She stands timidly as I begin to peel off my shirt.
"Come on" I lead her to James shower past the doorframe. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if she cleaned herself off in here.
"There's soap and a towel." I point to the shelf.
She stood awkwardly as her eyes inspected the unfamiliar room. "I mean...if you're scared, we can save water and shower togeth—"
She slammed the door before I had the chance to finish my suggestion and turned on the water.
I hum a sweet tune as I continued to scrub the poop away. I knew I needed to take 4 showers before I got the stench to leave.
As I continued to sing, I hear movement in the distance. "Esteban I told you I didn't want to shower with you!" I pause the flow and slowly back away as I see a shadow slowly approaching me. The curtains flew open as I screamed with anger. A young man with curly hair stood at the base of the shower, inspecting my face.
"Ahhhhh" I scream and use the curtain to cover myself.
"Who are you?" he grinned boyishly, inspecting my body with approval.
"Who are you?" I yell, refusing to reveal my identity to a stranger.
"I asked you first señorita" he grinned, waiting for a response. Esteban came in already cleaned from his shower with only a towel around his waist
"James! You devil" he shakes his wet curls against another clean towel.
"Esteban go away! we were just about to get acquainted" he smiled, pushing him away.
"No we weren't! Get out! " I yell.
"But you are in my shower senorita!" he pouted, probably praying I would let him in.
"Get out!!! Both of you!!!" I yell and throw a shampoo bottle at them. They chuckle softly as they see my face.
"Come one my friend. Let's leave her alone. I'll explain everything" Esteban pried him away.
I come out of the shower and tiptoe timidly into the common area. Both men are conversing and playing around in the couches.
"Ahhh señorita! I am sorry I intruded on your private time. Esteban filled me on all you've been through I apologize" he kisses my hand.
I blush and look to Esteban giggling in the corner.
"What was your name?" he asked.
"Anais" I smile up at him, despite his actions, he was easy on the eyes.
"Where are my clothes?" I demanded, tightening my towel around my chest .
"Oh I threw them away. I figured you wouldn't want them back" his friend shrugged and went to make a cup of coffee.
"So what is there to wear? I need to get home before my abuelita finds me missing"
"Here" he stood and passed me an oversized shirt and pants. I snatch them away and timidly retreat into the showers to change. Little did they know I would not be joining them for coffee. I needed to find a way out if here to go home; I was already so embarrassed!
I see a window in the corner of the bathroom and decided to climb through it. I needed to flee before my abuelita figured I wasn't at the chapel or in my room..
My feet carry me into the dimly lit chapel at the top of the city. I run into the unlocked church and fall onto my knees in prayer.
"Holy Mary,mother of grace...please." I slap my wrist and curse his existence.
Why was he doing this to me?
How dare I crush on Esteban la Renta?
Infamous lover of Espana?
"Don't let my eyes cause my spirit to sin." I beg to the heavens. I never wanted to see him again... for my sanity. I quickly pick up my puppy and run to return home before my abeuliita woke for her mid morning prayers.
Sorry guys for the long update! I have so many books now! I always neglect the others!
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