⚠️Important Author note⚠️
Omg guys!! I am so sorryyyyy
I was editing at 12 am to try and update the last chapter so I didn't write in an important part.
Just pretend Anais hypnotized the bull/made him calm down by doing a really intense but sultry flamenco dance! You will see the aftermath of the match unfold in this chapter.
"NOOOO!!" I yelled, shooting up from the covers. A thick film of sweat soaked my delicate skin. I took a couple of deep breaths before taking in my surroundings. I was in Esteban's apartment, in his bedroom.
But where was Esteban?
I see a pile of empty bedsheets ruffled beside me.
"Esteban?" My voice croaks. It was so dry and I was so parched. I teetered off the side of the bed, stumbling blindly to find something to quench my thirst.
I hear the door open and see Esteban enter in with a brown bag of medicine and a box of hot food.
"Anais." he says running over to where I stood. He held me tight, gently supporting my frail frame as I leaned against him.
"What happened...I mean where —"
"Shh, come on mi amor" He leads me to the brown couch in the middle of his living room, pushing a pillow against my back so that I could relax.
He turns to get me water from his fridge before sitting down beside me.
"What happened? All I remember is the performance and—" I froze as I thought back to his brutal killing and shivered.
"You fainted in my arms after I killed that bull. They took you to the hospital to make sure you were okay. Hector made me stay to talk to the reporters about the cancelled match and then I came straight to the hospital to see you"
"Wait the match was cancelled?" I frowned, feeling worse about the situation.
"We had to cancel. After the bull escaped and I killed it, we had no others. Julio (coach) is launching an investigation on the workers for negligence"
It was quiet as we both processed the news.
"You know that saying? Your life flashes before your eyes before you die?"
Esteban nodded, meeting my eyes.
"I didn't see my life Esteban...."
"No? Why" he asks, scooting closer to grab my hand. He still looked worried.
"Because I knew I wasn't going to die.
Esteban I felt...free
I felt like a burden had finally lifted.
When I danced and the bull stood there, hypnotized by my moves, I felt like we were speaking his language.
When I placed my hand against its forehead... I felt like? Like one with his spirit"
He looked at me concerned and perplexed, feeling the base of my forehead. "You're burning up Anais"
"Stop it Esteban" I giggled, gently holding his palm within mine. "I'm serious. I didn't faint because of fear. I fainted because of you and your killing. Your hands.... they were so red.
So stained with the blood of that innocent bull.
"Anais your tired. You haven't ate and you have a fever. Let's get you into bed" he helped me off the couch, leading me to his room.
"No! let go of me!" I yelled realizing and remembering the chaos and the disfunction from last night. Esteban stared at me confused and bothered by my new disposition.
"Esteban...what you're doing to those animals. It's not right. You're murdering them and slaughtering them in cold blood"
"It's a job Anais. My job
You dance and twirl.
I taunt and kill." He defended.
"Esteban, don't you see what you're doing isn't right"
"Says who? This is what I've been trained to do since I was 5! What? I'm supposed to give this up? Give up my lifestyle?
You want me believe it's morally wrong just because you say so?"
"No I'm not asking you too..." I grumbled.
"That bull almost killed you and your team and all you care about is it's stupid soul? Maybe you should have taken it to the capella instead of me? I would have gladly driven you two" he said through a disrespectful snarl.
I pushed him out of my way, running to the bedroom to grab my stuff.
"Anais" he grabbed my arm but I pushed it away, bending underneath the frame to find a suitcase.
"Anais...come on. I did not mean to—" he stumbled over his words. He knew what he said was wrong.
"Please I don't want to fight mi amor"
I started packing my clothing and shoes. I needed to get away from this life...from his world.
"Come on mi amor where are you going?" He said, unpacking my clothes as a threw more in.
I ignored him of course, moving now to the bathroom.
"Come on Anais" he frowned, "would just talk to me? Running away won't solve anything"
I continue to pack, looking past him and dropping in a few more of my clothes.
"Anais" he grabs my waist, pulling me tight. "Please I'm sorry I didn't mean to.
You just sounded ...
you are scaring me"
"It's always about you Esteban. It scared you but did you ever stop to think—-"
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE!" he yelled, his voice carried across the humble room.
He looked into my eyes before pulling me into his arms. Now I felt horrible. I know Esteban was prideful with an even haughtier spirit but I knew he cared about me. There was no doubt about it.
"Esteban I'm—-" but my words halt as I see him shaking beneath my chest.
He was crying?
"I thought you were going to die Anais. I saw that bull charging at you and the dancers and all I thought of was" his words trailed off as he lifted a hand to his scar.
I lift a timid palm to his face, running my fingers though his messy brown curls. I cursed my own emotions as I feel a stream of wet tears falling down my cheeks.
I tried to look away but he centered my gaze. We both chuckled, seeing our emotions at the forefront before kissing passionately.
"I've been gored, lifted, hit, and flung by those beasts! You don't know what that bull could have done to you Anais"
"You're right. I couldn't have predicted what that bull had done but he didn't do anything to me.."
"The odds won't always be in your favor. What happens if another bull escapes? Who knows if you will be as luck as you were last night?"
I was upset at his words but couldn't deny their truth.
"I love you mi amor. Please don't go" he begged.
"I need to go for a walk Esteban. I just need to clear my head"
He nodded, walking to the front table and pushing the apartment keys inside my palm.
"Just please...come back?"
I take the scenic route of the city, looking at the faces of every person as they walked by. I saw a kid playing with his sister and a group of friends gossiping with each other. It was Sunday, so the streets were a bit more packed than a normal weekday.
As I continued down the streets, I couldn't help the feeling as if someone was watching me? An older lady and her friend whispered something just as I passed them.
I continue walking, taking in the fresh air and vibrant sounds until I stop in front a news stand.
No way! This couldn't be?
I take a few steps toward the center of the stand, lifting the corners of a crumbled newspaper.
In its center was a picture of me?
"The dancing torerra" I whispered aloud.
"What??!" I gasped trying to contain my excitement. I paid the man 30 pesos before taking the paper into a secluded corner.
See the dancing torerra as she lights up the stadium!
Look how she works her magic
A night of thrill, fantasy, and gore?
We hope to see more of this beautiful dancing torerra
I gasped again, smiling at the print out! I couldn't believe the newspaper!
And no wonder people where staring at me as I walked-past them! They had probably seen the paper too.
I rolled the ends together before running back to Esteban's apartment. I had to tell him the good news before Hector called and turned it into something bad!
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