Chapter 10: Regretful Endulgence
I should have left well enough alone. I should have trusted her. Why did I make things so complicated? Trust; It's a gift more valuable than gold. A gift that can't be given to everyone. Why was she abusing my trust? She's not that kind of girl, and she knows that.
I kept thinking these things as I walked over to her.
I was tired trying to protect her. I'm not her guardian angel. I'm not her knight in shining armor. I'm just a person who has so much stress going on in his life that it has taken over me. I need to relax.
I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, her face clouded with confusion. I leaned in closer and whispered in her ear.
"You know what the problem with us right now."
Her eyes became completely dark. Her expression almost revealed a look of guilt, but I couldn't tell if she felt guilty or if she was just looking at me like that.
"What's that?"
"You have no idea who I really am. Who I am on the inside. And maybe that's partly my fault¨
¨What are you saying?¨ She asked with great eagerness.
¨Just hear me out for a second. You mean so much to me and..."
¨Can we discuss this later Chris?¨ She said, cutting me off. She waited for me to reply, but I was taken aback. I was about to pour my heart out to her and she wanted none of it.
I turned and walked away from the conversation. At this point, I was lost. I felt betrayed. I felt so incredibly stupid.
Why would she do this. Maybe I am overreacting a bit, but it's not like I can change who I am. This is me, the dude who wears his heart on his sleeve and overreacts to every little thing.
Even if she had only had a couple drinks, I could tell she was somewhat drunk. I have never seen her drinking before, and I have never felt this sort of way.
Was she drinking because she wanted to escape reality? Was she drinking to escape me?
I didn't know anything anymore.
I wandered into a small crowd of people and found an empty spot against the wall. It was there where I would be sitting for the next half hour. I slid down against a wall and thought about everything that has happened in my life. It made me realize how alone I was at this moment.
¨Hey Christopher, it's me.¨ A familiar voice called to me.
I looked up only to see my ex girlfriend, Lindsey. I looked back down.
¨Oh, Hey Lindsey.¨ I said dully.
¨What's wrong?¨ She asked.
I looked back up.
¨Nothing.¨ I answered with a forced smile.
¨Oh...Well I know your lying to me because you look like you're about to cry. Are you ok?¨
¨No. I'm not okay." I replied.
¨Here, try this. It could help.¨ She said as she extended a beer towards me.
¨No thanks, you of all people know I don't drink any.¨
¨ Listen, I know you think drinking is bad, which it is, but drinking can help you too. It can take your mind away from that pain you are probably feeling.¨ She once again extended that drink towards me.
I looked over at Tracy and saw her having so much fun without me. At this point, I had no more rational thoughts left.
I grabbed the drink and looked at it. I didn't know if it was worth it. I looked back at Lindsey.
¨Trust me¨ she said.
I drank my first beer that day. I drank the whole thing. Then I drank a second and a third. Lindsey wasn't lying, I did feel better. I started to lose myself in thoughts. I got up and tried to walked around, but I ended up stumbling and falling on my back.
I got back up, walked around for a little bit, and after that... well... I can't remember much after that. I remember finding a bed and trying to get some sleep. Then I remember hearing a voice, a girls voice, which surrounded my mind and took over it.
All I could think of was this girls voice as she continually begged for me to do something for her; and I listened. I did as she said. I indulged in the voice and continued doing whatever it was I was doing. I remember a feeling of both warmth and regret running down my chest all the way to my feet.
I remember laying down in my bed feeling exhausted. Overwhelming tiredness ran through my body, causing me to fall into a deep slumber.
Word Count: 798
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