Chapter five: I'm so proud of you
As the soft light of morning drifted through the window, Varian sighed.
Opening his eyes he glanced around.
Taking in the sounds of Ruddigers soft breathing and Hugo's muffled snores.
Smiling he leaned his head back, Ruddiger stirring at the movement.
"Ey bud" he said sleepily, reaching over and petting the loyal racoon.
Ruddiger stretched out, a happy purring sound escaping his little yawning mouth.
Sitting up he shook himself, his big eyes looking at Varian.
The young man smiled and pet the raccoon lovingly, as the animal rubbed against him.
Varian looked down to where Hugo was snuggled up against him. Latched around Varian's waist, he had his face buried into his neck and against his chest.
He smiled as he ran his hands through Hugo's messy bed head. After a few minutes Varian kissed the top of his head, and sat up, the sudden movement waking Hugo up.
Hugo groaned trying to push Varian back down, getting a soft laugh from him.
"What are you doing babe?"
Hugo mumbled and looked up, his eyes heavy as he met Varian's gaze.
"Tryn to sleep so lay back down Goggles"
Varian smiled and tried to escape his grip again, gasping as Hugo held onto him tighter.
"Are ya working today?"
"No but-"
"Then shut the hell up and snuggle with me" Hugo said, before burying his face back against him.
Varian smiled and looked at Ruddiger, who rolled his eyes and jumped off the bed.
He gave a shrug before wrapping his arms around Hugo, earning soft happy sounds from the blonde, who was firstly attached around his waist.
They lay that way for a awhile, Hugo almost Falling back to sleep as Varian played with his hair, and gently rubbed circles on his back.
Ruddiger though, didn't appreciate Hugo stealing all Varians attention.
So in stomped a hunger Ruddiger. Jump back on onto the bed, he walked over to Varian and started pulling at his arm.
He started chattering and complaining, making his hunger know.
Hugo swatted at him, but Ruddiger ignored his half hearted attempt to shoo him off.
Varian smiled and sat up.
" ok bud, I'm getting up"
"The hell ya aren't " Hugo grumbled, tightening his hold on Varian.
But to his displeasure, Varian somehow managed to escape his hold, and crawled over him, getting off the bed.
"Why you gotta be like dis-" Hugo whined, turning over and looking at his fiancé.
Varian smiled at him, sniffling a laugh.
Hugo looked so grumpy, his eyes still half closed and his hair going every which way.
Pulling on a clean set of clothes, he made his way towards the bathroom.
Fixing his shirt collar and hair, he pulled on his goggles and buckled on hi belt.
He heard shuffling in the other room, and a half dress Hugo appeared in the bathroom door frame a few seconds later.
"Why are ya getting up early again? " he complained.
Varian smiled patting the side of Hugo's face gently as he walked past.
" one because I have an actual job, and two-" he looked at him," we have people to tell." He finished his words holding up his hand, the band on his finger shining under the rays of sun that filtered through the window.
Hugo groaned as he threw on some clothes and pushed his glasses onto his face.
" ok ok, yeah I guess that's true."
Varian smiled and kneeled down.
Ruddiger ran over to him and scurried up his outstretched arms, bringing himself up and around the young man's shoulders.
Laughing, Varian stood up, patting his best friends head.
Turing to face Hugo he smiled.
"Let go then ,come on"
Hugo found himself and Varian soon trapped in a tight bear hug from a over excited Princess.
Rapunzel burst out joyfully into fast excited words, hugging and littering Varians cheek in happy kisses.
Hugo groaned, glaring at her, finally pushing her away.
"Ok ok enough already lady for crying out loud. "
Rapunzel jumped up and down smiling brightly, exclaiming " I'm sorry Hugo I just can't help it!! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!"
Varian smiled blushing and she pulled him into a hug again.
Hugo thankfully was able to avoid the second hug, looking over at Eugene, who was smiling at him.
"Congrats Kid" Eugene said, laying a hand on Hugo's shoulder. " your lucky to have him ya know. "
Hugo smiled, looking over to where Varian was being hugged to death.
"Yeah, I know I am. " he said softly, eyes never leaving the smiling face of his fiancé.
Rapunzel's next words where like a sharp dagger to both Varian and Hugo.
"I can't wait to hear about what Quirin says about your guy's engagement!"
Hugo and Varian exchanged a worried glance, and Hugo cleared his throat.
"About that..."
Varian smiled nervously, looking at Rapunzel and Eugene.
" see, my Dad never really liked Hugo. Ya know- he just- never trusted him...
He wanted what was best for me, and he tried to get me to break things off with Hugo.
We talked, and him and I ended up fighting.
I know he just wants to protect me, but I'm an adult.
I'm 19 now,and I told him that-"
"Yeah, after that Freckles just moved in with me." Hugo said finishing where Varian had left off.
Rapunzel nodded.
" is it because of what Hugo did to you during the trials?" She asked.
Varian and Hugo nodded.
Eugene laughed, and they all looked over to him.
" but- you guys made up.
Just like Sunshine here did with Cass all those years ago.
After your mistakes, you both grew from them, and progressed to be who you are now.
Hugo's a different person them from when he was 2 years ago, and if your Dad can't see that now, I'm sure he'll see it in time."
Varian smiled and Hugo nodded his head.
Rapunzel put a hand on both their shoulders.
"You should go tell him."
Varian met her eyes, and looked at them in silence for a while.
Breathing in deeply, he nodded his head.
"Yeah, I- I should."
Varian stood outside the wooden door, hand inches away.
Mustering his courage he knocked against it, listening to the sounds of approaching foot steps from the other side.
Hugo smiled at him from where we waited behind Varian, and Varian smiled back.
The sound of the door opening caught both of their attentions, and they turned to see Quirin.
He looked at Hugo, his expression blank.
Turning his attention to Varian, he smiled softly.
"Hey Dad" He said smiling, a hand rubbing his neck nervously.
Before He could continue, his Dad reached forward and took Varian's hand in his, eyes landing on the ring.
Looking at it intently for a few minutes, he slowly looked up at Varian.
Varian smiled softly, and breathed in deeply.
He was about to say something when he stopped short.
His Dad smiled softly, tears visible in the corners of his eyes.
He pulled Varian into a hug, and Varian smiled, arms wrapping tightly around him.
"I- I know you don't- a-approve of us but- I " Varian stumbled over his words, voice wavering as he tried not to cry.
Quirin pulled back, looking his son in the eyes.
" I've only ever wanted what's best for you. And-"
Glancing behind Varian, he smiled at Hugo, " now I see I was wrong. And he- he is what's best for you.
And -"
Quirin breathed in shakily, a few tears running down his face.
" I couldn't be more proud to welcome in the man who makes you this happy into our home."
Varian felt tears spring to his eyes.
"P-proud?" He chocked out looking at Quirin.
He pulled him into his embrace again, hugging his son tightly.
"Yes Varian, proud. I'm so proud of you."
Varian hugged him back, happy tears rolling down his cheeks.
Quirin looked at Hugo from over his son's shoulder, and held his hand out.
Hugo looked at it, and smiled as he took it, getting pulled into into the hug.
"Thank you for everything you do for my son."
Hugo looked at Quirin, nodding his head.
Varian looking between them both, a smile on his freckled face.
Stepping back, Quirin opened the door, looking at the two of them.
" Your welcome to stay for dinner "
"We'd love to" Varian said, looking from him to Hugo.
Smiling, Hugo put an arm around his shoulder, as they both walked into the house, Varian and Quirin talking as Hugo listed, laughing and joining in as the door closed behind them.
Looking at his Dad, Varian smiled wide.
"Its good to be home"
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