The Final Nightmare
"What time is it?" You asked yourself. 6 am. You just woke up by your alarm clock. You realized that you heard no sounds. That was strange. The pills that you had were good for you, but the bottle was empty and you thought you didn't need to get those anymore, because you didn't have nightmares anymore.
You went down to have your breakfast, which was cereal. Your mom wasn't at home, but your dad was.
"Hey dad!" You greeted him.
"Good morning, butterfly. How did you sleep?" He asked.
"I slept very well. I thought the 'nightmares demons' will haunt me, but they didn't." You answered.
"Well, looks like you were lucky this time." He said. He said that sentence like Dark or Anti-Jack would said that.
"Well, I hope I won't have any nightmares after this." You said and you had your breakfast.
You went upstairs to your room, changed your clothes, brushed your teeth, put on a little make up. You were ready to go to school. It was strange because everytime when you woke up you hear the sound and/or see blood. You thought they have gone away. You looked at the time. 7:30 am. You ran downstairs.
"Dad, can you give me a lift to school this time?" You said.
"No." He said. Since you were in first grade, everytime your mom took you to school or you went by yourself. Your dad never took to school. Never ever.
"Please!" You said.
"No." He said.
"Please! Please!" You said and you tried to make a puppy face.
If you would want to walk by yourself to school you would do that, but your parents yesterday talked about that they will take you to school on the first days.
"Maybe, but you know that I need to hurry. So get ready in 5 minutes." Your dad said.
This was the time when you knew the real reason why does your father never took you to school.
- Flashback -
You were in 3rd grade. You and your mom were talking while sitting on the couch.
"Mommy?" You asked. "Why has daddy never taken me to school? "
"Well, butterfly, you know daddy is working a lot and he needs space in his car." Your mom lied.
"Oh, okay. So, he doesn't want me to be in his car?" You asked.
"No, he needs space for his papers and the other things." She said.
"Then, when we go to a trip we can sit in his car?" You said.
"Well, Mommy's car is not perfect for a trip so we go by Daddy's car." Your mom said.
- end of the flashback -
So your dad didn't want to take you to school because he needs to work and he usually arrives at work in the last minutes.
You were ready to go to school, when you went downstairs, you saw the worst thing in your life. Nothing. Your father went away without you. He left you. You just couldn't stop the tears. You cried. You tried to stop but you couldn't. It really hurt. After that you know that you will not look up your father as a father anymore. You stopped crying and decided to cry afternoon. So you walked to school by your own.
While you were on your way, you met Mary. She was really happy to see you. She ran to you as fast as she could.
"(Y/NNN)!!!" She ran into you and hugged you. "OMG, are you okay now? Can I help you with something? Anything?"
"No, I don't need help. I am so so glad to see you again. Look, I am so sorry about what happened last time, I jus-" She interrupted you by hugging you.
"It wasn't your fault." She said. "I will be here whenever you need me. Okay now we should go to school." She said. You nodded and you two stared to walk to school.
You weren't sad anymore about your dad, because you were happy to see your BFF. Soon you arrived to the school and your classmates were happy to see you. They asked about you, for example how are you, do you need help and other things like that.
Your first class was Geography. While you were walking to the class, you were talking with everyone. When you were in the class, you sat down and the school bell rang. After 5 minutes the teacher came in the class and greeted everyone.
"Hey, class! I am so happy to see everybody healthy, happy and be ready to learn. But first before we start to learn, let's talk about your summer break." Your teacher said. Your class loved that teacher because she was really kind.
- Timeskip to you when you talk about your summer break -
"So, (Y/n)" She said. "how was your summer break? "
In your brain you wanted to lie, but your friends wouldn't like that so you said the truth.
" Well, I had my worst break and worst birthday party with (nightmare) demons and they drove me crazy almost insane. I just want to forget it." You said with sadness.
"Hey," Your teacher stood up and walked to you. "look, everything is going to be okay. You can trust me. If you need anything just come here and I will help you." She was the kindest and the nicest person in the school.
"Thank you." You said. After that you just wanted to start the class.
During the class you heard sounds. You thought someone from the class called you but no. No-one was talking to you. You realized that you heard those sounds. It scared you but you tried to hide it. Then the blood on the wall, on the desk, on the board, everywhere.
Mary looked at you and you could see the worry on her face.
"(Y/n)," She asked. "Are you okay? Do you need help." You tried to say something, but the blood on wall 'said' that 'If you talk, then the darkness will come out'. So you nodded to Mary. You wanted to write what was the problem, but if you write it down then you throw up the 'darkness'. You felt the black liquid in your mouth. You decided to write it down as fast as you could. Mary understood in two words. You felt like you could throw up right now.
"Ms. Patterson!" She said. "(Y/n) is gonna throw up! She has to go to the restroom! " She said as fast as she could.
"Okay, run to the restroom and Mary, please go with her." Ms. Patterson said.
You ran to the restroom as fast as you could and you reached the toilet and... Threw up the black liquid. Like in your dream you couldn't stop I mean it couldn't stop.
Mary's POV
I ran to the restroom and I heard that (Y/n) was throwing up. I went to her and see her, but... she was throwing up some black liquid. I didn't know what was it, but I didn't know what to do either. When she could breath for air, she said something .
"Get something from my bag!" She said and the black liquid was coming out again.
I ran to the class, they were watching a movie about the mountains. As I opened the door everyone looked at me. I didn't care about this, I ran to her bag, grabbed it and went back to the restroom. She didn't stop throwing up. I was looking for something that I give her, but I didn't find anything. I was really worried.
Your POV
I thought I am gonna die. It hurt so much. Mary tried to find something in my bag, it was useless. Suddenly a shiney thing appeared. I closed my mouth and grabbed that thing. It was a little bottle. It was full of... Stars? I didn't care, I drank it and I stopped throwing up. I thought this will happen in the future.
"Omg! (Y/n)!! Are you okay now?" She asked worriedly.
"I think I am." You said and tried to stand up. You two went back to the classroom and everyone looked at you.
"(Y/n), are you alright now?" Ms. Patterson asked. You nodded and took your seat. The rest of the lesson, you were watching the movie. After the lesson Ms. Patterson ordered you to her desk. She gave you some medicine and she said that get better soon. The next lesson was History. You hated it as shit. The teacher was a dick with you.
Well, you went to the History class. You were not ready to this class, but you sat down and the school bell rang. The teacher came in to the classroom.
"Good morning class! Today (Y/n) is gonna talk about the First World War." The teacher said.
"Okay, just don't fuck up this. You can do it! JUST DO IT!" You thought. So you walked to the world map.
"Okay, so you can start!" Mr. Price said the history teacher.
You were talking and talking. But suddenly when you almost finished you 'speech' you felt something in your stomach, then in your lungs.
You couldn't breath. You fell on the ground try to get some air, but it was useless. The class was worried about you, David thought that something got stuck in your throat, but there was nothing.
But then it appeared again. The black liquid.
"Again? When will it disappear?" You asked yourself.
You split some black liquid thing on the floor and you were okay. Everyone was wondering about what was that?
"I think you need to go home." David said.
"No, no. I am okay." You said.
"Yes, yes she is going to be okay." Mr. Price said.
"Look, I will go with you to the sickroom." Mary said.
"No Mary, I will go with her. You did enough." David said.
"Ohm, excuse me. I am her best friend and she needs my help. Okay?" Mary said.
"Mary, I am her boyfriend and she needs my help!" David said. He was getting jealous, because Mary was helping you more.
"Mary! You did enough! Now it's my turn as a boyfriend!" David almost shouted.
"SHUT UUUP!!" You screamed at them.
"Guys, what are you doing?" You asked. "Why are you doing this? Both of you are my friends. I don't understand why are you doing this."
"(Y/n), she tries to 'steal' you from me!" David said.
"Me?! I am her best friend, not a lesbian!" Mary said.
"(Y/n), just look at her." And then David said the worst thing which you have ever heard. "Mary is a bitchy slut!"
"Boys and girls, calm down." Mr. Price said.
"David! How could you say something like that?! You know that she is my best friend!" You said with tears.
"But you are mine! She tries to ruin our relationship! Can't you see?" David said.
"David! How many fucking times I need to tell you that I am not a freaking lesbian, just her best friend!" Mary said.
"Guys, please stop it!" You said to them.
To your sentence,the two people had two different reactions.
"I am sorry (Y/n), I've just gone to far." Mary said, David said something totally different.
"Are you on her side?! How dare you!" David said and he slapped you.
"Kids!" Mr. Price shouted. " It's almost end of the lesson and we didn't learn anything. So everyone get their stuffs and leave the class. "
This was strange for you. You didn't get any mark. You went out the room and David came to you.
"(Y/n) I am so sorry." He said. "Will you forgive me? "
"Look David, what you did is unforgivable. I am sorry but I can't forgive you. And this is the end of our relationship." You said.
"Please, baby don't do this. I love you and I won't do something like that in the future." He begged.
You turned around and follow Mary. You didn't cry. You felt good that you broke up with David, because he hated Mary.
"You did something great!" Mary tried to cheer you up.
You felt you had the worst day of your life. While you and Mary were going to the next class you felt like you can't move your legs. You started see things in black. You fainted.
Mary POV
I was walking with (Y/n) when suddenly she stopped and fainted. I was really scared because she threw up something, split something on the floor and then faint. I slapped her not hard but to wake her up, but she didn't wake up. I heard footsteps. I looked up and I saw David.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well, I am trying to help her." He replied.
"David I think I can do it." I said and I grabbed (Y/n) with both of my arm and carried her to the sickroom.
Your POV
After that you fainted you had a dream.
- dream -
The usual thing happened. You are in torture thing and then Dark and Anti-Jack appear.
"Look we were thinking about a deal." When Dark said that, you became curious.
"We will disappear because now it's impossible to possess you, so here is the deal." Anti-Jack said. " So we will disappear until we think about gettinh back but you will the worst day, which is today, and in your nightmare, which is gonna happen tonight, we will torture you in every way that exists or we will never leave and you will kill yourself because of us. So what do you say?" He asked.
You were thinking about having so much pain in so many ways in one nightmare or having pain every day.
So you chose...
"I choose the... First one." You said.
"What a good girl!" Dark said.
"Now you will wake up and-" Anti-Jack wanted to say something, but you interrupted him.
"Before I wake up." You said. "Did you possess David?"
They started to laugh.
"Who? " Dark asked. "Ohh, your ex boyfriend! No, if it was me or Anti-Jack his eyes' color would go red and black." Dark said the truth.
"So, David was himself all the time You said. You didn't know that David hated Mary that much. Well you knew you made the good choice.
"And now wake up." Anti-Jack said.
- end of the dream -
You woke up in the sickroom. Everything was white. Mary was next to you.
"Ohh, (Y/n)! Finally you are awake! I was worried about you." Mary said. She had so many 'worry time' about you. "(Y/n), you should really go home now. Are your parents at home?" She asked. You shook your head. "I will ask the principal if I can go with you."
You were so happy that you had a friend like Mary.
- 30 minutes later -
You were sitting next to the principal's door. Mary was in the principal's room, she wanted to go with you. Not to hang out or not to be in school. She wanted to care about you.
Mary's POV
I was talking to the principal. I tried everything.
"So," He started. "you want to go home with (Y/n), because she is ill or something?"
"Actually yes, but I go to her house and I look after her because she threw up some black liquid and she fainted. Her parents are not at home so maybe I could help her." I told to the principal.
"Okay, you can go. "He said. "But you have to have a five in Math. "
I was happy that I can go with (Y/n) and if I am with her, there will be no problem.
"Okay, I will try!" I said. "Thank you so much, goodbye!"
I went out and I saw (Y/n). She wasn't feeling very good, but when I told her that I can go with her she was happy.
Your POV
You were so happy that Mary could go with you. That was the only one happy thing in this day.
To be continued
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is only the part one because if this wouldn't be in parts i could super long. I will try to update if i can but i think i can write the next one more quickly. Anyway, i will see you in the next chapter!
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