Chapter 15
A swirling storm filled my body and a thundercloud clapped above our heads.
"Devine, you need to end this madness." Chris hissed. His eyes were wide with horror. "End this."
"Oh I will." A smirk formed on my face and I looked Hank dead in the eye. "I will finish this."
"As what? A girl?"
Something broke inside of me, and I twisted my arm. A long, spike of metal thrust itself through Hank and he gasped. I strode forward and grasped his face.
"I ended it, as your Queen."
Bitterness bites at the back of my throat and I swivel my harsh eyes to the men around me. "WHO IS NEXT?"
They backed down and bowed.
"Thats what I thought." A smirk settled on my features. "Darling." I extended my hands to Chris, and he grasped my left hand. My giant sparkling ring fit snugly in our clasped grip.
Striding forward, men and women alike bowed before us. Looking from face to face, I smirked. My body felt strange, like it was no longer mine to control. I had never had control. It controlled me. It wanted me, craved me.
I released the pain. Sharp daggers flew from my hands, piercing the screaming men. Adolphine howled and Chris clasped his gun tightly.
The faint sound of a helicopter thrumming in the distance woke me from my trance. Or more like slipped me further into one.
My head snapped back, and my eyes pinched shut. Pain filtered into my sensors. My hands clasped onto Chris in a death grip.
"Don't... let... me ...go..." I panted.
He caught me up in his arms, and held me tightly. My brain was muddled with harsh light. I felt lighting crackling from 100 miles away.
Wind whipped my long blonde hair around our bodies, so strong it lifted me from Chris's possessive grasp.
"No!" He roared.
I was lifted to the air, and my hands spread. Thrashing like a mad woman in the air, a crackling sound surrounded me. Electricity flashed through the air, and a lighting bolt crashed into the ground a mere five feet from Chris. He jumped back in time, and I opened my eyes. The lighting was no longer surrounding us, but was flooding the area. My hair was on end. My eyes flashed. I looked like a demon.
Raising my hand, I held my palm up. A rumbling sounded from beneath Chris. Slowly he rose, or the ground beneath him did. His face contorted in concern, as he stumbled, hoping to stay standing.
A long metal spike held him up, and a lighting bolt flashed near us.
"Devine?" His eyes trembled.
A thunder cloud gathered around us, as the people below us quaked. "Chris, I don't understand." My eyes clouded. "I feel as though I have been like this all along. Missing something. And now, it's as though I have found it." I reached for him. "It has found me."
He smiled, and grasped me in his arms. The swirling winds died down and he held my face tenderly in his grasp.
"Darling, you are beautiful." His thumb traced the scar that ran down my neck. "You were made for this." He smirked, and tugged me closer gently. His warm lips touched mine, and the storm calmed. The wind fluttered and died and we were lowered down.
I broke away and held his face in my hands. "I don't deserve you." I let a tear roll down my blood stained cheek.
"No, I do not deserve you." He kissed my forehead tenderly, and smiled. I turned to my new subjects.
"I need everyone of you to evacuate. What is to come, what will transpire, I can not promise you your life." I looked at the people. "Go with Hayden, he knows where to house you. You will be safe. I promise."
A collective murmur followed me as I swept to Hayden's side. Chris began to shout orders to the men.
"Devine, what are we about to face?"
"If you think I am the only enhanced you are sorely mistaken." I groaned. Hayden's eyes darted to the open wound on my side.
"Do you need medical?"
"No, go. Bring the people to Jonah. He will know what to do." My hand touched his. "I am sorry that I killed him. You know I loved him. Right?"
"Devine, I know you did. I know you loved my brother with every ounce of your being, but I also know you were protecting what you loved more, yourself." He grasped my hand. "Devan, he was crazy. He would tell me what he would do to you, what you let him do to your body."
I turned my gaze down. "Dev... he still haunts me."
"I know." Hayden touched my cheek. "De, for what its worth, you were always going to be my sister."
"Hay, I love you."
"I love you too." He pulled me into an embrace. He pulled back and held me at a distance. I smiled and Chris walked up to me.
His arm snaked around my waist and tugging me closer to his warmth. "They are ready."
"Okay," I nodded. "Hayden."
"Yes ma'am." He saluted and walked towards the people.
"Load them all up!" I yelled. A new sensation was sweeping down my scull and I could feel my brain picking up the distress.
"Devine. We could go." Chris's tender hand touched my arm.
"No. I must end this. I was chosen. I am the Empress."
"Okay." He smiled and held my hand.
"Get them in the carriers now!" I yelled even louder. The masses moved. My arms were erupting into goose bumps.
The thrums of a helicopter, it was getting closer. The last civilian climbed on the freighter and it lifted. All was silent aside from our breaths. My head spun. Then I heard it.
"They are coming." I whispered. "They are here."
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