Square Dance
When Dempsey and Richtofen returned from their search and scavenge mission, they were greeted by a quiet house and the faint smell of long-since-burnt-something. They exchanged a look, before carefully proceeding further into the house, looking all around with alertness, but their worry was in vain. Their comrades had simply fallen asleep in their small beds, oblivious to the returned friends, until Dempsey laughed.
Nikolai sat up in fright, knocking Takeo off the bed in the process. He blinked at Richtofen and Dempsey, the latter laughing hard enough to wake the dead, but he was not quite awake yet. Takeo, on the other hand, was awake and annoyed by the disturbance.
"Sorry, Nikolai, Takeo" Richtofen helped the Japanese man to his feet. "Ve had no idea you vere asleep."
"I did!" Dempsey grinned. "But not together!"
"I was tired" Nikolai yawned. "Tak was asleep and my room is most close."
"Sure it was~" Dempsey nodded.
Richtofen shook his head. "Ve found vhat ve vere looking for, but--"
"There are zombies, da?" Nikolai stood out of bed, stretching and smiling. "I am looking forward to the death of many Hell-Pigs~"
Nikolai had not been exaggerating when he said he was looking forward to this mission, however, he had not been expecting that many zombies. The undead army shrieked and attacked with such ferocity and anger, the crew barely managed to get away. Their ammo was at near depletion and the horde seemed endless as they piled through every accessible hole they could.
"Go for the Jump Pad!"
Dempseys' voice was barely audible over the undead shrieks, but no one wasted time obeying. They quickly made their push, ignoring every scratch and smack, not stopping, until they were inside the small space that was the 'Jump' of 'Jump Pad'.
Richtofen slammed the lever down and they were sho upwards to the fifth floor. Once landed, Takeo gave a shudder and Dempsey hollered joy, but eyes turned to Nikolai as his face contorted in pain and struggle. It was a known fact since the castle that his stomach disliked the sensations of the 'Jump Pad'.
"I wirr stay with him" Takeo looked to Richtofen. "You know what you are rooking for."
Richtofen gave a curt nod, before running off in a direction, Dempsey jogging after him. Takeo took Nikolais' arm and helped him sit against the wall, placing a gentle hand on his forehead. Nikolai looked away down the hallway, trying very hard to remain in control of his body and not look weak in front of the one person he deeply liked. Takeo could see the struggle on his face, but could not understand the reason behind the odd behaviour, so he remained blunt about the situation.
"Nikorai, you must vomit."
Nikolai shook his head, becoming dizzy. "I am fine, Takeo."
"You are not."
"I am not vomitting!"
His yell disrupted something deep within his stomach, something that growled and gurgled painfully. Nikolai hugged himself, curling up in pain, Takeo repositioning himself out of the way, arms on the Russians' shoulders as support. Though he did not want too, Nikolai vomited and felt much worse. Takeo gently patted his back, adding to his sense of weakness.
"Nikorai, why do you do this?"
"Do what?"
Takeo couldn't word it, so he gestured to Nikolai. "That."
"I am in pain, Takeo."
"Not that" Takeo frowned. "You avoid my eyes and rook rike I wirr judge you."
Nikolai blushed. "Do I?"
Takeo nodded and Nikolai felt his cheeks grow hotter. He had hoped to not be so obvious, but alas, he was not subtle. He looked at Takeo in the eye, the calm amber settling him a touch, but his embarrassment stayed.
"I wirr not judge you for being sick" Takeo put bluntly with a smile. "I do not rike the MDT."
"You don't get sick when--"
"Not that you have seen."
Nikolais' eyes widened in surprise, staring at Takeo who stared blankly in return. This was no great secret to Takeo, he felt, but the look on Nikolais' face made him wonder. Nikolai grinned, feeling much more himself, before he stood and walked down the corridor with Takeo.
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