Chapter 5
I looked out the window as the Chopper set down gently. "This is a quick, in and out. We get in there, and find the Prime Minister. From there we move." Cocking the machine in my hand, I turned to Tiffany. Her silver suit was skin tight and she looked down at it.
"Are you sure I need this?" She looked at me.
I smirked. "Darling, you are going to want it." My body hummed in anticipation. It felt amazing to have the heavy gun in hand, and the hood up. I was thrumming with the thrills of my job. I could feel my blood pulse and my adrenaline surge. Grabbing an earpiece, I thrust it into my ear and tapped it twice. The com lit up and I smirked. I cracked my hands together and turned back to Tiffany. "Are you sure you want this?"
"What choice do I have?" She was on the verge of tears.
I turned away and alighted the Chopper. "You don't have one."
"I know." She sighed and followed. I swept over to the third Helicopter. My general got out and bowed slightly. Crossing my fisted hands over my stomach I received him. He repeated the action and stood.
"My queen." His head was dipped.
"Please, Andrew, call me my name." I smiled at the man. He smirked.
"Devine, you know that there is no going back when you do this?"
"Of course I do." I looked at the cars pulling up to take me to the 'spot'. "You know how much I have always wanted to do this."
"I know, but Devine." He grabbed my arm. He turned me to look at him. His hair was pulled into a small bun at the top of his scull. I reached out to touch it and he stopped me. "You are risking men's lives."
I looked at him. "It is not your place to tell me these things. And those men, they willingly serve me." I stood at my full height. "General. I believe it is time for our attack."
"My lady." He nodded and before I could move he placed a kiss on my cheek. "I am sorry. " He walked away yelling orders and strapping on his amo.
I looked at him and then stalked away. I loaded my gun and strapped it to my back. Adolphne fell in next to me and touched my thigh with her soft head.
"Hello darling." I smiled and pat her head. She snorted and licked my hand. She nuzzled me and I turned to see Tiffany surrounded my the pack. She was standing in the center and to my surprise, Angel, the albino, was nuzzled up close to her.
I smirked and she walked over to me. "I see you have made a friend." Angel kept her head close to Tiffany's hand.
"I don't know why but she keeps following me."
"She has chosen you." I nodded to the wolf. "It is an honor to be chosen by a wolf. They will protect and keep you." I pat Angel and she seemed to smile at me.
I nodded and Adolphne howled slightly. The rest of the wolves walked to us. I nodded to Andrew and he signaled for the Choppers to lift from the ground. I climbed into the sports car that was waiting for me. Tiffany slid into the seat beside me and I reved the engine.
We sped out of the landing bay as the Choppers lifted and soared off. I smiled and we continued on our path to the capital.
After a silent ride, we pulled into the streets and I tucked the Lamborghini away and we got out. I pulled my mask on and swiped on some more lipstick.
"How are you so calm?" Tiffany asked.
"I don't know." I grabbed the machine gun and locked it into Sniper mode. I tossed it at her. She caught it. "Always be on guard. Even your friends could become your enemies."
She nodded with large eyes. Her silver suit was too reflective. I tapped a button on her wrist and it matted.
"Better." I sighed. "Its going to have to do."
"Devine?" She asked me through the com.
"What are you going to do once you, you know?"
"Well, once this has been secured we move forward. Country after country." I nodded to the men that were piling into the streets.
"My queen." Andrew's hushed voice flooded my com.
"In position." I whispered. I pressed my back up against the near by building. I nodded to the men as they set their guns up, and broke into groups, running into each of the streets. Tiffany pulled herself together and scrambled into my side. Her hood and mask slipped themselves up and on. I nodded to the guards. "Light it up."
"On it." He clipped and then I heard the whirling of the 'Heli' over us. The force moved in and a siren sounded. The sirens rang and I watched as the bay doors opened and a bomb dropped. I waited and then it happened.
"BOOM!" The echos of the explosion rang in my ears. Screams erupted and I ran from my hiding space. I opened fire on the rows of gang leaders and the mafia that had come to stop me.
A collective gasp was sounded at the sight of me. I smirked and gunned them all down before any one could think.
I strode through the dead, bleeding bodies, and started to run to the capital. Another bomb was dropped and the echos of the screams was heard. Andrew dropped from the heli to the ground and Tiffany flanked me. We ran into the burning building and I stopped. There on the floor lay Jonah.
I signaled for the other two to stop and to wait. I walked over to him. I removed my mask and looked down into his eyes. I motioned for Andrew. "Come here!"
He ran up next to me. "Get him to the medical bay. I want him alive."
"Yes, my queen." Andrew grabbed the man and ran.
Tiffany watched in awe as I spared the life of someone who could hurt me. She knew it was taking me a lot to let him live.
I stood and stalked to the window. I pulled my pistols out and shot a round. I drew the guards out and they tried to take Tiffany. She whirled and the sound of the bullets leaving the chamber made me smile. She looked down in horror as the blood of the men she had killed was spattered on her body.
"Save it." I nodded to the room. "This place is coming down in a minute. I just need one more thing." I ran into the banking room. I withdrew the document I needed and I ran out.
"Come on." I called for her and I threw my knife, hitting and killing the approaching guard. He staggered and fell. I withdrew the knife and we ran out.
"Bring it down." I yelled into my microphone as the helicopter dropped the final bomb. We dove for cover and the explosion rocked the very core of the earth. Materials reigned from the heavens above and Tiffany watched as I grabbed a senator who was trying to run. I grasped him by the throat and pulled his face close to mine. I grabbed my knife and jabbed it into his stomach. I kissed his mouth hard and tore away. I threw his body into the pile and Tiffany teared up.
"Do not cry." I whispered as I took her face into my hands. "This is the sign of the times. A new Empire. A better Empire, one that I will forever protect."
She sniffed. "But all those people..."
"Yes, their deaths were a shame, but it was time." I smiled. "It was time." A rope dropped and I wrapped it around my waist. I held Tiffany close and she clung to me. The rope pulled us up to the Helicopter and Andrew grasped our hands, tugging us into the vehicle.
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He is here." He promised. "Devine, Chris is calling you."
"Okay." I tore myself away from Tiffany and walked to the phone. I answered it and heard relief filter through Chris's tone.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Oh you're alive." He gushed.
"I told you I would live." I giggled.
"I know, I just worry."
"Chris baby, I will see you soon, I have a prisoner. I need to go. I love you."
"OK love." He was smiling I could tell. "I love you too."
I turned to Tiffany who was cradled in Andrew's arms. She was limp and I strode to them. I quickly pulled something from my compartment and stuck it into her arm. She jolted and woke up.
"There." I smiled and helped her into a seat.
"How long was I out?"
"Not too long."
"Good." She nodded off. I smiled and looked at Andrew.
"Now, Where is Jonah?"
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