Falling for You
Cautiously, Takeo and Nikolai looked around the rooms of the building, aware that zombies could come from anywhere. They wondered where Dempsey and Richtofen had gone, but, in a strange way, they were glad they had not found them. Alone, Nikolai could freely test Takeos' love and his own. First in his mind, was a hand hold.
Takeo had one hand on his family katana, the Path of Sorrows, the other swinging free by his side - the side Nikolai was not on. He sighed, slowed and tried to get on that side, but Takeo seemed to block him every time by slowing down or turning a corner. It was rather infuriating, but Nikolai kept his head.
Finally, Takeo let his katana go, his hand free, so Nikolai pounced on it with both hands. The sudden touch near killed Takeo with fright, his hand reefing to go free, before he realised Nikolai had his hand and sporting a sheepish grin. Takeo shook his head, putting his other hand on Nikolais'.
"You could just ask, Nikki."
"I know, but is boring~"
Takeo chuckled at that and they continued on their wanderings, hand in hand. Nikolai looked at his hand, huge compared to that of Takeos', but the other didn't mind or notice. He watched Takeo as they walked, noticing things that he may and may not have noticed before. Little things like how Takeos' eyes darted everywhere, yet remained focused on what was ahead, and how he didn't let little things bother him, like dripping water or hissing wind.
With a smile that broadened with each step, Nikolai felt he could proceed with his next step: a kiss. It was crucial, he had heard, to have a good kiss, even on a surprise. He knew Takeo could kiss, but if he took him by surprise, would it be the same? He had to find out. Takeo blinked and looked at him, a look of uncertainty in his face, as if he could almost read the thoughts in Nikolais' head.
"What is it?" he asked the Russian.
"Nothing much~"
And just like that, he stole a kiss. His first kiss with Takeo had been sweet, like honey or syrup, but this kiss was different: it was like an candy explosion, so sweet and innocent. Nikolai couldn't get enough, but he pulled away, slow and hesitant, looking at Takeos' lips longingly. Takeo blinked, amber eyes wide with surprise. He was not sure what to say, do or think, but he tried.
"I... what..?"
"That was... something" Nikolai said, breathlessly. "Can I... kiss you again?"
Takeo was still for a moment, before giving a hesitant nod. He enjoyed the kiss, no doubt in his mind, but why had Nikolai done so without warning? He could not figure out his Russian lover at all and that was infuriating to him. Nikolai leaned in and kissed Takeo, but there was no explosion this time, just the normal wonderful. Nikolai smiled into the kiss, before pulling away. How could he not have expected that?
Takeo tilted his head a touch, smiling a little, before a sound grabbed his attention. It was soft and far off, but one could never trust it would stay that way. He pulled out his sword, Nikolai his gun, before they walked in the direction of sound. Thankfully, the noise was and MDT and their comrades, but other, less friendly voices echoed from everywhere, drawn to the noise and light.
"Quickly, ve have no time!"
Richtofen jumped inside the machine, everyone else following close behind, as zombies broke through barriers and doorways, screeching horribly. Nikolai pressed the button and the four men held their breath as someone far away got them to their next destination, missing zombie touches by hairs breadths. Light surrounded them and they were zipping through spaces and times they blinked and missed. The sound of thunder cracking all around them signalled they were where they had to be, but it was a surprise: they were in the air, debris all around, their destination lay far below and they hurtled downwards at terrifying speed to reach it.
"This was part of your pran, Lichtofen?!" Takeo yelled out.
"Not exactly!" the German replied over the rushing wind.
Gorod Krovi
It was not the Stalingrad Nikolai could remember. This was a ruined city with blood running through the streets, the dead all around, moving or not. This was a nightmare, a twisted fraction of a reality long lost.
Nikolais' other self was insane and drunk, fighting everything he could see, from the red dragons that flew in the sky to the undead at his mechas' feet, even they were not safe. This Nikolai had tried to kill them, before a dragon carried him off, keeping them unwittingly safe. It was hard to thank a creature that also wanted you dead.
Nikolai looked upwards as a dragon lazily flew overhead. The creature was beautiful, a true Russian red, but dangerous beyond measure. There was a nicer dragon with a saddle that came to the stations, but it was currently resting and eating.
Nikolai looked over and around at the ruined city. It had been a few hours since they arrived. Richtofen had turned on the power, awakening a German computer-lady by name of S.O.P.H.I.A., and dodged all the questions he could in the meantime. Dempsey had found a building in relatively good nick, while Takeo found supplies for them to rest and rejuvenate.
Nikolai carefully plodded back towards their 'base', avoiding any zombies he could, thinking on things. He was shocked and horrified, even wishing he had not come, but he had to stop this future, he had to save himself and his Immortal Soul from this place and all like it. His comrades had felt the same when their time had come, but it was till heart-breaking to know you would be the cause of your death.
A call made Nikolai lift his head and his eyes spied Takeo, waving to him. Nikolai smiled a touch and hurried his walk into a run. He scooped up the smaller man into a tight hug and did not let go, until he felt better, which was a long while. Takeo gently patted his back, not minding the hug at all. He didn't even mind the snicker from above from the American.
It would be a long day tomorrow, but for now, would be a restless night.
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