Melanie's fight
Your POV
As i said she wanted more. More what? More blood, more violence, more fight, more soul into her little bottle.
She had blood on her face and on her hand. She looked crazy, almost insane.
"Melanie, are you okay? " Dark walked to her slowly. I think he was afraid too, maybe. He wanted to touch her on the shoulder but Réna or Melanie turned around quickly.
"Dark, i was missing this for the whole time! Murdering, killing, torturing people! This feels... AMAZING!" She was insane.
"Melanie, please stop this. This is not the perfect time for this. " WishuNight said.
"Don't. Come. Closer. " she said.
She was standing by the back, i mean i only saw her back, but she looked aside and she instantly saw me. I could she her pupils became smaller.
"Are you ready (Y/n)? " she said it in a creepy way.
"What? " i asked.
But i had the chance to back into my body and ran away but my body just became dust. BUT without anything, i was a human again, not a soul anymore. Melanie too.
"You know, in this world, you can be a soul and human or a demon if we count us. It is just a world between my dimension and yours. " she had a knife in her hand. She walked towards me. "And i am the only one between us how HAS to be the human/demon!" she jumped at me and we were flying through so many rooms, through the walls and i was amazed that my skull didn't break. Well i think it was broken. Then we arrived into a 'room' where there was nothing but darkness and a few lamps on the ceiling.
I was lying on the floor but i quickly stood up.
"Oh my god! It feels sooo GOOOOD! Why did i stop doing this? " she looked at her hands.
I felt dizzy. I tried to find the way out but nope. Melanie flew to me and grabbed me by the neck and hit my head into the hard wall. Then she grabbed the back of my head and she pulled through me on the floor. I was surprised that i was still alive. But then we stopped in the wall.
"Please...Stop... " i said but i knew it was pointless.
"No! " she said.
Then she grabbed my ankle threw me up into the air. I was floating she was there and kicked me hard in the stomach and i flew away into the hard wall. I was falling but Melanie kicked me again and i flew again. Then in the air she kicked me and i flew. It happened twice later then she let me fall this time. I couldn't move.
"You said you are strong enough to fight me. This is not finished if you wanna ask. " her eyes were so evil looking like if you look into them you die instantly.
"And now if you excuse me, i will tear your body into many pieces. " she said.
She used her darkness-power to grab me and put me in the air. She grabbed my arms, legs and neck.
My mouth, eyes, arms, legs, nose and my back was bleeding. I thought it couldn't get any worse. Oh boy. She started pulling my arms and legs and neck. I was screaming.
"So you are begging, huh? Too bad. " she smirked.
She was about to tear my body but...
"Why aren't you dead yet?! " she yelled.
I called for help.
A white shine appeared around me and made Melanie flew away. I was still in the air. My scars were healed. My skull wasn't broken. I was ready for this fight. The last fight.
I was determined. (Undertale *wink* *wink*)
I was strong enough to fight Melanie.
But everytime when i said 'Melanie' something was in my head, like an erased memory.
I didn't have anything special after this shining thing. But i landed on the floor calmly. But i felt stronger at the same time.
"That is enough!!! " Melanie shouted and black angel wings came out from her back. I was amazed.
"Come here and fight me! " she yelled and flew to me so fast.
She grabbed me by the neck and taking me up in the air again but this time really high. I was grabbing her wrists and then with all my force i took her hand from my neck then punched her in the face (like a boss). I tried to kick her but she grabbed my ankle and spinned me in the air and i only felt a little pain. But i punched her in the chin. A little blood came from her mouth. She kicked me in the stomach and the face. I puked blood. And i forgot to mention it... We were falling of course. So i grabbed her neck this time but she couldn't take my hand away from her neck. Then we landed hardly in the hard ground.
I opened my eyes then i saw Melanie laying on the ground. I got up and walked to her slowly. When i reached i wanted to help her. You are asking why, huh? Because what she had been through in her childhood. I know i only saw a little.
So i tried to touch her shoulder but she turned up her face to me.
"You idiot! " she said and grabbed my ankle and threw me hardly into the wall. I was sitting but like i was dead. She came to me. Her cuts and everything was healed. She was right in front of me. She licked her blood from her hand. I looked up at her.
"Did you really think that i am dead? What a joke. " she kicked me in the face. I had enough energy to stop it but... No.
Then she kicked me in the stomach too. She grabbed my chin and lifted me up.
"I was waiting for this moment for so long. " her wings were beautiful but even dangerous at the same time.
She grabbed me and we flew up. She was flying with her wings. I looked into her blood red eyes. I saw something, but not craziness.
"This time i let you fall. " she let go of me and i was falling.
"Just kidding! " she said. Then she kicked my back. She went up and punched my belly and i was falling faster. I landed on the ground hardly. I was on the floor, hopeless. Familiar.
She threw me again. I was just laying on the ground thinking about what happened in my life until this.
"Mark... " i said quietly. " Mark, help me... "
"Do you really think he can save you from me? " she said. " They are souls. Souls can't help people like you. And now you can't see them. " she kicked me in the stomach again.
She stepped on the side of my head.
"I have sooo many torture tool but it seems we are out of time. It's a pity that we had so little time. Well, i don't really care about possessing you anymore. I think it would more interesting to kill you. It will be fast or slow. You choose. " she pushed her foot onto my head.
"None of it! " i said.
"Well, that's not a choice. I would choose the slowly pain. " she took her feet from my head. " But one last fight will say who will win this, FOREVER! " her smile was so evil and creepy.
"Look, Melanie we don't have to fight, maybe we can just ta-" she kicked me in the belly. I put my arms around it.
"Talking will not change anything. Why am i saying that? Because i thought when i was child if i talk to my parents they will care about me, but no. Because i was a demon child, who would care about a demon child. No-one. That's why i fight. Now stand up and fight me! " she said.
"N-No. " i said.
"You bitch! " she punched me. "When i said you are weak i didn't know that you really are. "
I didn't say anything.
"Melanie, i don't wanna do this. Please just stop. " i begged.
"No! Until one of us will win. " she said.
"I said Stop! " i said.
"No! "
"I SAID STOOP!! " i screamed and i felt something. Energy. Strength. Power.
"Oh well, what do we have here?" she said.
"If you really wanna fight, then do it. " i said.
She ran to me with an evil smile. She wanted to punch me but i grabbed her fist and spinned her. She fell. Then she made me fall with her leg. I kicked her. Both of us were laying on the floor. I quickly stood up and you will not believe what happened after.
I started to flew up but slowly.
"Oh, so air fight huh? Well then." she started floating too. We were in the air, facing each other. She came to me but i dodged her. I kicked her in the belly, but she grabbed me and threw me into the wall. She was flying to me with a knife. She wanted to stab my head but i dodged it every single time. When i had enough i made her fall into the floor.
I flew down next to her.
"Y-You won. " she said.
"Here, let me help you. " i gave her a hand to help her up but...
"Stupid. " she said.
She grabbed my hand and made me fall, but i stood up.
"Again huh? " she said.
"Melanie, please stop! I know you had a really bad childhood and i want to help you. I know your mother was bad to you, i know she punished you, i know you didn't have a real family, i know how they treated you. I know becasue i had a bad childhood too, but yours is even worse. I want to help you, but if you fight me, i can't. So please stop. " i said the truth.
"Why. Why? " she cried. "Why are you doing this? I tortured you, i possessed you, i almost killed you and you still want to help me. " she dropped the knife. She put her head into her hands.
"I don't deserve this... I don't deserve love. My parents were right, i will never be able to fight. " she wiped her tears away.
"So just please leave or kill me. " she said.
I ran to her and hugged her tightly. She put her head on my shoulder and hugged back. She cried.
"I am sorry. " she said.
I heard a boom. There was a big hole in the wall. There was Mark, Jack, Signe, Dark, Anti-Jack, WishuNight.
Then a miracle.
"Ha? " Melanie opened her watery eyes. We let go of each other.
She put her hands onto her chest, where her heart it is. Then she checked her pulse. She cried again.
"Is everything okay? " i asked.
"Dark... " she she said. She turned around and Dark ran to her.
"My heart *sniff* is beating. " she said.
"Oh My Gosh! This is awesome! I can't believe it!" he hugged her tightly and they kissed.
"Hm? " i said.
"Everyone! Come here and we will tell you everything. " Dark said.
Melanie couldn't even talk because of her crying.
Everybody came there. Mark came next to me and put his arm around me.
"So, tell us everything. " Mark said.
Hi everyone! I have to tell you something... This is my fav chapter of all time! Fight, drama, sadness, forgiveness. And i will do an alternative ending for this part.
But i hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to Like-Comment-Share!
I will see you in the next chapter!
Bye 👋 👋
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