chapter 4 ( final )
They arrive at eggmans lair . Sliver : why is it so dark in here"?
Sonic : sliver, do think you can shed some light over here "
Sliver uses his powers to create some light so they could see were they were going. They were walking down the hall searching for the chaos emeralds. Tails : " so were do you think eggman would keep the emeralds hidden". Shadow : " probably in his safe somewhere in his lab, it's just at the end of this hallway" when they arrived at the end of the hallway they found eggman on the floor injured. They all quickly run over to him to see what happened. then he awoke seeing the four of them around him. Shadow: "what happened here"? Cough) that blasted pink headghog attack me and left me here, i nearly died" sonic : that can be arranged" he yells. trying to attack him but sliver and tails pulled him back.
Tails : sonic don't "
Sonic : oh no I finally have eggman were I want him, and now he's going to pay for he did to amy"
Shadow : sonic! Amy could be in danger right now, whats more important. Killing eggman or saving amy.
He looked at the others .sonic : sigh, fine. But isn't over yet eggface you hear me"
Silver : okay eggman tell us what you did or else "
Eggman explained how he kidnapped amy and injected the needle into her body that made her turn in to dark amy and how he was attacked by her . They were all in anger of what he did.
Sonic : what the hell were you thinking eggman" he yelled.
"I knew that you wouldn't have the courage to take down your annoying pink friend, so I decided to turn her evil so she could defeat you "
Sonic : "grrr"
Silver : just tell us how do we stop her.
Eggman "you can't "
Son, shad, sil and tails "what? "
Shadow: "What do mean we can't ?"
Eggman : the liquid is powerful substance of darkness. Every minute amy will grow stronger.
Sonic : what about the chaos emeralds. they must have away of saving her.
Eggman :" im afraid not even the emeralds won't have a chance in deafeating "
Sonic :" No! Your lying there has to be away to save, there has to". Sonic couldn't stop thinking about amys worm smile that he missed so much, he refused to give up on her. Eggman was still lying on the ground with cuts and bruises around him.
Sonic :"tell me were you have the chaos emeralds are eggbreath or else".
Eggman : fine, there in that safe over there" he pointed out. Tails opened the safe witched had the four emeralds in it .
Without warning sonic dashed while grabbing the emeralds and shadows and ran off.
Shadow: "what the hell is that idiot doing". he yelled
Silver : "come on shadow we better go find him before he gets killed "
Shadow : he better hope I don't kill him first "
Shadow, silver and tails ran out of the lair leaving eggman still on the ground. Meanwhile) sonic was running around trying to find amy but she was no were to be seen. Sonic kept calling her name but no luck. Then suddenly he heard destruction coming from the city. he ran as fast as he could to see whats was going on . Amy was destroying everything in her path with her hammer while flying . People were running for there lives while screaming. sonic sees amy destroying building's . " AMY " he shouted trying to call out to her.
Amy looked down and sees sonic calling out to her. Amy flys down in front of him.
"Amy, please stop and listen to me, I just want to help you "he said.
Dark Amy : help me, hehe I don't need help from no one especially from a blue rodent like you "she said in a dark voice. amy tries blasting sonic but he keeps dodging her attacks. sonic tryed grabbing amys hammer so could talk to her " amy I know your still in there some where. You have to fight it" he said. He looked into her eyes, but only saw darkness in them. sonic : this isn't you because the amy rose I know and cared about for so long would never try to hurt me or anyone else. I... I'm sorry how I was to you earlier i was stupid to not realize how much I need in my life amy rose, please amy you have to fight it . trying to hold back his tears.
Dark amy : "Never" she yelled. she pushed sonic away from her and started attacking him with her hammer . Sonic then charges towards amy. She quickly hits him witch made fly towards a building. he falls on the ground in pain and defeat. Sonic : " amy cough, im so sorry cough, i wish..... I wish I could've protected you". shadow, silver and tails were on hill seeing a view from the city, seeing it was half destroyed .
Silver : do you think sonic might be down there"
Tails : he must be trying to save amy we to go help him"
Shadow :" no"
Silver and tails : "huh"?
Silver : "are you crazy. what do you mean no, he could be getting himself killed down there"
Shadow : "if I know faker, there's no way he would give up that easily. he needs to try and save rose on his own "
Tails and silver look at each other than gazed at the destruction of the city. Sonic was lying on the ground, all he could think of was the memories him and amy had togather. the way she chased him and her strong hugs but mostly her nice worm smile, slowly sonic closed his eyes. then he suddenly hears amy voice calling his name "sonic" she says in a gentle voice. a...amy is that you?" amy: "you have to keep fighting sonikku, you can do it I believe in you " then her voice faded away he didn't want her to leave but he knew she was counting on him. All of a sudden the 7 chaos emeralds floated around him sonic started to float in the air. Amy sees sonic with the chaos emeralds around him.
Dark amy : "what!" she said in suprise, sonic transformed into super sonic witched caused a huge bright light through out the city. Shadow, silver and tails see the light coming from the city. Sonic smiled at dark amy but she was not amused . "Do you really think you can still defeat me " she said. she charged twords sonic but he was one step ahead. he grabbed amys arms, she tryed to set herself free but sonic wouldn't let her. All of the chaos emeralds appered around them witched caused a huge ball off light around them. sonic was still holding on to amy trying not to let go of her, the two headghogs looked in each other's eyes. The darkness inside amys heart started to melt. sonic : amy you mean the world to me...i love you amy rose, Please come home my love" he slowly kisses amy, her body then started to glow she closed her eyes and huge bright light surrounded her, sonic was gazing at her transformation . She slowly opened her eyes seeing that she was back to normal, she looks down at sonic who was smiling up at her.
Sonic :" Ames"
Amy : " sonikku, sniff "
They slowly kissed whlie floating down on the ground. Sonic turned back to normal while he was still kissing amy. The two headghogs looked in each other. "I'm so sorry sonic sniff I didn't mean to.... sonic quickly hugged her while stopping her sentence. "Amy... im just glad your okay, I promise that won't let anything happen to you again" crying on her shoulder. "Sonic, are you crying? C..can you forgive me for the way i treated you" Amy : oh sonic, of course I can. The others found sonic and amy hugging and were happy see amy was back to normal.
Tails : " amy your back"
Tails" amy walked over tails hug him.
"It's good to have you back amy" silver said
Shadow gave amy a smile. he was also happy to see amy was back to normal. Lets get going ". They all walk back to tails workshop, sonic and amy were holding hands while walking. Later that night amy was gazing at the moon in a forest crying to herself thinking how she could do all those terrible things her friends, especially sonic. She heard footsteps behind her, she turns around and sees sonic was behind her.
Sonic : "there you are amy, i was looking for every were what are you doing out here in the night?" He sees amy crying.
Amy whats wrong? Why are you crying"?
" Oh sonic sniff how could you forgive me after everything I did to you, and our friends. its my a monster "
Sonic : amy look at me, your not a monster and it's not your fault, if it's anyones fault its mine. im just glad to have you back and ill never let anything happen to you again, I...i I love you amy rose and I always will"
Sniff, "oh sonic i love you too" they slowly kissed each other . sonic looks at amy sonic: theres that beautiful smile I missed" they both smiled at each other, come on, ill take you home it's getting late " amy : " I love you sonic " I love you too amy rose" they started walking home holding each other's hands. And they promised to never leave each other ever again. The end
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