Bears' Dance
The more he thought of Takeo and what he did, the more he found himself smiling. Was the thought of Takeo really that pleasing? Or was it the gesture? Nikolai pondered on that, sitting by a fence. He thought of how Takeo loyally (if not, blindly) followed orders, always seeming to find somewhere quiet to ponder and found spiritual guidance in everything around him where others could not... he was enigmatic and wonderful.
There was no doubt in his mind that it was Takeo that made him smile and feel happy, even without a gesture of kindness. He enjoyed Takeos' eye rolls, his annoyances and even his anger at times, the way his lip curled downwards in distaste, subtle, but his eyes shouted it clearly enough.
He felt a gentle heat spread over his cheeks and nose as he thought of a smile. Takeos' smile. It was a rarity for him to smile, but when he curled his lips upward into the distinguished, small smile, Nikolai noticed. It was a nice smile, nothing ridiculous or mischievous or mysterious, like Richtofen or Dempseys', but a gentle smile that calmed you to the soul.
It was soothing to think of that. Nikolai sighed, looking around the countryside, before standing and deciding to head back. Upon dusting himself off, he became aware that he was wearing the kimono Takeo had given him. Was he meant to be wearing it still? Or should he have taken it off? Nikolai shrugged. If he wanted me to take it off, he thought with a cheeky grin. He would be blunt to say so. He walked off with a bounce in his step.
Perhaps it was awaiting company or the prospect of food, but either way, he was in the dining room faster than one could shout 'Vodka'. Upon entering, however, his hopes for a meal were shattered and his nose was bombarded with the smell of burning. It had not been so good for Takeo, it seemed. Carefully and quickly, Nikolai peered into the kitchen and found Takeo at the counter, slightly bent over it, facing away from the doorway.
"Takeo? Are you alright?"
Takeo flinched a touch, but didn't turn. "H-hai..."
"You do not sound fine."
Takeo gave a sigh, a hand passing over a page in a stained book. He looked slightly over his shoulder at Nikolai, the look of defeat clearly evident, despite his trying. Nikolai crossed the room and gathered him into a tight hug. No words needed to be said, they already knew what would be said. Takeo kept his eyes on the pages of the book, while Nikolai gently held him, soothing him with presence alone. Takeo had never really cried or felt bad in this way, not since the island with his older self. He had managed to come to terms with it and was alright with it, but this... was something else.
Disappointment. Failure.
The words hit hard and rang true. He had failed to do what he promised and was now burdened with facing it. It was only then that Takeo became aware that he was swaying. He looked up and realised that the swaying was actually Nikolai, rocking side to side in a lulling way. Takeo leaned back slightly, letting himself be rocked into relaxation and near sleep, until he could take guilt no more.
"Nikolai, I am sorry."
Nikolai nuzzled Takeos' head slightly. "Why for?"
"I..." Takeo sighed. "I did not make you anything."
"That is alright. I did not need it."
Takeo raised an eyebrow and tilted his head a touch, confused. "No?"
"I found what really made me happy, Takeo."
With little effort, Nikolai stepped back with Takeo from the table and spun him around, keeping him close to his chest. Takeo blinked his amber eyes, not worried in the slightest of Nikolai, but curious. Nikolai gently rocked side to side, before stepping backwards again, hands the only connection, before stepping back in. Takeo smiled, knowing now, that this was a dance invitation. Nikolai grinned, continuing his singular dance for a minute, before pulling Takeo into a proper dance.
White and yellow fabric snapped at air with each sharp stop, the gold and red trims glimmering as it passed in the light. The dance was nothing special to anyone else but them at this time, just circling and swaying and smiling. It seemed to never end - they didn't want it to end - but dancing is tiring work for weary warriors.
Slowly, they wound down their dance and sat down beneath the beautiful, pink-flowered tree and stared at each other, drinking in the feelings and admiring the other. Nikolai gently touched Takeos' cheek and he responded by taking his hand and giving it a squeeze. Nikolai smiled softly at Takeo, before he spoke.
"You make me happy!"
"I know."
Takeo reached up and touched Nikolais' cheek, before leaning forward and giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. Nikolai and Takeo both turned a gentle shade of red, a smile stuck in place on their faces. The petals of the tree fluttered down around them, sky growing darker. With a sigh of admiration, Nikolai decided to go inside, standing with a crack from his back. He bent down again, scooped Takeo up and walked back inside with a grin larger than the Rift. Takeo didn't mind the fuss, just relaxed and snuggled closer to the Russian for warmth and affection, something he had never really had in a long time. It was a nice gesture, one that made him happy.
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