I waved my fan frantically as the second wave of heat encompassed the crowded arena. It was a humid day, probably the hottest day of the summer and the harsh rays of the sun were taking its toll on the crowds.
Although every heat wave fatigued us, its strenuous glares were no match for the Ninos. They fought long and hard, dazzling the crowds with their twist and turns.
James was almost pierced by the bull's horn but thanks to Esteban's quick thinking, the crisis was adverted. It was a thrilling match and of course they came out victorious.
The only thing left was the decision from the Presidente. The Ninos clapped, jumping and hyping the crowds to convince him to favor their will. It was their last match of the week and the Presidente needed to grant them the tail.
I looked up at the presidente as he sat in his box; his eyes were glued to me. Conquest rested in them. He lifted his hand, teasing the impatient crowds. When he twisted it to the left thet booed but when he turned it up right, they cheered.
"Stop teasing us" I cursed, staring at him carefully. A lazy smirk forms as he looks to the crowd in anticipation. He knew the decision he made would impact the Ninos forever; it was his job to decide whether he would be the hero or the villain.
The crowds erupted into chaotic cheer as Esteban ran around the stadium in glee. He pumped two fists into the air as the Presidente held his thumb up!
Esteban took his knife and ran to the already defeated bull that was in the middle of the arena.
The crowds shot to their feet in jubilee and I couldn't help but join them. Presidente Lopez lifted his glass to the sky before toasting to the Ninos.
I hated how smug he looked. He was satisfied everything was going according to his plan.
He was the sole man responsible for the Ninos victory lap around the stadium with the dismembered tail in hand. But he would award their victory to me...
"Looks like that little talk with the Presidente worked" Mariela smiled, following the direction of my sight.
"I guess it did" I whispered, my eyes still glued to the Presidente. I continued to glare at him but he only smiled, staring into my eyes before standing from his booth to leave.
Esteban and the boys took one final lap around the arena before heading to the basement of the stadium.
"Esteban! Esteban! A picture over here!"
"Smile with the tail! Apurarse!!"
"Dale! Dale!"
Mariela and I squeezed though the sea of men and women packed the Ninos locker room. The space was crammed with reporters, video cameras, and bulky tape recorders.
Esteban looked tired but prideful. His hands were still bloody from the match and his clothes torn. James and Julio sat beside him, wiping the sweat off their brows.
"So el Jefe! What changed?" One reporter asked, lighting the blunt end of his cigarette.
"What changed? Hmmm"Esteban pushed a finger to his chin. "I'll let my Ninos answer that one" he cheesed. The three of them laughed, probably reminiscing on some inside joke before looking to the reporter.
"Fine Fine. I'll answer" Esteban chuckled, lifting his finger so the reporter could light the own cigar in his hand. He took one long puff before leaning into the sea of microphones. "The President knew the stakes. It was our last match of the season. He knew the people and was aware of their complaints. He understood the pressure of the match and when we delivered, he couldn't ignore us."
"Esteban over here!"
"Julio what was your plans going into the match!"
The reporters hurled more questions at the three men, eager to get their front page story. Hector saw me from a distance and ushered me to beside Esteban.
"Wait! Mariela!"
I whisper. He goes back to pull her from the crowd. "Okay Anais, they want to ask you a few questions.
Don't say a lot but don't say too little"
"Got it" I said sarcastically. The reports motioned for me to take my place next to Esteban. Reluctantly I stepped, making sure his blood did not stain my skin. The smell alone was making me nauseous.
"Anais" he smiled pulling me into his lap and kissing me tenderly. The cameras flashed wildly, capturing every moment of our embrace.
"Eww your so bloody..." I whispered into his lips. I was trying not to feel queasy but it was hard. Seeing him covered in all this blood made me sick.
"Come on Anais. It's just a little blood" He chucked, still pulling me into his arms. I couldn't show my disgust as it would be rude to him and the people of Espana.
"Anais Anais!"
"You" Esteban pointed to one fellow in a nearly tailored suit.
"How does it feel to see your boyfriend covered in blood and with the tail of the bull"
"Great! I am glad the Presidente granted his pardon"
"What do you think changed?" Another reporter interjected.
"The guilt of the Presidente. It must have been eating him up. The Ninos are hard workers and skilled athletes. There was no reason for the Presidente's refusal."
"Was it his guilt or persuasion" another reporter chimed. I turn my attention to the man and frowned. I don't like his tone.
"Whatever you choose to call it. I do not care" I shrugged, silencing any further questions. Esteban smiled looking at the man with pride. My tongue was as sharp as his.
"There were reports of you visiting the Presidente's box yesterday afternoon" the same irksome reporter inched his way closer.
I tried to look shocked. "Me? At the Presidente's box?!" I look at Hector. He looked nervous but signaled for me to continue. "Silly rumors! You vulture love them. I mean, anything to sell your newspapers. Next question" I giggled innocently.
Esteban didn't think anything of my answer. I looked at Hector, wondering if my answer was okay but Hector was already walking towards the vocal reporter. He was attempting to push him out the room but it was too late!
"I think you ought to see this El Jefe!
Looks like your girlfriend has eyes for another" The reporter made a dash for Esteban, pushing an envelope of photos in his hand.
Carefully, Esteban opens it, staring at each photo before flipping to the next one. The more pictures he saw, the angrier he became. One picture showed me lifting the Presidente cigarette from his lip and another showed him grabbing my face.
"Esteban... please let me explain"
But he didn't care for my testimony. All he saw was red.
He crumbled the photos, throwing them to the floor before looking up at me.
"You went to his office?" His voice was so calm but cold.
"Answer me!!" his voice raised.
He chuckled and dropped his head before looking at the sea of reporters.
"I know Anais has a good reason for why she visited the Presidente." Esteban announced, trying to remain as neutral as possible.
"Looks to me like an affair" The same reporter shouted, digging my hole even deeper.
"It wasn't an affair"
"Then tell us the reason Anais!"
"Yea, tell them" Esteban goaded, grabbing my waist tighter.
"Just to..just" I couldn't find the words to say. The bright lights of the camera and rounded edges of the microphones were making me speechless.
"Come on Anais!" Esteban lifts me off his lap, growing impatient with my secrecy. "We know a beautiful, respectable girl like you would never visit the office of that walking playboy!"
I held my shoulders, staring at Esteban while trying to look calm.
"The only girls who go there are whores!" Esteban shouted the word loud enough for the whole arena to hear.
"Ohhhhh" the crowd gasped, relishing in the drama unfolding.
I don't know if I wanted to cry or slap him.
"I didn't think you where a whore Anais... unless...."
The room was silent as my hand connected to his cheek.
And just like that, the cameras started flashing.
"I went there for you you pig!" I shouted, pushing him to the chair.
He held his face, shocked I had even laid my hands on him in front of the reporters.
"You think the Presidente would have pardoned you
"Anais" Hector warned, pulling my wrist to leave.
"No no! Don't say my name again Hector! ENOUGH!!"
I looked to the sea of reports and smiled.
"You want to know the truth?"
The only reason Esteban Julio Montoya got the pardon was because I begged the Presidente to do it.
I do everything for Esteban.
I stand behind him.
Remain quiet!
I gave up my morals for you!
And what do you call me
A whore! In front of all espana!" I shouted, glaring at him with rage.
"I am tired of it!"
"Anais— look." Esteban comes behind me, holding my hand to calm me down. I snatched it away, taking a bigger step to the front of the crowds.
"I have an announcement to make.
As of today? March 3rd 1958, I am no longer the girlfriend of El Jefe.
I am retiring that title immediately."
"Anais!" Esteban said, pulling my arm so I could stop.
"Now that you have no title, are there any new ones you would like to be called?" Another new reporter asked.
"A new title?"
"Yes" he smiled. I nodded, thinking of the talk with the president. He promised me fame, fortune, and prestige.
Why should I stand in the shadows while Esteban enjoyed the spotlight?
I was ready to start my life.
I was eager to be free. Today, I was in control of my own destiny.
"My new title?
Call me, The Dancing Torerra" I smiled, letting the cameras flash wildly.
There was no turning back now.
I was now the dancing torerra.
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