Long Chapter!!!
"VIVA ESPANA!!" the crowds cheer wildly; their boisterous screams, vibrating against the drums of my ears.
I sprint to my cozy balcony and smile at the bustling city beneath me. Gone we're the still hours that plagued the night before. Squealing kids, shameless vendors, and a bustling city center was indicative to the arrival of the Holy festival of Sanfermines.
"Bye Abuelita!" I scream, pouring the last bit of water onto the luscious plants resting atop my ledge.
Hastily, I slip on my chanclas and run to find my best friend Mariela, hidden someplace among the heavy crowds. She had left a few hours prior to save us a spot near the front of the street for the parade.
I glance at the brick clocktower as it rang half past 5 and wondered where my friend was. The procession of matadors, the select few of Espana's finest bullfighters, were about to begin and march down Calle Ochoa.
"Anais! (ANN-EYE-EASE)!!"Mariela waves for my attention. I spot her curly blonde mane in the distance and run over to greet her. "I thought you would never find me in this crowd!" she hugs me softly. I smile and return my attention to the parade. "Did I miss anything?"
"Not yet. The Sánchez family just passed by not too long ago. They were throwing dulce to the kids." she smiles.
I roll my eyes as I see Celia Sanchez and her tacky face of makeup. Valiantly she stood, waving to the crowds atop a bed of red roses. Of course, she was this year's princess of Espana. Her family was one of the richest and most influential in the land and there is no doubt that her daddy paid for her title.
"I cannot believe your Abuela let you come to the parade" Mariela teased, catching a colorful bead from the air. I nod and continue to observe the procession of young children and teenagers passing down the cobblestone, dancing to the traditional music of the festival.
10 tall horses galloped down the rocky road, brandishing their silky mane. It was my first year experiencing the festival and I couldn't believe my grandma had let me out from my cage. I ponder Mariela's words as I think of the loops I had to go through to persuade her.
My Abuela was my everything; she raised me since I was young but was very protective; shielding me away from the evil ways of the world. Every night she would brush my curls, reciting the rules of the earth and how cruel it could be.
I was convinced she wouldn't let me attend the festival this year, but by some miracle, Mariela and I convinced her.
I lean across the barricade, impatiently waiting to see what the fuss was about. Excitement fills my veins as I observe the lively crowds. White and red banners decorated the vibrant street way. Hotcakes and buttered corn seasoned with chipotle had been prepared for the masses. Sweet pastries and meats in pies were being sold by cart for the festival at hand.
"I'm going to get an empanada, you want one?" Mariela asks.
"I'm too excited to eat" I smile sheepishly. She nods and runs off to obtain a warm treat. More music and dancing play until the crowds' thunderous yells halt it.
"They are coming!!!"
I grip the iron barricade, violently searching for a spot to observe.
"Look! It's them!"
I lean forward and look to the cobblestone, waiting for the famed matadors. Finally, a group of men, young and old, arrive on horseback, galloping past the masses.
"Did I miss them!?" Mariela exclaims, pushing through the crowd of people.
"No" I pull my friend closer to me, " just in time."
She bites into her soft treat, looking eagerly at the commotion. Each man was dressed in a uniform that highlighted their air of importance. Soft beading of white ivory pearls were decorated across each breastplate.
"Look! It's Mateò" a young girl yells and points to a handsome silver fox.
"Senior Riberò" another group screams and waves to a handsome youth in the distance. I lean my elbows against the barricades, bored with their flashy display of property. Was this really the festival I pleaded to attend?
"Ahhhhh!!!!!" the women in the crowd shriek. Their violent shrieks shook me from my silent judgment.
"Anais! Here they come" Mariela jumps up and stuffs the rest of her warm empanada into her mouth.
"Who?" I ask, frightened by the urgency of the women in the crowd. My friend ignores me and proceeds to wipe the corner of her lips, desperately reapplying her bright red lipstick.
A group of three men approaches our area and parade victoriously down the cobblestone streets. I observe them curiously, taking note of their perfection. Their teeth were straight and white and there was not a strand out of place of in their gelled hair. Each man couldn't have been older than 23.
As if synchronized, they pull the reins of their horses and a turn in a neat circle to the applause of the crowds. One young woman pulls down her dress to expose her busty bosoms to the encouragement of the crowds. The handsome blonde matador only laughed and covered his face with embarrassment.
"Who are they?" I ask through a whisper.
"You are so innocent" Mariela teases, "They are el Ninos. The three best friends and lovers of Espana. Each man comes from a prominent family and a long line of bullfighters."
I lean against the iron barricade to observe them more intently. Bushels of rich red roses are thrown to them. Another black-haired boy catches one in his mouth to the screams of the girls.
"Who is that one " I pull my friend urgently.
"Oh! Him?" she smiles softly, "That would be Esteban de La Renta, the most famous and youngest bullfighter in Spain. El Hefe is what the masses call him because he is in command of each bull; they quiver under his leige. Rumors also paint him to be the most famous lover in all of Espana." she winks intentionally.
I blush as I look at his playful yet fearless nature. Mariela continues his resume: "His father, Cristobal de La Renta was even more famous than he. He died 6 years ago on this very day. May his soul Rest In Peace" she makes the sign of the cross and kisses her fingers.
I turn my attention to the handsome man and stare as he winks and grins to each woman in the crowd, more than accustomed to the endless amount of praise. I couldn't help but stare at his striking features. His dark brown hair was messily packed into a loose bun. His green piercing eyes held the secrets of the world. His skin was as dark as an olive and that tempting smile.... it would make even a virgin curse her status.
"Ah ah! Don't Anais. He is a playboy mi amiga. He will use you and dump you" she lectures me as she observes my reddened cheeks.
As he steers his horse toward the end of the road, he abruptly stops and pauses his descent.
"What is wrong Esteban?" his friend chuckles with concern.
He leans against his horse and turns to face me. A few more men block his vision but his eyes race to find the odd thing in the crowd, then, they land on me again. Taken back by my presence, he slowly drops off his horse and approaches the thick wooden barricade. The crowd cheers and jumps as he nears my form.
It was as if he was drawn by a feeling?
Maybe a premonition?
He picks up a rose from the ground and slowly steps towards me. I back away in disbelief; he couldn't possibly be coming to me?
Why me?
Esteban POV
I was already detached to the praise of the crowd. My only focus right now was to kill those disgusting beasts in the plaza for the anniversary of my father. As I continued to gallop down the streets, something or someone... snapped me from my actions. A woman, as beautiful as the midnight sky stood hidden in the crowd observing me?
I had been a native of Spain all my life but had never laid eyes on a woman with a beauty so rare. Her skin was as dark as the cocoa beans grown in the plentiful climate. Her eyes were as delicate as the sand, each pupil deep, rich and brown. They were like two mesmeric orbs that possessed all who dared to glimpse.
A few men blocked my vision but I continue to desperately scan the crowds for her unique form once more. We lock eyes and stared at each other for what seemed like hours, both our eyes writing the pages of our unfamiliar story.
I slowly drop off my horse and walk over to her figure. She backs away in fear but I pull her in by her chin and placed a soft rose behind her ear.
"You are not from here el novia?" I whisper against her plump lips, how I wished to sample their flavor. She shakes her head no but only stares at me in silence. My eyes refused to leave hers as she inspected my form. She was most likely a visitor from another region.
"Quiero acariciar cada parte de tu rico cuerpo. Cada inmersión y grieta con la que quiero familiarizarme." I smile with vulgarity.
Her eyes open with curiosity but I knew she could not understand my words. "Apúrate Esteban!" my friend punches me. I chuckle apologetically and slowly releases the senorita's soft hand. Sadly, I mount my steed and continue on to the end of the parade.
Anais POV
Translation of what Esteban said:
"If only I had no commitment today, I would caress every part of your rich body with my loving lips. Each dip and crevice I would familiarize myself with."
I resist the urge to roll my eyes as I hear his vulgar words. Although I looked foreign to most, I understood their native tongue and was fluent. Did he really think I wasn't aware of his words? Mariela stifles her laughter as she hears his rancid words. It was only until the punching of his fellow amigo did he snap from his lust-filled trance.
"Apúrate Esteban!" one of the three ninos hisses. He chuckles apologetically and slowly releases my hand; mounting on his steed and steering his horse to continue on.
"He did it to many other girls along the path" I defend his actions.
"He didn't but keep telling yourself that Anais." We pushed through the crowds to find a seat in the packed arena.
"He wouldn't care for me? He doesn't even know me. He had to put on performance....it's part of his demeanor."
"Esteban gravitates to two things Anais: pretty women and bullfighting." Mariela chastises me as we find two seats in the middle of the plaza. I smile as I look to her striking face. Anyone could see how beautiful she was, her long curly hair was now braided to the side; thin strands of coils was pressed against her naturally tanned skin.
"Are you sure you want to watch the toro? I usually avoid it altogether." she crosses her legs.
"Yes! I want to see the hype for this festival since it's my first one! I want to experience this week fully."
"Okay but just turn that way if you need to throw up?"
Why would I—"
"HOLAAAAAAAAAAA" the announcer yells over the intercom. The people stand and cheer excitedly, for the event they had been waiting for had finally arrived.
Espana's national anthem finishes and the people stand to cheer! Each of the three ninos parade out a secret door and wave to the adoring crowds. Two of the 3 men find their lovers in the crowd and do the exchange of afecto. A black-haired woman, probably 18, with a soft face and a tempting smile looks to Esteban, waiting for him to exchange his goods. He pays her no mind and bends down to clean his shoes instead. Slighted by this, she turns red but made sure to hide it from us common people.
"Who is that girl?" I point to the top row.
"Josephina Trabajo. Another prominent family in Espana. Her great great grandfather built a mining empire in the 20s. She is rumored to be Esteban's current lover"
"Current?" I chime.
"He goes through women like he goes through bulls. He's a modern-day playboy" she winks and continues to watch the show. I observe him curiously and decide it best that I stay away from him. Boys like him only wanted one thing....
"Hey Anais! Hey Mariela, Señorita Cruz said to return to the tavern to get ready for the fiesta. She wants us to practice our dance one final time" another one of our friends taps us. We both sigh and reluctantly leave the plaza before the bullfighting even began.
I guess I would catch the show another time?
What do you think of Esteban so far?
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