to you. She grabbed the piece what was in front of your face and she threw it, them she grabbed the others but she couldn't took it out from your hand.
"David, help me!" Mary said. David crawled there, he grabbed the piece what was in your right hand. He could take it out but really hardly and his hand became bloody because of the mirror piece. So he took the others out too. Suddenly blood was coming dowm on the wall and the ceiling. Everyone screamed and some girls cried.
"Well, I think you learned the lesson. But do not think about that we will go away. Maybe you will reach that time." Anti-Jack said. The mirror and plate pieces didn't went back to their places but the blood stopped coming out from the wall and the ceiling. Everyone became a little bit calm because they knew that Dark and Anti-Jack have gone for now.
"Guys, I am so sorry. I didn't want that you would be the part if this shit. I just... I don't know what to do. I don't know if you guys are still my friends or you hate me." You said while you were crying and you went to the wall and you were sitting.
"Look, it's not your fault. You wanted to be free, but do you know who is that Réna?" Mary said.
"No. I was really suprised about it. Is she a queen? I don't really want to talk about, I just want to forget what happened." You said.
"Well first we need so many bandages and you need something to tie up your deep cuts." Tina suggested. She wanted to be doctor or a nurse anyway. Emily looked a little bit curious about it, but she brushed it off. Everyone went to the bathroom and put some bandages on their marks, on their body parts.
"The next thing we should do is to make every piece disappear." Jake suggested. He tried to put one in the mirror case and it worked. So everyone grabbed a mirror or a plate piece. People who grabbed mirror pieces, they just put them in the mirror place and people who grabbed plate pieces, they puzzled them and put them back into to the cupboard. Mary tried to took down the bandages and when she took them off, there were no marks anymore.
"Guys, try to take down the bandages. My cuts disappeared!" Mary said. So everyone took off the bandages and their cuts disappeared except yours.
"Don't worry. You will be better soon." Tina said and she tried to cheer you up. You warned everyone about not to tell this to anyone nodded. Later you guys tried to forget it and some of you could, but some of you couldn't.
- 30 minutes later -
Everyone went home after your mom arrived at home. You forgot to open the presents. The gifts were in your room. Before you could go up to your room, your mom wanted to talk about what happened when she wasn't at home.
"Well, you know this Darkiplier thing happened. First all the mirrors broke and the pieces were floating to our body parts and they cut us. Later there were plates too. They were really scared. I tried to protect them, but the mirror pieces took me down to the floor. Dark and Anti-Jack said that they won't leave me alone in my dreams. And we saw blood on the floor, on the wall and on the TV." You told to your mom.
"Why didn't you call me?" She asked.
"My phone was in my room and it was too far." You said while you were crying.
"Oh, butterfly. I promise I won't let this happen again, but I can't do anything about your dreams. I can't help about it." She said with tears. Usually when you cry, your mom cries too. After you guys cheered each other up you went up to your room and got changed. After you got changed you opened you presents. You started with Emily's. It was a little Teddy bear with a Markiplier T-shirt and Markiplier pants. And there were two Tiny Box Tim earrings.
The next one was Tina's. There were five iPhone5 cases. Well you told them yesterday that you got an iPhone5.
The next one was Jake's. There was a chocolate heart and a love letter. You opened it and there was a text in it.
'I like you since I saw you'. If you read it in front everyone Jake would be proud and David would be sad.
The next one was Joe's. It was a pillow and Jacksepticeye and Markiplier was on the pillow.
The next one was Mary's. There was a necklace. On the necklace the was an M with a pink mustache on it. You found a letter too.
'See, I told you this would be the best gift! Love you! ' . You were really happy, because she had a Jacksepticeye necklace and you have a Markiplier necklace.
The next one was David's. You were really excited. It was a big photo, I mean there were so many pictures in one. Just like a montage. And there was a pendrive. You connected this to your laptop. You opened the document. It was a little film. In the little film there were you and him on the first day when you guys got to know each other then hang out together then only David was on the film. He said something really important.
'(Y/n). I have to tell you this. I can't control my feelings anymore. I love you since I saw you on the first school day. I wanted to tell but I was too scared. Then I became one of the cool boys but it doesn't really mean anything to me. You mean the world to me. I want you to meet me on the 28th of July, 2015, at 2 pm , in the park. I will wait for you. Kiss you. ' . The video ended. You were so happy. You knew that he wants to meet you tomorrow. You wrote a script.
'Meet with David.
2 pm
28th of July, 2015'
You went down and tell your mom. She said it's really awesome that her daughter almost has a boyfriend. And she said that she will tell this to your dad and she will try him to cooperate. After this you went up to Skype. Mary wasn't up, but David was. He was waiting for you. So you called him on Skype.
"Hi!" You said happily.
"Hey! I am really suprised that you called me." He said.
"Well, I was bored so I called you." You said.
"But when I called you, you hung up and logged out. Why did you do that?" He asked with a smile on his face.
"Well, I was too nervous to talk to you. But now I have watched the little film. I am open to you." You said.
"I wasn't sure you would watch the film I made. And what do you think about the photo montage?" He asked.
"I love it! It is on my wall right now. " You said and you showed him. He was really happy about it. Later he said he has to go, you guys ended the call. Later you watched some Markiplier vids. After that you went to sleep. You were tired but you didn't want to fall asleep because you knew what will come if you fell asleep. But you were brave and before you fell asleep you said that: 'Okay, here I go! ' .
Hey everyone! Did you like this chapter? I hope so! I am sorry i am trying to update as fast as i can but school. I am in 8th grade and i have to learn a lot. And i think you read that, Daniel Kyre from Cyndago is an angel now in a better place. He died because something with his brain. I am really sad about it and i cried too. I hope you guys in the same way as i am. Rest in peace Daniel Kyre 1994-2015 . We will always remember you Daniel.
See ya later and if you have any problem just write me about it.
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