"Oh Anais! It looks beautiful!" my friend Mariela gushed; her green eyes opened wide with excitement. My awkwardness soon took over as all eyes on the shop locked to me.
"I'm gonna try on another one" I grumbled and farted behind the curtain to change into another dress.
"So you do you think your abuela would ever approve of Este--"
"Shhh!" I cursed. Two darts shot from my eyes as I cautionedy friend for silence. No one could know what I had with Esteban.
"Lo siento...I mean...approve of the bullfighter" she grinned apologetically. I filled her in this morning on all things El Jefe. Mariela was my best friend so I had to tell her. But the relationship between Esteban and I could not leave her lips.
"Oh! I like this one mi amiga!" she grinned again. An attendant came from behind the counter to assist us.
"Is this appropriate for a bullfight?" I asked her. The short woman nodded in approval and smiled, "Although, you are missing one thing" she snapped her fingers together and went into a drawer to pull out a white lace headpiece. She pushed back my hair and stuck its comb into my bun.
"A veil?" I smiled as I looked at my relfection in the mirror, "am I getting married to the bull?" I joked.
"It is a mantilla; a traditional Spanish lace worn at religious festivals and bullfights" she lectured.
"How much?" I smiled. I loved how it rested against my shoulders.
"300 pesos" she laughed, snapping off the comb. She didn't think I had enough to afford it.
"That's expensive!" my friend chastised her.
"I can afford it" I smiled and nodded to the cahsier, "ring up two and this dress along with the one I am wearing"
"2?" my friend smirked.
"Yes, one for me and one for you." I shrugged, making her unzip the lace of the gown before I disappeared behind thé curtains again.
"Anais! No!" she protested, sitting down in a chair in the corner.
"You are coming with me to the fight tonight are you not?" I yell over the wall.
"Yes but I cannot accept it"
"The bullfighter said I have to be dressed in the best outfit. Why not have my best amiga match me?" I smile.
"Oh Anais! You're heart is too pure. I pray the bullfighter doesn't pollute it" she hugged me and kissed my cheek.
The time for the event had finally arrived. Mariela had to come to my house to escort me to the church.
My grandma opened the door to the entrance and saw her dressed in her religious best.
"Ahh Mariela. You look nice." my grandma cooed.
"Thank you senora. Anais and I are really excited for the church banquet" she lied. I rolled my eyes as I descended down the stairs. We would be late if we stayed for chit chat.
"Bye abuela! I love you" I kissed her cheek and ran out the doors.
"Wait Anais! You know I must approve your clothing before you leave the house"
I pouted as I turned around to face her.
She inspected me up and down and hesitantly approved. "It is a bit short at the shoulders but I'll let it pass" she smiled and kissed my cheeks, "Don't stay out too late" she warned me.
"I won't abuela" I lied and waved goodbye. I felt bad lying to my abuela after my afternoon schooling lessons. I told her the church was throwing a banquet for Holy Week, which they were...but what she didn't know is that I wouldn't be at the church praying on my knees.
"Every week your outfits become more and more...conservative" Mariela giggled.
"Maybe I should donate some to you" I joked.
"Anais! I am offended! You know I am a sinner and and a proud one at that." she scoffed. She was more free spirited than I was. She was raised a catholic all her life but turned from the religion when she left her house. Her parents refused to talk to the flamenco dancer that rejected their ideals.
"I don't know how you are so submissive Anais. Sinners have so much fun"she bragged as she hoisted her dress up to a passerby."That's what you wanted to see right? You disgusting man." She cursed at him in Spanish.
I chuckled as we walked back to her apartment to change. She had my beautiful dress and mantilla laid across her apartment along with jewels and makeup. No way would I go to the plaza looking like a nun!
We walked hand in hand to the arena, anticipating the fight. People from all walks of life crowded into the tight entrance, eager to see the show. As we continued in, a man stopped us from the side.
"Anais?" he said.
"Yes..?" I had never seen him in my life. He was a handsome fellow. He looked no older than 23. His thick, jet black hair was combed away from his chiseled face.
"I am Esteban's manager Hector." he took my gloved hand and kissed it. He went to do the same to Marelia but his lips lingered for a minute to long. They broke contact as he turned to adress me once again.
"Esteban insisted I escort you to his private booth. He wanted the night to go smoothly for you."
"Oh..that was thoughtful. But won't people know? I thought he had to keep up a playboy persona" I pouted.
"Of course! But it is El Jefe! He brings a different woman in each night! You will be nothing more than two girls he recruited for the night" he shrugged and extended both of his arms so we may take it.
Jeolously filled my heart as I heard his words. How many girls had he slept with? How many other women had he treated to a shopping spree paired with a private trip to his booth?
"Aww don't worry senorita. Esteban really likes you" Hector said ingeniously.
"How many girls has he paid you to tell that too" I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and looked down at me with pride. "Ah, you are the first I have met who has a mouth" he whispered and continued to escort us to our seats. Esteban's booth was wedged amongst the elite and most important officials.
We were high on an elevated platform observing the scenery. Mariela gossiped and giggled in my ear as she filled me on every person she knew from the tabloids.
I couldn't help but notice a young girl looking at me from across the arena. She glared at me with hatred, probably wondering why I was in El Jefe's private section.
She whispered something to a girl that looked similar to her and they both giggled obviously.
"Who is that girl staring daggers at me?" I whispered to Mariela.
"That is el présidentes daughter Grettel and her sister. Esteban used to date her before he got tired of her" Hector bragged, listening in on our conversation. "She was the best he ever had and the longest relationship. He dumped her so he could start casually seeing Josephine" Hector overshares.
"Has Esteban ever told you have a mouth the size of Espana?" I smiled, ingenuity filing my core.
He tapped his chin to think back. "No? I suppose he hasn't"
"Well I will be the first to say it. You have a big mouth Hector" I cursed and turned to observe the stadium floor. He was so annoying and making my night worse.
"My big mouth has gotten Esteban to fame. Has it not?" he bragged and threw an arm around Mariela's waist, whispering sweet nothings into her ears.
Even she was having a better night than me....
Author Note:
Lol I don't know how to end chapters anymore 😔
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