Blood and Terror
(y/l/n) = your crush's name
You and your mom went to the hospital to talk or get help about/for your nightmares. You went to the room where the doctor will examine you. Later the results arrived.
"Miss. (y/m/l) {your mom's lastname}. The results are here. The results show that your daughter must have seen something bad that makes these things happened. Did you see anything bad what is connected to your dreams?" The doctor asked.
"Well... I didn't watch any horror movies nowadays, but I watched Darkiplier and Antisepticeye on YouTube. I guess, they are the reason." You said.
"Well, I think that 'Darkiplier' and 'Antisepticeye' things are the reason to the nightmares. Well, I give you an address to a woman who will talk about these nightmares and helpes you." The doctor said, he gave the address and there was a phone number. Your mom instantly called the number.
"Hello? My name is (y/m/n). I would like an appointment for my daughter. Tomorrow? Yes it would be great! Okay, yes I have the address from the doctor. Yes that doctor. Okay, we will be there at 12 pm. Thank you so much. Goodbye!" Your mother phoned the woman.
"Okay, so we will go the place by 12pm and then we will go and get ready for your birthday party. It will be after tomorrow." Your mom said.
"Okay, but can we go home now, I don't want to be here." You said.
You went home and you went to your room. You started skype with your BFF.
"Hey, (y/bff/n)! How are you doing?" You greeted your BFF.
"I am okay. I am so excited for your B-Day party. I have already bought your gift and I can't freaking wait to give it to you!" Your BFF said loudly, because she was very excited.
"Okay, okay calm down girl. You just need to wait two days. But you are the only one who knows that secret." You said.
"Uhh! What is it? What is it?" Your BFF said.
"It's that... I am going to have a vanilla cake and half of it will be a 'Markiplier' logo on the top and the other half of it will be a 'Jacksepticeye' logo on the top." You told her.
"OMG! So will we eat Markiplier and Jacksepticeye?" Your BFF said.
"No, just their logos, but it will taste like vanilla." You said. "Ohh, and you won't believe what my aunt and her husband sent me to my birthday!"
"Ohh, what is it? You made me really curious now!" She said.
"They sent me 100$, and my mom bought me an iPhone 5." You said.
"Oh My Goodness girl. I hope your dad won't find that money just like last year." She said.
"Yeah..." You answered and remembered that time when he said you can't have more than 3 shoes.
"And, how many people did you invite to the party?" Your BFF asked.
"I invited six. You, two girls who are BFFs to (each other) and 3 boys." You told her.
"OMG! Which boys did you invite? Your crush is on the list?" She said the last question loudly with a smirk.
"Geez, girl. Be quiet. First, because my father is at home and he can hear us. Second, if my mom hears it she will be around me and asking about him all the time. Anyway, so my dad is in our talk, you know my dad won't be at my party because he has to work so he won't be able to see him or meet him." You said with happiness on your face.
"That's great news, but if he will be your boyfriend, you will have to introduce him to your dad anyway." She said.
"Yeah I know, but it will happen in the future." You said.
"Just like me. What time is it... 9 pm?! Oh god, I am so sorry but I have to go because I have to get up early tomorrow morning. Sorry girl. Good Night girl." She said.
"Okay, good night!" You said and both of you switched off Skype. You logged into Facebook and after 5 minutes you got a message from the boy that you loved.
In message :
He: Hey!
You: Hi
He: What's up?
You: Nothing really. How about you?
He: Nothing either. I was planning what should i buy to your birthday .
You: Ohh, so you finally come because the last time we met you said you don't know.
He: Yeah, but i was thinking so i decided to go and the good news that i won't be the only boy there.
You: yeah....
He: And what did you get to your birthday?
You: well i got an iPhone 5 and 100$ !
He: wow girl! You are lucky.
You: yeah i know
You and he were talking for an hour when he said he had to go because his mom was calling him.
"(Y/n), could please go down?" Your mom called, well, yelled.
You went down and your mom was sitting on the couch without your dad. That means your dad was already sleeping.
"So, the problem is that I can't go to the psychologist with you, because I have to go to work and nowadays I can't miss any work day. I give you the address and I asked one of your friends' mom and she said her son said yes too. (Y/c/n) will go with you, I hope it's okay! Because you and him are good friends." Your mom said. When your mother said that your crush will go the psychologist with you, you became pale and you almost faint.
"Y-yea... T-that would b-be great." You said and you thought this will be the thing why you and that boy won't be in a relationship because you go to the psychologist. He will think that you are crazy.
"Okay, mom but I think I go to my room with some cookies and watch some youtube videos." You said.
"Okay, but don't watch those bad videos okay goodnight!" Your mom said and she went to bed.
"Okay mom, night!" You said.
You went back to your room and you went into YouTube. You watched some of Markiplier's vlogs which makes you feel a little better about what your mom said. After the vlogs you watched some gameplay. You watched Yandere Simulator but when Mark said something in a weird voice his eyes became black and red just like in your dreams. You blinked a lot and the red eyes disappeared. Well, after that you saw those red eyes sometimes in that video. You decided to go to sleep.
- dream -
Dark room. You were not in a chair and there was no rope around your body or anything deadly what happened in your nightmares last times. You were free. There were two dolls in your hands. In the right there was a Markiplier or a Darkiplier doll and in the left there was a jacksepticeye or a Antisepticeye doll. Suddenly you saw a needle. You picked it up but you heard some weird sounds. You tried not to care about those sounds but it was hard because they became louder and louder. It sounded like someone was coming to you. You started to run but you couldn't, because someone grabbed your shoulder. You knew that there was a man behind you. You turned around and you screamed. There was Darkiplier. There was blood on his body.
"Do you really think that we will disappear from your head. Well you were WRONG! We will bring you nightmares, we will make you crazy or even insane! We do it because your evil demon will come back alive again, as soon as we will get out body! Hahahahaha!" Dark said and he stabbed you in the heart.
- end of the dream -
You woke up. You were sweaty again. You watched what time it is. 3am. You slept 3 hours. You tried to fall back asleep, but you couldn't. It was impossible. First, you couldn't forget what Dark said. Second, because you heard laughing from Dark and Anti-Jack and every picture or poster of Mark and Jack were bloody and their eyes were red and black or green and blue. Blood was on their faces instead of tears, well, blood tears. You heard some 'help' sounds. You became crazy. You were on the ground. You were in a ball position. There was no picture or poster that wasn't creepy or scary.
"Be over, be over, be over. This is just a dream. This is just a dream. This is just a dream." You said and you were saying these sentences over and over again. You were mad. Your hair was really messy. Suddenly you saw a blade under your bed. You picked it up. You were thinking about only one thing.
"No, no... Noo I can't, I can't do it. I can't do this with myself." You said it to yourself and your were crying. You dropped the blade under your bed. You were still in the ball position. You said those sentences again what you said before. You saw blood again. There was blood on the wall, on the floor, on the desk, on the wardrobe and the TV, on the laptop, on the bed, on the door.
- few hours later -
You checked the time. 7am. You were scared to go out. There was blood on the door, you still heard the laughing and some 'help', shouting words. You couldn't take it. You were crying. You grabbed the blade and you did it. You cut your veins. Blood came out. Real blood was on the floor. You felt a little bit better. You made another cut, and another one. Suddenly the door opened. It was your mom. She came to your room to wake you up. She saw that you were cutting your veins and she saw the blood.
"(Y/N)! STOP IT NOW! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! DON'T DO IT WITH YOURSELF! YOU ARE A GOOD GIRL! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! " Your mom was crying. She was really worried about you. You were crying too.
"I-I am so s-sorry mom. I o-only slept 3 h-hours. I w-was in this corner. I am depressed. I c-couldn't take it anymore. I a-am so sorry mom, but these n-nightmares. I heard s-sounds, I saw blood e-everywhere." You said the truth.
"Oh my god. Don't worry my butterfly, I am here and (y/c/n) will go to the psychologist with you. Everything is going to be okay. Okay? Now let's go down, eat breakfast and be ready, okay?" Your mom said. You nodded.
You two went down to the dining room. Your breakfast was on the table. There were scrabbled eggs. While you were eating them, your mom and you were talking.
"Mom, can I ask you something?" You asked.
"Yes, my rabbit, anything." Your mother answered.
"Well, can you be at my birthday party tomorrow, because if anything happens with me, you know." You asked.
"Yes, of course. Well if you want to me to be at your birthday party, I will arrive at home very late today, because then I have to work more. But then tomorrow I have to go away maybe for an hour or two, because I promised your grandma to bring her her medicin." Your mom said the plan.
"Okay, but when you arrive today could you please stay next to me until I fall asleep?" You asked.
"Yes, of course. Like when you were little." Your mom answered. She was happy, because she remembered when she read a night story for you to fall asleep.
Later your mom went to work. You finished your breakfast and then you washed up the plate. You went to your room and put on some clothes. You went to bathroom to change. You changed into your clothes, but when you opened your make up box, you saw yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were black, your pupils were red and blood was coming out of you eyes. Your skin was a little bit grey. Your 'bloody' side was smirking at you.
"I am you!" She said. She suddenly jumped out of the mirror to you. You opened your eyes and there was no-one. It was just a hallucination. After you put on your make up, you were watching the TV until (y/c/n) knocked on the door. You switched off the TV and you two went to the bus stop. When the bus arrived, you get on the bus. You were talking about Markiplier, because he showed him to you.
"So, you don't have to answer this question, but why do you have to go to the psychologist?" (Y/c/n) asked.
"Because, I have been having nightmares about Darkipkier and Antisepticeye and I almost became crazy." You answered. You wanted to be honest with him.
"Wow... Wait, what is this on your arm?" He asked, pointing and looking at your arm.
"Oh, shit! He saw my cuts! I have to cover them!" You thought and you covered them with your long-sleeved shirt's sleeve. Now, you weren't sure about being honest with him.
"Nothing really, it was just an accident with a little knife when I was cutting the... The... the tomato, yesterday." You lied.
"Ohh, okay. I was worried about that you cut yourself. That is very bad when people cut themselves. You have to know only one thing, that I am honest with you forever. I hope you too." He said and you were blushing and kinda looking away.
"Yes, m-me too." You said.
When you two arrived to the place, you two were at the waiting room, sitting. About 13 minutes later the previous patient came out and left the place.
"(Y/n). You are the next." The woman said.
"Will you wait for me?" You asked from your crush.
"Yeah." He said.
You went into the room and there was a rest bed where you can lay. So you laid on the bed and the woman asked you about the your nightmares.
"So, your mother said that, you were having nightmares about you die by two evil people, right? So, tell me something about your dreams." She said.
"Well, in the beginning of every nightmare, I am on torture thing, and then I saw two blood red eyes. The people came closer and closer to me and then I saw their faces. Darkiplier and/or Antisepticeye. They say something, they kill me and I woke up." You told her.
"And, if you remember, could please tell me what they said to you?" The woman asked.
"Well, they were telling me about my evil side will return and death stuff." You said.
"Oh My God. I have bad news about this that you need to know. This isn't normal, you are the second one who has that. The first person who had these nightmares, it was a girl about 12 year old, she was having nightmares about she dies in every way a person can die. After our class, next day she didn't wake up. She died in her DREAM. You have to forget these people who are about to kill you. Okay?" She said.
"I see." You said. You were white as the wall, when you heard the story.
"Okay, now you can go and look, destroy these bad guys with something what they hate, okay? Goodbye and good luck." She said.
"Thank you so much and Goodbye!" You said.
" Something what they hate... What could it be?" You thought.
"So, are you done?" He asked.
"Yes, now we can go home." You said.
While you and he were walking you talked to him when suddenly...
"Well can answer me, why did you cut yourself?" He asked.
You didn't know what to say. Lie or truth?
"I am sorry, but I couldn't take it. I had these nightmares, I heard sounds everywhere, I saw blood everywhere in my room. You don't know how insane I could be bynow if I don't cut myself." You told him.
"(Y/n) look, I will be here for as a friend. You don't have to cut yourself anymore. Promise me that you won't cut yourself anymore okay?" He asked.
"Okay, I promise." You said with a smile on your face.
"Thank you." He said and he kissed your cheek. "I was worried about you."
When he kissed your cheek, you were blushing, again. You wanted to scream, but you couldn't because first, you were on the street and second, he knew that you love him.
"Let's go home, butterfly." He said when you two got off the bus. You were as red as a tomato or an apple. When you arrived to your home he went to door with you.
"Thank you so much that you went with me to the psychologist." You said.
"No problem. Remember if you need anything I will be there for you!" He said.
"Okay, see you tomorrow!" You said and you kissed his cheek.
"Bye!" He said and he went home. He was blushing a little bit.
When you entered your home you looked at the time. 1:24pm. You decided to call your BFF on the phone about you two going to the mall to buy some dresses for your birthday party. She said yes. You two went to the mall. She asked about this "little love" that you had with your crush. She almost screamed when she heard that you and him kissed each other on the cheeks. After the mall (you bought 2 dresses and one pair of shoes) you had your dinner and went up to your room. You heard sounds. You covered your ears, but it didn't really help. You turned on your laptop and log into youtube and start a FNaF remix. The sounds were gone. You still saw blood everywhere. You covered the wall with papers. Later when you decided to go to sleep, you had your idea, what are you going to do in your dream.
"Turn off the lights, fall asleep and start the dream!" You thought.
- dream-
You were on a torture bed. Chains on your wrists and ankles.
"No Escape!" A voice said and Antisepticeye came out of the dark. You thought you couldn't move your arms but suddenly, there were no chains.
"What the fuck?!" Anti-Jack asked.
"If you want to kill me, you need to catch me first!" You said and started to run.
"It totally worked!" You thought.
"COME BACK HERE!" Anti-Jack yelled.
"I control my dreams, not you!" You said, and with your 'dream power' you made Anti-Jack fly away.
- the end of the dream -
You woke up. You weren't sweaty, you didn't see blood on the wall and you didn't hear sounds. You were smiling.
"Honey, the breakfast is ready to be eaten!" Your mom shouted.
You thought you will destroy Darkiplier and Antisepticeye like this in every dream. But you didn't know that it was only the beginning of the terror!
Did you enjoy the second chapter? I hope you liked it! If you think you like that story Vote-Comment-share! I update as fast as i can but school will start soon ;_; ! And if i don't update it's because i need to learn for school to the big test what i write to go to high school! I will see you in the next chapter! Bye-bye!
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