Chapter 1
Ahsoka and Obi-Wan sat aboard the ship in silence. There was nothing that had to be said, they both knew what was happening. Anakin had turned to the dark side, been seduced by the Sith Lord and joined him. They were now journeying to the fiery lava planet of Mustafar in order to attempt to bring Anakin back.
Upon landing on the planet, they immediately saw Anakin. His eyes were changed, they were now a bloodshot yellow, as opposed to the bright blue they had always been. He stared at the pair darkly. Ahsoka almost broke seeing him like this, there were emotions building up in her that she'd never experienced before: anger, fear, hatred. She knew she had to push these emotions away, she needed to stay strong for him.
"I've been expecting you," he said sinisterly.
"Anakin, don't do this. You can still return to us, to Padme," Obi-Wan called out.
"No. I must do this. He promised that he could save her, I won't lose her like I lost my mother."
Ahsoka finally spoke, "Anakin please don't do this. You're breaking my heart, you're like my brother. Just come back with us. Come back and help us rebuild the Order. I'll come back and be your padawan again, I just can't lose you Anakin. I'd do anything to be by your side again."
"Anything you say?" Anakin asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, anything. I miss it. I miss you, the battles, everything."
"Then join me. Together we can rule the galaxy as master and apprentice. I will teach you what the Jedi could not!"
Obi-Wan looked at Anakin in horror, but upon turning towards Ahsoka, he was even more terrified. She looked like the was actually considering his offer! "Ahsoka! Don't do it! Think about everything he's done. He's destroyed our family and friends and burned our home! He's destroyed the Order that you swore to protect."
"The Order?" Anakin scoffed. "You mean the same one that turned their back on her when she needed them most? The Order that cast her aside and left her to die because it was easier than trying to find the truth? And when they did find the truth, or more accurately, I found the truth, they tried to play it off as 'the will of the force' never willing to admit that it was all their fault! It was their fault she was had to go on the run, it was their fault that she was wrongfully imprisoned, and it was their fault that she left me!"
Obi-Wan didn't know how to respond. He was right. The Order turned on Ahsoka in her darkest hour, and he still felt terrible about what happened to this day, but that was still no reason for her to turn to the dark side.
"Ahsoka, he's right," Obi-Wan sighed, "The Order betrayed you, but that's still no reason to join the dark side! Think of all the good we can do, all three of us together can rebuild the Order, make a new one, in our vision. No corruption, no hypocrisy, nothing."
"The world would be better without the Jedi," Anakin spat.
Ahsoka had stayed quiet this whole time, taking everything they had to say in, and thinking. Anakin was right, the Order turned on her when she was in her most desperate hour, and were perfectly okay with her being sentenced to death for a crime that she did not commit. She was still angry from then, and when they attempted to play it off and not accept responsibility, admit that they were wrong, that was the last straw. The Jedi Order was corrupt and the galaxy would be better off without it. The Jedi were not the peace keepers they once were, but were instead now warriors.
Ahsoka had come to her decision. Without saying anything, she slowly walked over and stood next to Anakin. Obi-Wan watched in horror as he had now lost his two closest friends to the dark side. He looked down in defeat, while Anakin just smiled.
"You made the right choice Snips."
"I'm sorry Master Kenobi, but he's right. The Jedi have caused nothing but trouble. They're no longer peace keepers, but warriors who have done more harm than good lately. Maybe the galaxy would benefit from having less of them."
"I have failed you. I have failed you both. I am sorry," Obi-Wan said solemnly. "I just hope one day you will both see the err in your ways."
"Enough with the lectures Obi-Wan. You die here tonight," Anakin said venomously.
Anakin activated his lightsaber and rushed at Obi-Wan striking at him. Obi-Wan activated his saber just in time to block. Anakin continued to swing and Obi-Wan continued to block. All the while, Ahsoka was just standing there, her fingers hovering hesitantly over the activation button. She was conflicted. On one hand, she wanted to stay with Anakin, and help protect him, but on the other hand, she didn't think Obi-Wan deserved to die.
Ahsoka watched as Obi-Wan sent a strike at Anakin, impaling his side. Anakin cried out in pain, falling to the ground and dropping his light saber.
"I'm sorry Anakin, I didn't want to do this, but I can't let you kill more innocent people."
Anakin just looked at Ahsoka. "Help... me," he croaked out.
That's when Ahsoka realized what she must do. As Obi-Wan swung for the finishing blow, Ahsoka ran over to them, moving faster than she every had, reaching the pair and activating her lightsabers just in time to block Obi-Wan's attack.
Obi-Wan was so stunned, that he didn't know what to do next. He staggered backwards, and Ahsoka took the offensive, swinging at him with both of her sabers. With Obi-Wan distracted by Ahsoka, he didn't see Anakin struggle to his feet and make his way over to them until it was too late. Anakin swiped at Obi-Wan, cutting off his had, causing his saber to go flying off the edge of the landing doc, and into the lava below.
Obi-Wan fell to his knees in defeat. He had lost. Ahsoka and Anakin were gone to the dark side, and he was going to die.
Anakin strode over to Obi-Wan. "Now my dear Obi-Wan, the apprentice will kill the master."
Obi-Wan took one last look at both Ahsoka and Anakin, and he realized something about Ahsoka. Her eyes were not yet yellow, they were still the crystal blue they had always been. He knew there was nothing that could be done now, but he sensed there was still good inside of her, there was conflict, so he decided to plant more doubt in her, in hopes that one day she would return to the light.
"Ahsoka, Anakin, you were like my family, I loved you both. I'm sorry I could not keep you from this. I hope that one day, I can look down on you and see that you've changed, and meet you again." The whole time he was talking, he was looking at Ahsoka. He could sense the conflict inside of her growing.
"Goodbye, Obi-Wan," Anakin said activating his lightsaber and killing his former master.
Ahsoka just watched it all, knowing that there was no going back now.
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