6 years later
Esteban is 19 years old.
"Listen to the sounds of the hooves Esteban!" My trainer, Raul claps as I stand blindfolded in the middle of the empty arena. I step to one side of the circle as the bull charges at me from the distance; it's damp fur grazing against my skin, signaling my triumphant escape.
"Ayeeee!!! There we go!" Raul whistles victoriously. Julio and Jámes (Ham-ez), my two closest friends and experienced matadors, whistle and cheer as I avoid another piercing.
"ARIBBBAAA!!! Aye! aye!" they roll their tongues in celebration, banging on the wooden wall of the training arena to antagonize the bull.
"Faster! Quicker! Let the sound of its anger guide you!" Raul screams once more. I hear the beast's heavy hooves as it charges at my figure but again, I step to the side, just in time to avoid it.
"OLAY!!!!" the spectators clap and cheer amongst the plaza seating. Four stadium hands grab the bull by its horns to calm it down.
"That's it for today Esteban" Raul orders. I take off my red blindfold and grin as I see the bull struggling to remain calm; its demons, irritated by my spirit.
"That bull will regret the day it ever looked a La Renta in the eye" I chuckle unmistakably.
"You have your father's cocky spirit, that's for sure" Raul teases me, slapping his towel against my sweaty back. I roll my eyes and return his hit but he masterfully avoids my reach.
"Why be bashful? My actions speak for themselves" I shrug and stare at Raul, most skilled trainer of bullfighting in all of Espana. He was once a successful matador who rose to fame during the era of el Domingo, when bullfighting was outlawed. He had had since retired and shared the knowledge of his youth to others. His own father had trained my great grandfather and he, my father.
He took me in as his protege the day my father died and I haven't looked back since. I viewed him as sort of a second father and confidant. He was hardheaded and short tempered, but sought the best in me even when I couldn't see it myself.
Julio and James climb atop my back and wrestle me to the ground as they celebrate with glee.
"Do that during Sanfermines and we'll be worshiped worldwide!" they clap excitedly.
I push them off and step to the wooden bucket to dip my head into the water to cool off.
"EL JEFE!!!" a group of giggling girls cheer behind the partition of the fence. They shook the iron in an attempt to capture my attention. I turn and part my lips into a handsome smile; ringing out the water from my long tresses.
"AHHHH!" They scream at my actions and blush red.
"Alright! alright! adios!" Raul shoos them off. They pout dismally but reluctantly leave the arena.
"I bet you get tired of that my friend" Julio nudges me.
"Esteban La Renta? Tired of the attention of women? Knowing him, all three will be in his bed tonight" James jokes and hits me.
"They don't call him El Jefe for only the bulls" Julio chimes. I knew it best not to debate their truth and hopped above the fence to sit and rest. I wipe off my sweaty torso as Raul signs papers from the city and brigs a rolled scroll of papyrus.
"Look at what was delivered!" he smiles and quickly unscrolls the sheet. It was a poster of my body, supersized in the center, with a red madera, challenging a bull.
"These will be pasted on every city lampost and wall this week. 2 months from now, Sanfermines will be held and you three were asked personally to lead the bullfight by el Presidente Castro. You all know it is an honor to be asked to head any ceremony so we must put on the best performance." Raul urges.
"Of course, we will Raul. We are the 3 ninos!" I grab my friends by their necks and force them to smell my armpits. They hit me off as we laugh in familiarity.
"We have 700 kills between the three of us." James brags.
"Sí, so don't get your bragas in a bunch mi amigo." I tease. The other two stifle their laughter as Raul glares at me.
"Hit the showers men and be up early tomorrow for practice."
We hop off the gate and runoff to the showers, playfully wrestling each other before we head in.
"Esteban!" Raul shouts and signals me to stay behind.
"Ohhhhh!" they both sing. They knew that tone all too well. It meant a storm was brewing, one that meant trouble. James and Julio ran away, hitting each other with their wet towels while I remained behind.
"You nervous?" Raul sighs.
"For what? I know what my job entails."
"You are the youngest to be asked to be lead matador at the ceremony."
"And? I've played matador many times Raul. Since I was 14. What makes this so different?" I sigh, running a hand through my sweaty tresses. Raul always doubted me but I always proved him wrong.
"Esteban. You are attempting to kill 6 bulls in one sitting. That has never been attempted....not even by the greatest"
"I guess I will be the first. Raul, you worry to much my friend." I chuckle and grab his shoulders, I have already killed 250 bulls. 150 more than my father at his age of 19. I'll be fine." I brag, unmoved by the challenge.
"Just don't let your head get to the clouds" he advises. He stares at my bandaged chest as he remembers the goring from a few months ago. "How is it?" He asks.
"I liked it better when there was a horn in it" I joke, "but it's healing" I admit.
"Think it'll be completely healed before the festival?"
"Does it matter?" I shrug, "I'm still going to perform; a stupid wound means nothing to me" I snap and snatch the poster from his grip.
"Go to the Vatican and say a prayer with your mother and Abuela tonight! You'll need it!" he yells after me.
The hot steam of the tepid water opens my pores as I unwrap the bandages from my shoulder. I clench my teeth in discomfort as the hot water hits the surface of my exposed wound.
I remembered the day as if it was yesterday. It was a warm summer day in July. Julio and James had just finished their last round with the bull in the plaza de toro. It was our last practice before our show that night. I was signing autographs for the small group of people and out of nowhere, the nasty beast charged at me as my back was turned to the arena.
Although I avoided its horn, it twisted and pierced me from behind. It flung me 10 ft into the air and pierced my chest; on the left side, just like my father.
When my mother heard of my injury, she cried for days begging and praying for me to retire, but the event only excited me more. I would not accept defeat nor would never I be a victim of my circumstances.
I snap back to my shower and run my face underneath the warmth of the shower head. My arm is rested against the painted tile of the wall as I let the warm water run down my neck.
A few moments pass before I feel two soft hand running across my back. The unexpected feeling catches me from my thoughts and I turn to assess the disruption.
I sigh in annoyance as I see the busty female who had snuck past the gate. It was a frequent event that happened daily. I had urges just like any other man but even sometimes I wished to be left alone.
Her jet black hair was tied into a loose bun and dress lifted to the side. With no warning, she began to strip to join me in my shower.
"Raul!" I yell, calling him for security.
"I'm not in the mood novia" I sigh and turn back to lather my chest. She remains silent and smiles seductively as the water runs down my long hair. Her hands weave against my scalp as she gently lathers the shampoo through my hair. Once she finishes, she slowly latches her palms onto my pride and messages it gently.
"What! What!" Raul enters through the bathroom entrance. She bends low to be hidden to visible eyes and forcefully takes in my length.
I curse as she skillfully performs, reevaluating my actions.
"Nothing Raul..." I mumbled and pretend to be preoccupied with my loofah.
He mutters his frustrations for making him walk all that way and steps outside to leave me to bathe.
Looking back on it, I wish I had told him to dismiss her but decided to keep my mouth shut and let her continue. I would not care to learn her name and probably would never see her again, but hey... a man had his needs so I let her proceed.
I have been LOOKING and can not find a model for Esteban...I guess I will be extra descriptive in this book
Also which book cover?
Or the previous one
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