From Thoth
It was a pleasant, albeit long, journey from Gleneden to Thoth. The weather was fair and dry and the carriage that transported Robbi and her comrades, spacious and comfortable. The pulling team of moose and reindeer was in a spry mood and happily dashed along the wide dirt trail that led across the Plain of Mists westward toward the Circe Sea, upon which the black city of Thoth rested on Cragga Isle across the great bridge.
The small band of friends was expected and they found themselves greeted by a contingent of emissaries and acquaintances. Foremost among these were the former mayor and dear friend of Robbi's, Chumley Bilgespike, his wife Belinda, their two children, Ymi and Ashy, and Belinda's adopted mother, the ancient toad healer, Dema Primus.
Much to Robbi's delight, she spied an unexpected greeter, the large hedgehog master of the glass-makers guild, Herman Corkspike of Seth-e-Raman in the Lands of Man. Broad smiles were evident on everyone's faces as hugs and handshakes were exchanged.
Chumley saw to getting everyone settled in the castle and arranged for a great welcome feast. The weary travelers happily collapsed in their beds after their journey and were soon sleeping soundly in anticipation of a large and welcome meal.
As dusk approached, the travelers roused themselves and prepared for what they knew would be an incredible banquet. One by one, Robbi, Egbert, Bobo, and Thoris entered the formal dining hall and seated themselves around the massive oak table. Seated at the table's head was the present mayor of Thoth, Deedor Barus, a Lokian wolf and good friend to both Chumley and Belinda. Other dignitaries included the commander of the constabulary, Whylis Wormwart, as well as other important political and private individuals.
Chumley sat chatting happily with his friends and gorging himself on the endless courses of fish, fruit, breads, soups, pies, and sweets.
Dema, who was seated between Robbi and Belinda, shook her head chuckling.
"My son-in law is trying to explode. How a beast his size can consume so much is a magical act in itself." She turned toward Robbi, whom she knew was seeking beasts imbued with magic for the Council of Wizards. "Perhaps yon Chumley is the magical creature you seek."
Robbi giggled.
"I doubt the ability to stuff oneself would be recognized as proof of magic. Anyway, I suspect that Chumley would have no desire to be a wizard. He always says he's done with being a leader...too much work."
Belinda interjected.
"I wish he'd do something other than spend all his time playing with the kids. He's sweet, loving and devoted to us, but he's driving me crazy. I regret that I made him promise to give up his adventures. He really needs to travel a bit, just so I can get some peace.
"The tediousness of day to day life must be driving him insane. Until the children are old enough to travel, we are stuck here. He needs something to do other than dote on us," she looked pleadingly at Robbi, "I think he should join you on your tour of Arishamal. A few months traveling would do him a world of good...not to mention me."
"...And me!" Dema added laughing out loud."
Robbi was surprised.
"Of course he's welcome to come. Does he know you want him to go?"
Belinda shook her head.
"No...and he can't. It has to be his idea or his feelings will be hurt. I love that clod so much and I want to see him happy, but if he thinks leaving on a journey is my idea, he'll think I'm upset with him or some other such nonsense. I want you to convince him to go. He'll ask my permission and I will reluctantly agree and then all will be right with the world. I'll miss him a lot, but he'll be so much happier doing something important."
"I wouldn't say I'm doing anything important," Robbi said, "I'm just taking a small vacation from the drudgery of Aolas."
"You are searching out candidates though?" Dema asked.
Robbi nodded.
"Well, yes, but more as an aside to my vacation. I'm not actively pursuing any leads...well... one that Arisha told me about. As it happens, she recommended I ask Chumley about the beast involved. It seems he knew him."
Belinda clapped happily.
"Perfect! That is a wonderful way to get him to join you."
Robbi smiled.
"I'm talking to him after dinner about that very beast. I'll see if I can get him to accompany me."
Belinda took Robbi's paw gratefully.
"Oh thank you, thank you. Chumley needs to travel. It has been too long for him confined to Thoth. He is a devoted husband and father, but he needs more. He isn't a scholar or philosopher, he needs comradeship and adventure every now and then. We will all be better for it."
"I'll see what I can do." Robbi affirmed.
When dinner was done, the table broke up into smaller groups. Robbi herded Chumley and Thoris to the far side of the dining hall. Chumley secured a flagon of fine port and Thoris swiped a dozen dark chocolate treats from a nearby table. Herman, Egbert, and Bobo came over to share the goodies and spend time with their friends. They remained silent, but transfixed by the topic of conversation Robbi had selected.
Robbi turned to face Chumley and Thoris.
"Do either of you recall a beast named Acheron Euras from your days serving Khalis?"
Chumley's eyes grew wide and Thoris sat back in shock. Chumley broke into a sad smile.
"Ah remember 'im awroight, kinda hard to forget. 'E was an alchemist for 'er royal nastiness, Kahlis. Acheron paid the price too, a really steep one, didn't 'e?"
Thoris addressed Chumley.
"He wath blown up, wasn't he? I never thpoke to him, but I thaw him a few times. He theemed a very grim beatht, he never thmiled."
Chumley nodded.
"That's true awroight. Even before the accident, 'e didn't enjoy life all that much."
Herman voiced his curiosity.
"Was he kilt in that there explosion?"
Chumley smiled again.
"The explosion wasn't the tragedy in 'is life, was it? Euras was messin' with the Rubitar and Abitar for Khalis. It blew up in 'is face. Ah'm the beast what found 'im, ah was. Ah found him burnt crispier than burnt toast. Not an 'air on 'is as black as night...,but alive.
"Ah couldn't believe it. Ah tried to get Khalis' 'elp, but since 'e had failed at 'is task for 'er, she said to let 'im die. Ah just couldn't do it, so ah took 'im to a healer near World's End. Got 'im a nurse...can't recall 'er name..."
"Ianthe." Robbi interrupted.
Chumley looked at Robbi with surprise and continued.
"Yah, that's it, Ianthe. She was an angel. From what I 'eard, she tended 'im night and day till 'is health was recovered. She saw something in 'im that she fell in love with. They married, 'e still looked like a freak, mind ya, but it didn't bother 'er one bit. 'Ad a child, they did. 'E became an almost normal beast. Ah even 'eard that 'e learned to smile...but not for long...,"
Chumley paused.
"What happened?" Bobo demanded.
"Khalis found out that Euras was still alive. I forgot ta tell ya that the explosion left pieces of the Rubitar and Abitar in 'is body. Khalis decided she wanted 'em back. She sent a squad of soldiers to Ianthe's 'ouse to cut them out. Ah found out about it the same day she gave the order...the witch thought it was the funniest thing she ever did, 'avin' a beast cut to pieces for a few pieces of rock.
"Ah rushed to warn 'im and by the time ah got to World's End, ah had almost caught up with the soldiers. Ah saw them enter the cottage and rushed down the field...ah figured they knew me and ah could tell them Khalis 'ad changed 'er mind and to put Acheron in mah custody.
"Before ah got to Ianthe's 'ouse, there was an explosion of fire that went a hundred feet into the air...the 'ouse was gone. Ah ran down and there were charred corpses everywhere...includin' poor Ianthe. Then ah 'ad one of the great shocks of me life...Acheron was standin' in the middle of this horror as though nothing 'ad 'appened.
"'E was silent, starin' down at Ianthe. 'E couldn't cry 'cause of 'is earlier injury, but there was pure sorrow in 'is features. 'E was silent as death. Ah tried talkin' to 'im, but it was as though ah wasn't there. It was only when 'is son came runnin' back from the beach where 'e was playin' that Euras came back to 'is senses."
"That's horrible...the poor beast!" Egbert said sadly.
"What happened after that Chum?" Herman asked.
"Ah did what ah could ta 'elp. Ah knew that Miss Nasty would come after 'im and 'is son, so ah arranged for 'im ta get a boat and leave. That was the last ah saw 'im."
Robbi looked to Chumley hopefully.
"Do you know where he and his son went?"
Chumley looked at the small wizard curiously.
"The Borogovian Isles, ah believe. Why are ya askin' me about Acheron?"
"Arisha believes his son may be a candidate for apprenticeship. I'm pretty desperate. I think I might take a trip to the Isles to try and find him. Do you think you can arrange for a boat out of World's End, Chumley?"
A big grin flooded the rat's features.
"Ah can do better than that, luv. Orange Willum's down there getting' ready for a tradin' run to the very place you're headin'. Seems that Borogovian wine is right popular in Seth-e."
Egbert chuckled.
"Oi haven't seen Willum in quoite a whoile," he turned toward Robbi with a pleading look on his face, "do you think oi moight come with you? Oi could do with a trip. Phoebe is a big girl now, she can moind the loibrary as well as oi could."
Robbi hugged Egbert.
"Of course you can come...I'd love to have along."
Bobo chimed in.
"I guess I'm goin' too. I promised Vattus I'd keep an eye on ya."
Thoris put his hand on Robbi's shoulder.
"Me too, I want to come. It thounds like fun."
"I ain't never been ta sea, it would be quite a wonderment." Herman added.
Robbi smiled broadly.
"You're all welcome," she turned toward Chumley, "all of you."
Chumley looked desperately to each of his friends. He spoke sadly.
"Ah would love ta come along...ah truly would, but ah gave mah word to Belinda that ah wouldn't be goin' on anymore adventures."
"Whoi not ask her?" Egbert offered.
"Yah, what have ya got ta lose?" Bobo asked.
Chumley looked at his foot-paws. After a short while he looked up with a grin.
"Ah suppose it can't hurt to ask...ah doubt she'll agree, she really loves 'avin' me around all the time, but ah'll ask."
Robbi suppressed her smile.
"I'm sure you're right, so I won't get my hopes up, but you would be a great help. It sounds like Acheron owes you his life and he would be more likely to speak to us if you were along."
"Ah'll mention that to Belinda when ah ask 'er. Ah'm still not 'opeful though."
Later that evening, a nervous Chumley Bilgespike entered his quarters to speak with Belinda. He was greeted by not only his beloved wife, but by two bundles of hyper-activity, his twins, Ymi and Ashy. Ymi, a little girl, was a beautiful child with thick black fur like her father, but with soft gentle features like her mother. Ashy, on the other hand, was white as snow with features which mimicked his roguish father and possessed of clear gray eyes filled with a mischievous sparkle.
The two little rats ran to their father and latched on to his legs like a pair of furry limpets. Chumley couldn't keep himself from smiling and after disengaging them from his body, he kneeled in front of them.
"Well, well, well, what 'ave we 'ere? Ah see before me a pair of dangerous lookin' beasts that need to burn off some energy...," he looked deep into each of his children's eyes, "...'Ow about a game of 'ide and seek?"
"Yeah!" they both answered together.
Chumley stroked his chin.
"Awright then. Your mom and ah will count to three 'undred and then come lookin' for yah."
They started to run out, but Chumley held them back by the scruff of their necks, "Not so fast, mah little devils. Stay in the castle and out of the dungeons..."
"Daaaad!" Ashy objected.
"No argument, the last time yah hid in the dungeon, the poor guard was flummoxed. There's thieves and such down there payin' for their indiscretions and ah don't want yah near them."
"Okay." Ashy said dejectedly.
"Finally, stay together. It ain't gonna count if you two ain't together," he smiled warmly at them both, " off with yah, go and hide."
The two balls of energy zoomed out of the room. Belinda chuckled and gave Chumley a hug.
"They are quite a handful."
"Ah can't argue with that mah luv."
Belinda looked Chumley squarely in the eye.
"Now tell me why you got rid of the children."
Chumley acted innocent.
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Come on Chumley, I've been married to you long enough to know when you have something on your mind," she said matter-of-factly.
Chumley smiled briefly, then took on a guilty look.
"Ah would not be havin' this talk if it were up to me, but ah promised Robbi ah would."
Belinda suppressed a smile.
"Yes, go on."
"You know ah 'ave been here in Thoth...'appily, ah might add, since that nasty business with the Scarlet Brotherhood. Ah promised ah would stay at your side and not go travelin' on any more quests or the like...and ah 'ave been true to that promise...again, very 'appily."
Belinda tried to look stern.
"Spit it out, come on."
"It's just this, mah luv. Robbi needs ta look for a beast that ah was familiar with way back when. If it were anybody but Robbi, I'd 'ave thrown them out on their ear for even suggesting ah leave you...for 'owever short a while..."
At this over-dramatic pronouncement, Belinda could no longer contain her amusement. She chortled loudly. Chumley looked at her with confusion.
She grabbed him by the shoulders and looked into his eyes.
"I think you should go along."
Chumley was speechless. He stared at Belinda with his mouth agape.
She continued.
"If Robbi thinks you'll be of help, I think you should help her. I think it will do you good. You've been true to your word and stayed at my side and I appreciate that, but you need at least a little adventure to keep you happy," she smiled sweetly, "besides, it will give you more tales to tell the kids at bedtime."
Chumley tried very hard not to seem too happy.
"Are you sure, luv? Ah'll be gone a full season, maybe more."
"I'll miss you, of course, but Dema and I can handle it. Who else is going?"
Chumley smiled broadly.
"The whole crew...Thoris, Eggy, Bobo, even 'Erman and we'll be going onboard the Crimson Rose with Willum and Max."
Belinda kissed her husband gently on the snout.
"In that case especially, you must go...they'd be lost without you."
Chumley gave Belinda a long loving hug and kiss.
"Ah am the luckiest beast in the world ta 'ave a fine gal like you ta love."
I'll Belinda grinned and disengaged herself from Chumley's grasp.
"We best start looking for those little hellions if we want to find them by their bedtimes."
Chumley snorted.
"Ah'm fairly sure they're hidin' in Dema's quarters. They've taken to 'idin' there cause of all the weird stuff she keeps in 'er room that they can mess with, plus she always gives 'em cookies and milk. They'll probably be asleep when we find 'em."
The next several days were ones of joy and apprehension for the band of friends. Thoris took charge of supplying the journey, though Herman took it upon himself to acquire the foodstuffs, having recently expanded his expertise from cooking glass to cooking edibles as well.
Chumley sent a detailed letter to World's End announcing their impending arrival and requesting passage to the Borogovian Isles onboard the Crimson Rose. He was confident that their good friend, Orange Willum Marsh Crookfang, formerly known as The Terror of the Seas, but recently retired from privateering and now a successful merchant and trader, would be not only open to their request, but excited at the prospect of a small adventure with his former comrades-at-arms.
Egbert spent his remaining time in Thoth exploring the ancient city with Bobo and purchasing a few trinkets to send back to his ward, Phoebe, who would be taking over his duties at the libraries of Gleneden and Wiccinas. Robbi spent her days writing missives to the High Magi Vattus and Pellus, detailing her plans to look for Acheron's son and apologizing for the time she would be gone.
For Chumley, the final few days in Thoth were roller-coasters of anticipation, guilt, joy, and regret. He spent almost every minute with Belinda and his children. Ashy and Ymi, for their parts, were excited at the prospect of their father going on a quest of sorts, and offered him all types of advice on how to effectively combat villains, monsters, and pirates, should the opportunity arise.
Belinda was happy for her husband, but well aware of how much she would miss him once he was underway. She confided everything to Dema, who, in her own manner, soothed, comforted, and cajoled her step-daughter back to a peaceful state of mind.
When the time finally arrived to set off for World's End, everyone was anxious and excited. Heartfelt and occasionally tearful farewells were exchanged. Chumley hugged his wife and children for what seemed hours and even gave his loving adversary, Dema, a hug of genuine affection. Dema grunted as she always did when Chumley got sentimental, but even he saw the tears which she quickly wiped from the corners of her eyes.
The six travelers squeezed themselves onto a large carriage, pulled by the best team of moose and reindeer in Thoth. Thankfully, the rather broad Herman chose to sit on top, leaving adequate room for the remaining beasts in the interior.
The hedgehog smiled happily in anticipation of his first sea journey. At his waist, he wore the handsome sword, made by his younger brother, Winnie. It was made entirely of glass infused with Arisha's web and many considered it the finest weapon in Arishamal. Though Herman was a peaceful beast, he wore the sword with pride.
He looked back toward the receding city, it's reflective black walls standing out against a pure blue cloudless sky and felt the warm wind of their rapid progress blowing delightfully through his quills. The seductive rocking of the carriage on the smoothly paved road slowly sent the large beast to a comfortable semi-sleep. As full sleep slowly encroached on the gentle giant, a broad grin formed on his face and he spoke aloud to the world itself.
"It's a wonderment, it truly is."
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