Say hello to your dead friends
Your POV
It's been two weeks since Sean and Signe got here. But I didn't tell anyone about that night. At the same time everything went even worse. I couldn't really sleep well, I could see Dark, Anti-Jack and WishuNight even more times than Mark, Sean and Signe, I wasn't eating much, I saw Réna everyday and she hurt me everyday. I couldn't hold it anymore.
One day I woke up but Mark wasn't next to me. There was no paper or anything. I went out if he was there but nothing. I only saw Sean and Signe.
"Finally, you are awake!" Signe greeted me but she was a little strange.
"Where is Mark?" I asked.
"It's not important. The only one important thing is you." Sean said.
He and Signe became Anti-Jack and WishuNight. They came closer to me and...
I woke up. It was all a dream. Mark was next to me. Snoring.
I couldn't sleep back, it was 3 am.
I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I washed my body and face and my hair and I shaved my legs and my armpits.
It was 4 am. I had to be quiet if I do anything. I went to the kitchen. I was hungry so I opened the fridge if there was anything to eat but no. Just ingredients. I decided to make omelette.
I made orange juice too but I had to be really quiet.
At 9 am I made everyone wake up by yelling : WAKE UP GUYS!! BREAKFAST IS SERVED!
Everybody came out of their room. They were surprised to see fresh food before they woke up.
"When did you wake up?" Mark asked rubbing his eyes.
"At 3 am." I said. "I couldn't sleep. "I said.
While we were eating Mark mentioned something which I didn't know.
"So (Y/n), what do you think, what color should I dye my hair?" Mark asked. He had blue but it faded.
"What?" I asked. "Did we even talk about this before?"
"Yes. Yesterday." He said.
"Well, I think I was really tired and I didn't pay attention. Sorry." I said.
"I forgive you." Mark said.
"But back to the question. I think aqua or cyan would be good." I said.
"Yeah dude." Sean said.
After breakfast we went to the hairdressers to dye Mark's hair, but it was blue or cyan, we didn't know. I only wanted to cut the very bottom of my hair.
We went home and Mark and Sean decided to record videos for today and the future.(And Mark's hair was blue). Me and Signe were just talking when...
"Look, (Y/n). I was in the hospital and I asked a doc about the things which happened to you. He understood it and gave me these pills. He said you need to take them." Signe said. This didn't look good for me.
"Well... I don't th-" I wanted to say but...
"JUST TAKE THE DAMN PILLS!!" Signe yelled at me and made me swallow the pills. I instantly fainted.
I woke up in a hospital. No-one was there. I could only hear silence. This was creepy. I walked out of the room to see if anyone was out there. No-one. Not even a soul. The lights were sometimes lightning sometimes not. I was walking on the corridor. I saw papers on the ground. I saw no window but a wind blew in my face and blew the papers away. I heard a door opening behind me. I didn't want to look at it but I turned around and... Nothing. I turned back and there was a wall. A wall just appeared from the nothing. So I had no choice, just to go in that room.
I went in that room and there was a bed. Like a hospital bed and there was blood on it. On the floor, on the wall even on my hands. I heard a girl screaming. She was on the bed and she looked at me. She had blood red pupils. I ran out of the room. I didn't know where, just out of this place. There were so many rooms but they were all locked. When I looked back the little girl was walking towards... To me with a knife. She was covered in blood. She was wearing a little princess dress which was bloody. She was like a psycho, she had tiny pupils which made her look like a psycho. But one thing was sure. She wasn't smiling.
"I will take my revenge on you!!" She yelled.
I couldn't do anything just to run. Run in an endless corridor. I saw doors on my sides but I knew they were all locked. Suddenly I fell down on the floor. I almost broke my ankle. The girl ran to me, jumped and stabbed me in the heart.
I woke up on my bed. It was all a dream. I was a little dizzy but I heard shouthing out of the bedroom. I heard Mark, Sean and Signe shouting with each other. I wanted to go out but when I heard this...
"Jesus Dark! How many fucking times I need to tell you the plan??!!"
It wasn't them. It was Dark, Anti-Jack and WishuNight. They were talking about me.
I didn't know what to do. I tried to open the window but it was locked. And 'luckily' they heard it.
"What was that?" Anti-Jack asked. "Dark, check it."
"I wanted to do it anyway." He said.
I heard the footsteps that became louder. I laid back on the bed, in the same position.
I heard Dark opening the door.
"Maybe it was the wind." He said it weirdly. "But I think we can go. "
He grabbed me and he put me on the floor. I heard the mirror broke. They went through it and they dragged me with them.
It wasn't like a long portal thing. It was like a second long.
We arrived. I heard voices echoing.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to drag her?!" I heard someone yelling.
"Are you on your period again?" Dark asked.
"No..." The girl answered.
"So where is the room?" Anti-Jack asked.
"Over there." She said. "But why are we talking?"
"Wait... It's Réna! Oh, crap!" I thought.
They dragged me to a room and left me there. When I heard the door closing I instantly opened my eyes. I was terrified. The room where I was, was like a prison. Grey iron walls which made echo sounds. I felt like I was in an iron square. But with a door. There were no window or hole. Plus there was some rust. I was panicking.
- 10 minutes later -
Dark opened the door. I didn't want to pretend that I was still asleep.
"Oh, so you are awake. But we already knew when you tried to opened the window." He said.
"They knew?!"
"What do you want from me?" I asked.
"Are you serious? We have talked this ages ago!" He laughed. "But it will be slow and painful. "
This was the time when I was shocked. I knew what was going to happen. The torture.
I didn't realize that there were four chains on the wall. Two for my hands, two for my feet.
I couldn't move. He put my hands and my feet in the chains.
Anti-Jack came into the room. With torture weapons. Like knives and whip.
"So the little princess is here." He said. He grabbed a knife from his pocket. "Don't worry, it will only hurt a little." He said.
He wanted to stab me but I kicked the knife out of his hand. I could have kicked his face but the chain wasn't that long.
"You little bitch!" Anti-Jack shouted and kicked me in the face. I spitted blood.
"I know what we should do." Dark said. He came closer with two knives in his hands. He stabbed one in my left foot and one in my right foot. It was painful as hell.
"Now kick if you can." Anti-Jack said.
He came closer to me. He looked into my eyes. I couldn't move. Not because I fell in love with him, I just couldn't.
Then he made a deep, long cut on my arm. It really hurt. Then a short and fast cut on my cheek. I was screaming.
He made 3 cuts on my wrist. Then he made a deep cut on his wrist. Green blood was coming out. He poured it on my arm cuts. I couldn't move my arms. I didn't know if it was poison or acid, but it hurt even more than when he cut me. Then he stopped.
"It was just the beginning." Dark said.
"If this was the beginning, what's gonna happen later?" This was in my head.
"Later? You will see." Dark said and they walked out.
"Did he just..." I said.
Finally I was able to move, but it was painful. But I was 50% stuck, because the knives were in my feet.
I tried to move my arms to reach the knives. I was screaming in pain. When I finally reached them, first the right. Luckily I could pull it out. But the left one... It took 10 minutes to pull it out.
There was blood everywhere.
I could stand up but very slowly and carefully. When I tried to walk I fell.
"Again." I said.
I stood up and walked. But the chains weren't long enough so I fell again.
I tried it again. I fell again.
I fell again.
"Again." I said it so many times. "I will never give up." I said.
When I fell down for like the 100th times I was crying.
"Let. Me. Go. Please." I cried.
- next day -
I woke up by someone yelling at me. It was Dark.
"Finally." He said. Anti-Jack was next to him.
When I realized where I was I looked around. Another room. And I was on a torture wall thingy. My hands and feet were chained to it. My right hand was on the top right of the torture bed thing. My left hand was on the top left of the torture thing and the same with my feet but there on the bottom.
There was a table, full of knives. I had a deja-vu feeling.
Dark came closer to me with a knife.
"You know that you won't survive this, don't ya?" He said.
"You have already done this! I am not afraid of you!" This was the thing that I regret shouting.
"Ohh, really. Then say hello to your dead friends." Dark said.
When I looked in his eyes, I saw Mark. He was terrified. He tried to escape but it seemed impossible. But he yelled something.
I could have realized it, but the only one thing I realized, was that I was stabbed.
Hey everyone!! I am still sick! Yay. But anyway, i hope you liked this chapter with a twist thing in the end. And now i know what color is Mark's hair! And also this book almost reached 2k reads! Thank you guys so so much! Also now in this book things will get better and better.
( And I am working on an anime about the ' Dark sides of the people' thing and these characters in the book, like how i imagine them)
Don't forget to Like-Comment-Share!
And i will see you in the next chapter!
Bye! ♥ ♥
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