Prepared for the Cry bros
Your POV
Being a soul was calm and peaceful. Like nothing mattered. But at the same time, sad. Because you don't feel like you live, you feel like you are just there.
Me and Mark embraced and i didn't want to let go of him. I was crying.
"Mark, i am sorry. " i said.
"Why are you sorry? " he asked.
"Because i was weak, i didn't believe in myself enough, i gave up. " i said.
"(Y/n), it is not your fault. You did your best. " he tried to say good things but i couldn't accept my failure.
"All we can do is try to get our body back. " he said.
"But Mark, they are way stronger than us. "Signe said.
"And what is your plan anyway? You know that we tried it a thousand times." Sean said.
"Well maybe you are right..." Mark said.
"Guys, if we take a little break to think about how should we do it, maybe we have a chance." i said.
"Well then, what is your idea?" Sean asked.
"What if we attack them from behind and-"
"That didn't work last time." Signe said.
"Then, if we trap them-"
"We tried, but we didn't succeed." Sean said.
"Welp, if we throw at them sharp things an-"
"(Y/n)..." Mark put his hand on my shoulder. "You can't say anything that we didn't try."
Réna's POV
I did it! I possessed her body and i am strong enough to fight him!
"Dark, we should call him now." i said.
"Already? Welp, okay." Dark said.
Me, Dark, Anti-Jack and WishuNight were here. We were prepared for this fight for years. Dark drew the demon star on the floor. Four of us cut their wrists to pour the blood onto the star. Mine and Dark's was black, Anti-Jack's was green and WishuNight's was golden. We didn't need to say anything, we only needed to wait. Then he came. Virus!Cry.
"Ohh, Melanie it's so great to see you again." he said and came closer to me. My real name was Melanie, not Réna. Maybe later i will tell her.
"Don't touch me. " i backed.
"Tss. " he said.
"Dark, buddy!" he wanted to give Dark a bro hug.
"Stay away from me. " he said.
"Why is everyone so rude? " he smiled evilly.
"Anti-Jack? WishuNight? " he looked at them.
"What? " Anti-Jack asked rudely.
"So, are you guys ready? " V.Cry asked.
"I was waiting for this moment for so long. " i said.
"Oh well, what are we waiting for? " he asked.
He had sharp fingers and teeth. He had his white mask which was almost his real face becasue he talked and saw with that. He took something from us which was ours. Our kingdom almost, because he said if we won't show him that we are strong enough to have a kingdom, he will have it and kill everyone as our punishment.
He was ready for this fight. Suddenly TVs appeared from the floor, like 10. His monsters were coming out of the TV. Oh boy, these were white monsters, with his mask-face on them. They were running towards us. I kicked and punched them and i knew it wasn't enough. They were coming fastly.
I installed my darkness-power. With my hand i controlled it, i grabbed them and threw them everywhere. When they die, they disappear. But they were just coming and coming.
Dark could read people's mind, WishuNight could grow bat wings and sharp fingers and teeth and her eyes will turn into golden. Anti-Jack could cut himself (wow Mangaplier very clever) and pour his green acid blood and with that he can make it into a fireball, and make more of his blood without cutting himself and he controlled it like i did it with my darkness.
So Dark read their mind and beat the shit out of them.
WishuNight turned into her devil side and flew to them and went through some of them, and punched them.
Anti-Jack threw his acid blood at them and controlled it as his big hand and grab them and threw them at V.Cry.
I grabbed them as well with my darkness and threw them, punch them. Then i started floating with the darkness power, i was standing on a black cloud.
But then i regretted whag i did. I flew to V.Cry and tried to choke him. Didn't work. I tried to stab him which was almost good, but he grabbed by the neck and threw me away on the ground. Then by this he made his monsters stronger and they damaged us.
Everyone was weak by this. We couldn't attack, even me the strongest.
"It was fun, but i have places to go and kill. " he said and coming towards me. Dark tried to stop him by grabbing his ankle but he kicked Dark in the face.
"You. Not gonna. Kill. Anyone. " i said.
"Remember our deal? If you lose i kill everyone in your kingdom, if i lose you can destroy me. But i won and like i said i will kill everyone in your kingdom, including you guys. " he said. " And i will start with you!" he pointed at me.
"It couldn't be the end. I still can live. I can't give up yet, i can't let millions of people die. "
He came closer and closer to me. He will kill like he did to others? Take out my heart with his own hands? And then eat me? No. I have fight. I can't let it happen to me.
Your POV (while the fight)
I heard something demonic sound from somewhere.
"Mark. " i said.
"Yes, beautiful? " he asked.
"Did you hear that? " i asked.
"Hear what? " he asked.
I heard it again. And again.
"This. " i said.
"What is this?" Signe asked.
"Let's check it. It can't be any worse to us. " Sean said.
We stood up and went to sound. We heard TV sounds too. It was weird. It wasn't far away. We gave up already, we knew we can't get out body back. But when arrived at the place, i saw Réna on ground, weakly lying. It was the only one chance.
"Mark. "
"(Y/n). "
We kissed then i ran.
I ran to Réna.
I jumped into it.
But before i jumped Réna saw me and screamed: No!
It was too late and i knew why did she say no. I saw Cry, but his evil side. I think it was Virus!Cry.
Melanie's POV
Before i could say anything, i saw (Y/n) towards me. Why is she here?
"No! " i screamed but was too late.
Your POV
I didn't know how to get out. I didn't want to die. I was weak, Réna was weak.
"Stupid little girl. " Virus!Cry said.
He was right in front of us. I couldn't move, but i didn't know why. But the next thing, was that he stabbed us. It was different when Réna stabbed me. It was like, poisoning me.
"(Y/n)!!! " Mark, Sean and Signe shouted.
"Melanie!!! " Dark, Anti-Jack and WishuNight shouted.
I was still in my body, but in my head. I was with Réna. She was scared and worried. Everything was going dark and black.
"What's going on?! " i asked.
"I-I don't know. " Réna answered. Or Melanie. I didn't know and i didn't care at that moment.
Now, everything was black. Just darkness.
"Is there any exit or something? " i asked.
"Maybe. " she said. We were looking for an exit even if we are going to be souls again.
I felt weak, but i didn't know why or how, because i didn't do anything exhausting. Réna was weak too. The blackness was trying to take the control of my body and us. It tried to cover us. First it tried to come up on our legs. It came out from the floor of my head.
"Réna! Watch out! " i shouted and pointed behind her. They tried to kill us.
"Under you! " she yelled.
We kicked it and tried to escape.
"Is this happens when people die? " i asked while kicking the dark monster.
"No, but if Virus!Cry stab someone with his knife, this will happen and people usually didn't come out as ghosts or souls after this. " she said.
I saw a shining door far away.
"Réna look! " i pointed at it. She saw it and we started running towards it. But suddenly the dark tentacle hand thing got Réna's ankle and pull her down. She couldn't stand up, it was stronger than her. I had to choose: Save Réna and run or Run and leave her die.
I decided to help her. I stepped hardly on them and helped Réna up. We held each others' hands not to lose one of us. Then we reached the door and went through it.
We jumped out of my body and lied on the floor. Mark helped me up. I hugged him tightly.
"I thought i lost you forever. " he cried with me. Sean and Signe joined. And as a saw Réna and the others did the same.
I looked back at my body. Actually my dead body. Blood was coming out from its chest.
"Mark, i can't take this anymore. I know you always say that i shouldn't give up, but I don't know what to do. It was enough for me. I just want to end it. The torture. The suffer. Everything. I want to go home. " i cried like i child.
" If i knew how to go home, we would be there. " Mark said.
"Hey, V.Cry! Where is your bro? " Anti-Jack asked.
"Excuse me? " he said.
"I asked where is your brother? " he repeated. " Because i thought you brothers are together forever, like the last time we saw you. "
"Why are you so curious about it? " he looked a little bit angry.
"You didn't answer my question. Where. Is. Your. Brother?" he repeated again.
"He isn't here." V.Cry said "We didn't really talked or met after we fought. "
"Well, i have good news for ya. He is right here! " Anti-Jack said and pull out a bottle. There was a soul in it. It was Mad!Cry. He had the same mask-face.
"You little brat! " V.Cry said angrily.
"Let's make a deal. I will give your bro back IF you put Melanie back into the body. Deal? " Anti-Jack offered. But suddenly one of V.Cry's monster appeared from the nowhere and took the bottle from Anti-Jack's hand.
"Fuck. " Anti-Jack frozed down.
"Tsss. Did you really think that i am idiot? I have plans for everything. And looks like your leader is dead and now it is your time to follow her. " he said.
Didn't he saw us or Melanie/Réna after death?
"But, guys. Why didn't you introduce your friends? " he smiled evilly.
Why did i have to say that?
"They are not our fr-" Dark was cut off.
"Then why are they here? " he asked.
"It is not your business! " WishuNight shouted at him.
"Oh wait. Did your idea was that you guys possess them and took their bodies to have more power? This is the most hilarious idea i have ever heard! " he was laughing so hard that he was lying on the floor.
"Ha ha. " Réna laughed. " HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! You fucking idiot! Did you really forget this? " she said it in like a demon voice. She took out a knife. Her eyes were bleeding, her teeth were sharp. She was insane.
"I will not let you destroy innocent people! " she said. And jumped at V.Cry's back. She was stabbing him over and over. Then V.Cry was lying on the floor. He almost dropped the bottle but Dark caught it.
"It is finally time to continue my soul collection. " Réna said. The was an axe in her hand. She chopped it into V.Cry's back over and over again. Then chopped down his head and smash it. Blood was everywhere even on Réna. She licked the blood from her arm, fingers, hand and near her mouth. Dark took V.Cry's soul and put it in the bottle.
"I have always wanted to taste this delicious blood." she was the devil.
Anti-Jack went to the and healed it with his blood. I didn't know but i didn't move.
"And now what Réna? You did what you wanted. " i said to her.
"Now, i will uhhh... " she didn't what to say.
I think she did what she wanted but she wanted more.
Hey everyone! I am not late yaay! But oh boy, i really love writing chapters like this i mean bloody chapters. And the song is about/for you that you are only a soul. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And thank you very much OVER 4K READS! That is a lot of people and i can't even imagine that how people read this book. Thank you very much guys!!
Don't forget to Like-Comment-Share! :3
And I will see you in the next chapter!
Bye 👋 👋 Have a beautiful April!
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