Nikolai carefully placed the last candle, before he turned to the food and drinks. When it was all set, he stood and admired his work with a smile. He nodded approval, before hurrying off to the House to get dressed in something better than his dirty shirt and pants. He avoided Takeo at every turn, even employing the children to distract him with candy and games. They were more than happy to oblige to those terms.
Once dressed up better, he wrote a note in his best penmanship, and gave it to Take to give to Takeo. Quickly, he set off back into the field behind the house and waited for Takeo to come along. Takeo did not take long to arrive, having been dressed cleanly to start with, and was surprised to see the beautiful scene before him.
The mat was daisy yellow and white, felty to touch, and decorated with delicious food and drink. Surrounding the mat were candles set in hearts, their flames delicately flickering and dancing in a light breeze Takeo felt his heart flutter at the romantic gesture and it skipped a beat upon seeing Nikolai at the centre with a lily in hand. Takeo felt his eyes sting and tears fall down his cheeks, his lip quivering from overwhelming joy. Nikolai carefully stepped forward, a hand gently caressing Takeos' cheeks, wiping away the tears.
"Takeo" Nikolai smiled gently. "Are you happy?"
Takeo nodded, unable to speak for fear of sobbing.
"I am happy with you."
Takeo gently cupped Nikolais' face, smiling and crying, before pressing a kiss to his lips. He didn't have to speak, he never did with Nikolai. The Russian always knew what he wanted just by looking and Takeo could do the same with Nikolai, but he enjoyed hearing his voice. It was gruff, kind and Russian. Nikolai gently embraced Takeo, hugging him tightly to his chest.
They didn't sit down for a while, and it hardly fussed them. When they did finally sit, they enjoyed the variety of foods, sharing and feeding each other, before enjoying the fresh water and various alcoholic drinks Nikolai had found. They exchanged a few kisses and cuddles, before laying down to stare at the sky.
It was odd to think they had finally achieved this peaceful reality. It had been so long since any of them had known any proper peace and it was delightfully strange to reside in it once more. Takeos' hand took Nikolais' and held tight, reassuring himself it was all real and this was safe and right. A gentle peace of mind fell on Takeo and he closed his eyes, meditating on things with Nikolai snoring softly beside him.
Soon, meditation turned into sleep and Takeo was dreaming of things, many things. At first, it seemed so peaceful with just Nikolai in his head and little things like that that made him happy, but all too quickly, the dream seemed to change into something he did not know
There were creatures and knights and glowing lights all fighting a darkness that only knew to devour and destroy. Takeo stood amongst the battle, blinking confusion as death happened all around him. Suddenly, he took up his ancestral sword and charged into battle, rescuing his men and fighting to survive and beat back the darkness.
It felt real, like other dreams had been, and yet... it felt wrong, as if somewhere, somehow, Takeo had had something taken away. He couldn't figure out what it had been and that nearly got him killed. Like a tsunami, a hideous creature swooped low, mouth agape to swallow him. He realised too late to escape on foot, but stood in readiment for death, but it did not come.
A dragon swooped down and tackled the creature, crashing it into an army of men and monsters. Takeo blinked and looked to his right, eyes connecting instantly with the blue eyes he knew and loved. Nikolai raced to him, taking his shoulder, shaking him and yelling in worry.
"Takeo! Get up! Wake up! You are having a nightmare!"
Takeo blinked and the world of darkness was gone, replaced by bright twilight. The only thing the same, was Nikolai, who was worriedly cradling him. Seeing Takeo was fine and awake, he hugged him and kissed his head, relieved.
"Nani, Nikorai?"
"You kicked me in sleep."
"Het, Take, what was your nightmare?"
Takeo sighed. "Was nothing but dream, Nikorai."
"You tossing so hard, you tried to poke eyes out of my head!"
Before Takeo could reassure his lover, the ground shook and a roar of thunder cracked all around. They looked all around, fright filling their very beings, before they quickly got up and ran back to the House, back to the children. Feet pounded on the ground as the sun disappeared with everything else in the world. Takeo grabbed Nikolais' hand and pulled him along with speed to spare. He was always quick on his feet to begin with.
The House came into view and they were inside within a second. Dempsey and Richtofen were already there, huffing and sweating from running as well, their clothes askew as if they had been thrown on in hurry. Takeo took a breath to calm himself, before he could even attempt speech.
"Where are the childlen?" he asked.
"Upstairs" Dr. Montys' boots thudded on the stairs as he descended. "They are happy playing and safe."
"What the fuck is happening?" Dempsey growled.
Monty gave a smile. "Ah, lets recap a bit, shall we?"
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