Chapter 3
I grasped my black gown and slid from the jet. I stepped down the stairs and walked towards the man standing on the ground.
"Chris." I smiled and held my arms out for him.
He returned my smile and wrapped his arms around me and placing a kiss on my cheek. "Hello Devine."
I looked up at him. "How are you?"
"I am okay." He wrapped my hand in his. "How are you?"
"I am fine." I smiled. My heart broke a little.
"After Evans passed, I was shocked to receive your text." He and I began to walk.
"Yes, well I figured with Elsa having passed, you would know about the grieving process." I stopped him and looked up. "If you are not ready for this, I understand, but I do know that this is what Chris would have wanted for us."
"I know." He looked down at me. "I will stand beside you in everything. My Queen." He bowed slightly.
"Thank you, my king." I smiled and he leaned to press his mouth to mine. I melted against him and he held me tightly. When we broke apart he looked at me.
"Do you think they are mad?"
"No, because I know they both loved us so much they would want us to have some happiness." I remembered how Chris had introduced Chris Hemsworth to me, and made sure him and I kept in contact. "It was almost as if Chris knew."
"I think deep down he did." Chris looked down at me.
"Well, the meeting starts soon. I believe it is time." I looked up at him. "Are you ready for this. You do realize that once I do this, our lives, they will change. Your children, our families, everything will need to be protected. Are you truly willing to do this?"
"Yes." He looked me dead in the eye. "I want this."
"Okay then." I smiled and rearranged my gown. "I am going to take down the world."
"You can do it." He smiled. "I believe in you."
I smirked and pressed a kiss to his mouth. "I know." My Lambo pulled up in front of us and I slipped in. I waved to him as I was sped away. I looked back and saw him get into his own Lamborghini and follow tightly behind.
The car was rounding the large drive as I fixed my makeup. The door lifted up, and a butler handed me out.
Chris walked over and linked my arm with his. "You can do this." He smiled at me. "I believe in you."
"Thank you." I schooled my features and returned to the cold hard mask I was always fronting. I walked regally into the giant building and was instantly swarmed with people. I held my head high and Chris and I continued into the large foyer.
"Devine!" A man's voice called. "Ms. Bennett?"
We turned and were met with someone I did not recognize. "Yes?"
"Hello, I am Jacob." He looked at us. "I am here for your protection, My lady." He bowed his head slightly.
"Oh, why thank you." I smiled. "Loose follow please, and do a security scan prior to my entrance."
"Yes ma'am." He walked off.
We continued moving forward. "Do you have your suit?" Chris looked at me.
"Yes." I smiled as a camera flashed. "In my bracelet." I whispered.
He nodded and we posed and continued walking. We walked through the large doors and into the loud room. Chris sat next to me at the very front of the room and then the Master of Ceremonies stood and began his speech.
I looked around at my undercover guards and nodded at them. Chris looked at me nervously as I soothed his arm. "Just look straight ahead and when I nod at you duck." I whispered.
"OK." He nodded and the audience clapped as the Speaker finished up.
"Now we would like to bring Ms. Devine Bennett up, in order to give a detailed report of what she saw when she was with the world's most feared Mafia Leader."
The room applauded as I stood and swept to the speakers stand. No one noticed that my hands slowly disappeared into my gloves as the material ate its way down wards.
I stood in front of the important political leaders and took a breath. "As you all know, I was held in Italy and Russia for nearly 6 months against my will. The only thing keeping me alive was the fact that I was an old love interest of Devan Valentador. I grew up with him and so naturally I assumed if anyone was to get into his world and into his brain, it could and would be me. So I did not leave, I staid, and one thing I can say is we need to be careful. The kind of technology he possessed was mind blowing, and he had a doctor working with him that did something to me." I nodded to the guards and they pulled the shades, blocking the room from any prying eyes, and locking the doors. "I will show you a picture of what his training room looked like, only because I want you to understand that this is what he was training with everyday." I pressed the photo on my screen and then the audience took in a collective gasp. The image of the weapons, the dummies that look like people, and the doctors office were quite a lot to take in. "I am for your safety and for your protection sharing with you a way out." I looked at them and the dress I wore slowly disappeared as my suit exchanged itself for it. I watched the horror cross their faces as I pulled my guns. I nodded to Chris and he ducked. "So, here is the plan. I know this may be hard for you but, I am now the queen of this Empire." I looked at them. "I want each and everyone of you to pledge me the loyalty of your country, when I have a crowning ceremony."
"What if we don't?" Someone yelled.
I smirked. "Oh well then, I guess they can be taken care of." I pulled the triggers and the guns went off, firing warning shots, that landed in the walls. A scream erupted in the stillness. "Now, that will not be just you, but it will be your entire country." I looked. "You have two seconds to bow, before I begin to pick you off one by one."
Everyone fell to their knees, minus one man. He stood tall and proud. "Shame, you couldn't take orders." I pulled the trigger and he collapsed dead.
"Monster!" Someone screamed.
"I suppose so, but I think Queen is a better title." I stuck my hip out. "Now, go, tell your chief in command about the change, and I expect every country to be at the crowning, and that every single person watches it."
"Yes, my queen." Many said.
I smirked. "Good, meeting dismissed."
They all stood and walked out. My suit changed back to my dress and I walked to Chris. "Ready to go home?"
"Yes." He smiled and we walked out, his arm extended to mine, and my hand gracefully resting on his forearm. "There will be war." He and I walked out of the building and towards the Helicopter that was landing on the green.
"I know. But I will win."
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