Your POV
Everyone was there. Waiting for answers.
"Let's start at the beginning. " Melanie said.
"We startee haunting (Y/n) when she was a young child like 4 or 5." i was amazed. " But we were wearing masks. For example, can you remember when you and your mom were in the circus and the magician called you down? " i nodded. " It was me. "Anti-Jack daid.
"What?! " i said.
"Yes, the tricks and everything i made, it was made with demon power. But since you were a kid we were watching you, following you, haunting you. " Anti-Jack said.
"But the real reason Melanie wanted to possess you is another but later we will tell you. " Dark said.
"And us? " Sean said.
"Well, you guys were only objects to help us. " WishuNight said.
Melanie nodded to Dark.
" But... Blah blah blah. " Dark was talking about something.
"Hey, i wanna talk in private. " Melanie said.
"Ok? " i said. I followed her.
We didn't really go far from the others but they couldn't hear us.
"So, which one do you want to hear first? " we were walking slowly and calmly.
"Why did you want to possess me? The real reason. " i said.
"Well long story but i will tell ya. I was demon child in a human family. They hated me, tortured me (only my sister) and abused me. Then i killed them. And when i saw this mirror portal i saw a borned girl. It was you. I saw you growing up in such a great family and to be honest i was jealous. So i wanted to possess you to live your life with normal parents. But i failed. " she told me.
"But why did want to possess me now if you failed? And why didn't you just ask to live my life for a while? " i said.
"Now? Well now this time, i knew that if i possess someone i knew by torturing her/him i get more power. More power to fight Virus!Cry and his bro Mad!Cry. I could control myself at the beginning but when i killed Virus!Cry i was happy and it felt so good to kill. And yeah, demons really love to kill, murder and torture. " she said. She had an answer on every question.
"And why did you said that your name is Réna when your real name is Melanie? " i asked.
"A memory can answer this question." she said. She put her hand on my forehead and she looked into my eyes.
It felt like a time travelling. The next i found myself, in my old room crying. I remember this. This was when my dad punished me because i didn't wash one plate. He said i can't go out with my friends and he took my tv and laptop but i could keep my phone but he took the charger away. And my phone was on 10%.
Then in Melanie's point of view was that she saw me crying.
"Oh god i have to help her, but what she will scream?" i heard the other Melanie.
"I was thinking when i was brave enough to go through it. " she said next to me.
Then Melanie went through it and i saw her. I mean the old me. I wasn't scared at all, only confused.
"Who are you? " old me asked.
"My name is Melanie. I am a demon from another dimension and that mirror is a portal and i saw you crying and i want to help you. " she said.
"Why? " my eyes were so watery.
"I felt sorry you. When my people said in my kingdom i help them. And yes i am a queen. " she said. She said next to me on the bed."So tell me what's wrong? "
"My dad punished me because i didn't wash one plate and he took away my TV, laptop and my phone charger. My phone is on 10%. " i cried out.
"I know that feeling don't worry. When i was in your age my parents punished me for everything I did, because i was a demon child in a human family. " the Melanie next to said the last 6 words with the old one.
"So you had worse. But that's not fair! Why are only kids can be punished? " i asked.
"Do you think i know that answer? " they laughed.
"By the way, my name is-"
"(Y/n). " Melanie said.
"How did you know it?" i asked.
"Sorry to say it, but i was watching since you were born. And i was always jealous at you. " she said.
"Why? " i asked.
"Because you have better parents than mine. Especially your mother. She is very kind so be respectful to her, but your father. Almost like mine was. " she laughed.
"Are ya telling how to live my life? " i asked playfully.
"Yes, because... Because... Because i can! " they laughed again. My eyes weren't watery anymore.
"Wait what do mean was? " i asked.
"*cough* i killed them *cough*" she said.
"What?! " i said.
"That's obvious. " i said.
"But you know what. Be positive. And i have to tell you something. " she said.
"Anything sis. " i said.
"Woah. Did i just said 'sis'?"
"I have to delete this memory." she said... Sadly.
"Why?" i asked.
"You will understand later. " she stood. I jumped up and hugged her.
I said thank you then i blacked out.
We went back to the present.
"Why didn't i remember this? "i asked.
"Because if you would remember this we won't be here. We won't be able to get to know each other like this. " she said.
"You didn't answer one of my question." i said. "Why didn't just ask me about the possession?"
"I don't really know how to be kind to a human who looks like me. " she said.
"Why? It is easy. " i said.
"You know, while my parents didn't really care about me, the kind feelings went away from me. But when my heart started to beat again i was so happy. " she said. She put her hand to her chest.
"It was like, you found the light in the darkness? " i said.
"Yes. " she said. "And in that memory where we were, me in the past i promised something. That who will make you cry and sad again, i will kill them. But i didn't expect that i will be the one who will make you cry. Whem i remembered that i was like, should i kill myself? " she laughed.
"You act like a sister! " i said.
"W-What? " she blushed.
"Yeah. You heard me. Like a sister to me. Because you know, i have always wanted a sister, NOT A BROTHER, only a sister but my parents always said no. " i told her.
"Well, i had a sister but i have always wanted a normal sister. " she said.
"You know, why won't we be sisters? I mean both of us wanted to have a normal sister and you why not? " i said.
"Omg! That's a great idea! " she said. " But if we want to be sisters, we must sign this paper. Do you still want to be my sis? " a paper appeared.
"Yes! " i said.
This was on the paper :
You and Melanie Leyva can be official sisters if you sign this paper BUT you have to do what this paper says. Which means: never betray her, be there for her everytime when she needs you, care about her and etc. If you sign this paper you will never can go back. If you don't follow what this paper says you will die.
----------------- -----------------
You Melanie Leyva
"Soo...? " she said. The pen was in her hand.
I was thinking about it. If i don't follow it, i will die.
"By the way, you don't have to worry about this die thing. My parents wrote this because they didn't want me to have another sister. But now they are dead, it will not count but you have to sign it. " she said.
"Well... " i said.
"You can take your time. " she said and the pen and paper disappeared.
"We should go back to the others. Your friends might be worried about you. " she said.
"How much time i have? " i asked.
"As much as you want. " she said.
We slowly walked back to the others and they were still talking.
"And our videos? We didn't say anything to our fans. " i heard Mark talking.
"Ohh, don't worry. We used your plan B videos. " Anti-Jack said.
"Ohh, okay. " Sean said.
"Oh, hi guys! Where were you? " Signe said.
"Private stuff. " Melanie said.
"Okay... ?" Signe said.
"So, are you guys ready to go back?" WishuNight said. Everyone nodded.
"We will go after you guys. " i said.
"Are you sure? " Mark said.
"Don't worry about me, i just still want to talk with Melanie. " i said.
"Okay, but don't be late. " he smiled.
"I won't. " i kissed him.
"So?" Melanie said.
"Yes. I will sign the paper. " i said.
"Well, okay. " she said.
The pen and paper appeared. Melanie took out her knife.
"Whoa! " i was shocked. I thought we are friends.
"If you wanna sign this paper, you have to do it with your blood. " she said.
I put out my wrist where my veins were. She did it too.
"We have to cut our veins. " she said. "I will start. "
She cut her vein. She didn't make any face and i have to say, she was good at it. She grabbed the pen, put the writing part in her blood and wrote her name on the line.
"Your turn. " she said. "Do you want it to do yourself or do you need my help?"
"I-I think i can do it. "i said. I took the knife and looked at my wrist. I don't think i was ready. I was just holding the knife and staring at my wrist. When i did it last time i had a reason to do it.
"Little baby" Melanie said. She took the knife and cut my wrist. It hurt. I grabbed the pen and sing the paper.
"One thing left. Shake my hand but our blood has to connect. " she took her hand out. I shook her hand but i felt a little bit pain.
"It is okay to feel a little bit pain. " she said.
"How did you-" i said.
"Because i feel a little bit of course. " she said.
There was a title in the air.
Officially Sisters
"We should follow them. " she said.
"Yeah, we should. " i said.
We started walking to the others who were maybe far away but me and Melanie could spend time together.
The fight was over. This was finally over.
Hi everyone! I have bad news for you. The next chapter is gonna be the last one. BUT fear not. There is gonna be a sequel which will tell Melanie's life. Torture, suffering, demons, friends, drama. I can't wait. But i also have a lot of Markiplier fanfic idea and an Undertale fanfic too. AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR OVER 5K READS. I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE THAT MANY PEOPLE. And if i am not here i am helping my friend/crush going through depression.
But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to Like-Comment-Share!
Bye 👋 👋
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