Chapter six: Family
Hugo and Varian walked hand in hand, Ruddiger walking ahead of them.
The dinner at Quirin's place went better then they both could have dreamed, and Hugo knew it made Varian really happy now that his Dad was finally starting to understand his son more.
The sunset cast lights of pink, gold and fading blue over the land, as the walked back towards their home.
Varian looked over at Hugo, his next words stopping the blonde in his tracks.
"Do you have any family you want to tell about our engagement?"
He stopped and looked at him, seeing the look on Varians face.
"Do you have any family? I know you said your an orphan but- you've got to have someone out there besides me right?"
Hugo sighed and looked at Varian.
Closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, he then looked at him again.
"The only person I ever had who was any sort of family to me was Donella, and she wasn't even nice to me.
Besides Olivia, I never had anyone until I met you and your traveling circus. "
Varian looked down as they both started walking again.
Ruddiger ran over and jumped into his arms, and he caught him giving a small laugh.
Hugo watched them, smiling wide.
Moving closer her wrapped a arm around Varian's waist, the young man looking over at him.
Hugo winked and gave a lopsided smirk, and Varian smiled his face dusted over in pink.
"My family is the best family in all of Corona,Freckles," he said pulling him closer as the walked. " I've got you and Ruddiger, that's all I'll ever need."
Varian smiled " don't forget Dad, Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, Nuru, Yong, Cassie, Keira, Catl-"
Hugo burst out laughing and covered Varian's mouth.
"Ok ok I get it hun " he said in between laughs," we've got friends too."
Varian mumbled from under Hugo's hand and Hugo smiled.
"What ~? can't quite hear you hairstripe " he said smirking.
Varian looked at him, and Hugo could see the laughing in his eyes.
Varian suddenly licked the palm of his hand, and Hugo quickly removed it, shaking it laughing.
"OH SERIOUSLY!" He exclaimed, as Varian was in a fit of laughter.
"I just got these gloves Varian !" He said, trying not to smile.
Varian looked at him, still laughing, and Ruddiger chittered with him, holding his little paws around himself, shaking with laughter.
Hugo chuckled as he reached over and ruffled his raven hair, Varian smiling over at him.
After they all regained their breath and composure, Hugo pulled Varian into a hug.
Ruddiger squirmed free, jumping to the ground, sitting down and looking up at his two boys.
Hugo pulled back, looking at Varians face.
Reaching over, Varian layed and hand against Hugo's face, holding him, thumb gently stroking his jaw.
"I have both of you and that's all and more then I could have ever possibly asked or dreamed for Varian." He said, his face decorated in a soft loving smile.
Varian smiled and Hugo leaned his head into Varians hand.
Giving a sigh, he closed his eyes, soaking in the feel of his hand against his face.
"I love you Freckles "
Varian looked at him, his green eyes suddenly looking back at him, like emeralds shining in the light of the sunset.
"I love you too babe " Varian smiled.
Hugo moved closer, Varian bringing both hands to his face now.
Smiling softly, He pulled Varian into a kiss.
Suddenly they both pulled apart at the sound of a high squeak.
Ruddiger chittered making happy sounds from where he watched them, a huge smile on his little face.
Both the boys gave a soft laugh, and Varian scooped up his friend, holding the raccoon as he chittered still.
Varians face went red as Ruddiger chatted and chirped away.
Varian sputtered for words as the raccoon continued talking.
"Whats got you so worked up Goggles?" Hugo asked, looking at the two of them." Is Stinker here giving you a hard time~?"
Varian shoved Ruddiger into Hugo's arms, face flaming as he struggled to find words.
"I- if - He's-HES JUST AS BAD AS YOU SOMETIMES!" He exclaimed.
Hugo laughed and looked down at the grinning raccoon.
"What'd ya say to him to get him so-" waves at Varian.
Ruddiger chittered and Hugo laughed.
"I don't speak coon ,Ya should know that by now. "
Varian threw up his hands and walked ahead of them, still flustered beyond means.
Hugo winked at Ruddiger who snickered and rubbed his hands together.
Calling after Varian as he followed, he smirked.
"Love ya sweetcheeks!"
Both him and Ruddiger heard a sputtering exclamation, and he glanced at them, face red.
Laughing the both walked over to him, Varian looking at them both un amused.
"Awww lighten up Freckles " Hugo said smirking at him.
"Oh shut up"
"Fine I will~" Hugo said teasingly.
Ruddiger chittered and Hugo grinned.
Of course he understood what he was saying, but he never let Varian know he could.
Or he'd have been more embarrassed.
But he'd tell him eventually.
Nodding his head at the raccoon who sat on his shoulder, he walked past Varian.
"Let's go freckles, our child here is getting sleepy aren't you?"
He said to Ruddiger, in a fake baby talking voice.
Ruddiger fake yawned and rubbed his eyes.
Varian huffed at them, trying not to smile at there playful attentitude.
Smiling to himself he ran over to then, keeping pace.
"Well, I guess you're right, he does look tired." He said taking Ruddiger from Hugo's arms.
Smirking at the blonde he walked past him, Hugo giving a startled squeak as Varian slapped the back of his pants.
Ruddiger laughed at Hugo, as Varian laughed running off towards there house.
Face red, and still mildly surprised Hugo shook his head, try not to smile.
A chuckle escaping his lips, he took off after Varian.
By the time he reached the house, Varian and Ruddiger where already in bed.
Sneaking on his hands and knees, Hugo crawled into the bedroom, making his way over to them silently.
He could hear Varian and Ruddiger giggling, and Tried not to laugh himself.
He didn't want to give away his position.
"Did you see his face?" Varian chuckled, trying to find his breath.
Ruddiger giggled and chittered in response.
But before Varian could reply, Hugo sprang up from his spot scaring the life out of Varian and Ruddiger.
Ruddiger lept up and ran over to the dresser scrambling on top of it, and Varian let out a high pitched shriek ad Hugo pounced on him.
After realizing who it was, he lightly smacked the cackling blonde who lay on top of him, laughing so hard he looked like he might cry.
Breathlessly laughing he looked at Varian, the expression on his face sending Hugo into another fit of laughter.
Varian laughed and Ruddiger made his way back the the bed, his tail twice the size it was normally.
Finally calming down, they all just lay there against the bed.
Ruddiger fell asleep on one of the pillows, and Hugo buried his head against Varians lap.
Smiling and running his hands through Hugo soft hair, he looked down at him.
He looked right back into Varians eyes, a soft smile on his face.
Taking off Hugo's glasses, Varian set them by the night stand.
Hugo smiled, looking up at him still.
"I'm so- so fucking lucky. "
"What?" Varian said, slightly confused.
Hugo smiled wider amd buried his face against him.
"I'm lucky to have you Varian. To be able to have you, as my family. "
Varian felt his heart stop, face dusting over on pink.
Holding Hugo's face in his hands he looked down at the blonde, his hair all messed up.
"I'm lucky to be able to have you as my family too.
And I know... I know we'll make the best family I could have ever dreamed of ever having. "
Hugo smiled as he snuggled up against Varian closer, the peaceful sounds of their breathing and heart beats filling his senses.
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