Ch 17
Sarah Gilmore
"Nope," Wes said as he crossed the bedroom, his fresh masculine scent finding my nose and doing embarrassing things to my body. "You are not missing another appointment. What are you up to now? Three missed visits? Shower. We need to get going soon."
His tone was demanding in a 'Don't mess with my patience today' kind of way, but anything... everything involving Wes Dalton, instantly ignited the furnace in my body.
With a whimper, I released the blankets that he pulled from me and sat up slowly. My body was in a constant state of exhaustion and drug-addicted level craving to be fucked.
Letting my feet hit the cool tiles, I sobered a little that I wasn't getting out of seeing my OBGYN.
"They are just going to go through medical history, my vitals, and do a heart beat check," I tried to under-play it so he wouldn't be so he wouldn't be so motivated to go with me.
"Yeah, and I can not wait until I hear that. I'll answer whatever they need and I will make sure we are both there." He gave me a smug smile and pulled my arms upwards, helping me off the bed. When he released me, he slid his hands to my slightly protruding belly, he added, "I will make sure we're all there."
My breath hitched and emotions overwhelmed me. Tears slipped out over my lashes.
His eyes found mine and his smirk widened. "None of that, now," he cooed with a playful pout.
There wasn't a cute joke or side comment, he just wiped them away and kissed my forehead before starting the water for my shower.
Wes reluctantly left the bathroom and allowed me the space I needed to shower, uninterrupted.
I tried to drag my feet when I got ready, but Wes was too persistent. Forcing me to stick to a schedule and making sure that we got to the appointment on time.
As we drove towards the hospital, my stomach made an audible protest.
"Shit," Wes hissed as he looked at my belly. "We didn't feed you before we left. What do you want?"
With a moan and a smile, I said, "Cane's!"
"Chicken?" he asked with a pinched brow.
"Done," he veered to take a different route.
Sitting in the waiting room, I closed my eyes and moaned as I bit into another crispy bite of chicken. I caught Wes looking at me, mouth parted. Raising my brows and tilting my head, I didn't understand.
"Since meeting you, I never had any problems with food. You seem to make me jealous," he lowered his voice and whispered, "of everything you put in your mouth that isn't my fat cock."
Laughter bubbled as he adjusted the front of his pants. I made another sound of enjoyment with a new bite and he groaned.
"If you keep making those sounds with your food, Sweetness..." Wes stopped talking as his eyes drank me in and his smile turned predatory.
Nearly choking, I laughed.
A nurse that I recognized stepped through the door to the back. "Sarah Gilmore?" She made eye contact with me while I was mid-bite and raised an amused eyebrow.
I stood with Wes and we walked, hand in hand, into the back to follow the nurse.
"How are you doing today? I'm Ava."
"I'm good, Ava," I answered.
"Good to hear. I am so happy to see you here," Nurse Ava quipped at me. Making me feel like she had meant, "I am so happy you stopped avoiding us..."
Annoyance flared, but Wes spoke before I could get myself in trouble. "All thanks to me. She totally avoided coming."
Ava stayed quiet with a polite smile, not knowing how to respond to his comment. She got us into our room and then announced to us that she would need me to pee in a cup. Setting my bag down, Wes sat in the guest chair in the small room to wait for me.
Ava showed me to the bathroom, the cups and where to leave the sample. Before she left she said, "I just have a few standard questions before I let you go get me that sample. Do you feel like your home is safe?" I nodded and she continued, "Do you feel safe in your relationship with your significant other?"
I gave her a hard look and shook my head. Concern creased her forehead and I realized that she was thinking that I was telling her, no. "No! I mean, yes, I do feel safe with him."
She gave me a concerned look before she said, "Okay. And the last question is, is there anything you'd prefer we not discuss in front of him?"
Frowning, I answered, "No. I don't feel like I need to hide anything from him."
Giving me a closed mouth smile she said, "that's it. I'll let you get to it and meet you back in the room whenever you're done."
Being in the medical field myself, I shouldn't have taken offense because it was normal to ask expectant mothers about this... but I didn't like the way Ava looked at me as I answered her questions. Doubt and worry warred within me as I peed into the clear plastic cup.
The logical part of my brain knew that she was just doing her job and wanted to make sure that I was taking care of myself and the baby within me, but my heart was screaming because Wes was not Romeo.
When I got back to the room, Wes was leaning back in his chair. Eyes closed, he looked like he was napping. I planted a soft kiss on his temple as I sat in the chair beside him.
With a deep sigh he rolled his head to look at me and said, "Aren't you supposed to be on the throne up there?" He indicated to the examination table.
"I'll stay here until they make me get up there. It is no fucking throne."
"Ooh! Doesn't that thing have a place to put your feet?" He smirked again as he tilted his head to try and figure out the medical 'throne.'
"Yes," I responded hesitantly. His tone seemed a little too excited.
With a groan, he closed his eyes.
I said, "Do I even want to know where your mind is right now?"
"Probably not, but I'm going to tell you. I now see it as a fuck throne. I could step up, strap your ankles in, and fuck the shit out of you."
"Oh my goodness, Wes," I said as I covered my eyes with my hands with my face beginning to burn with blush. I heard the door open.
Ava stepped back with a smile.
My nerves had been containable before that moment, but with the nurse starting her onslaught of questions, starting with Wes before focusing on me.
The question that broke my habitually rehearsed answers was one about prior pregnancies.
"Sorry?" I asked.
"How many pregnancies have you had? We ask to get to know—"
"Do I have to answer?" I cut her off.
"Um," Ava glanced at Wes and then back to me before saying, "I guess you don't have to, but more information about your history only serves to help."
Filling my lungs with as much oxygen as I could fit, I answered her in a puff. "Four."
Her lashes fluttered several times before she typed the information into the system. "Okay, and any history of multiples?"
Inwardly, I groaned, but answered her. "Yes."
When she didn't ask about my pregnancies, I relaxed.
She asked similar questions to Wes, first time father, prior relationships, and his family's medical history. Then I was caught off guard as Ava asked a repeat question.
"Any history of multiples?" Her voice was professionally sweet.
Wes answered without hesitation, "Yes."
My heartbeat was suddenly louder than the small white-noise machine in the corner of the room. All I could hear was his answer. Closing my eyes, I saw Cason and Laurel... and Wes with Jace...
How had I not thought about this before this appointment? Before this moment!? The likelihood of multiples was going to be higher and I wasn't sure I could do this again on my own.
At some point, the nurse had left and returned with the doctor. I recognized him from occasional pass throughs in the ER.
"Hey Sarah! How are you feelin' darlin'?" Dr. Halterman stared down at my chart before making eye contact with me.
His amicable presence was what I liked most about him. He greeted Wes with a sturdy handshake and a curt nod as I realized I hadn't answered him. I put on my brave face, determined to get through the appointment.
The rest of the appointment went well, but I was thrown for a loop when he asked Ava to bring in the mobile ultrasound. Confused, but not wanting to be rude, I kept quiet while he continued to talk about next visits, following my appointments and sticking to them, and the importance of my nutrition during the pregnancy.
It felt like he knew. Like he knew if he had given pause, that I would have tried to leave.
Ava came back in with the machine and assisted Dr. Halterman prep me for the ultrasound. The next parts blurred as I heard Wes ask questions and bantered.
The cold gel hit my skin and I glanced at the small screen and watched as my doctor deftly maneuvered the wand over my swollen skin.
The black and white imaging came through clearly and I almost gasped, but bade my time until Halterman spoke.
"Looking good in there, Mom," he said as he tilted his chin up to look through the bifocal portion of his glasses. "Okay, heartbeat," pausing as he found it. "145. Good, good."
"That's good?" Wess asked.
"Yes, all good. And. Here," Dr. Halterman stopped again and pushed the wand into my stomach a little rougher. Finally stopping with another heartbeat registered on the monitor. "There. 155 is Baby B."
My vision danced as my heart slammed into my throat in an effort to escape.
When Wes asked his question, my eyes darted to him.
"Baby B? Wait. The baby has two heart rates?" As if voicing the questions out loud had answered himself, his jaw fell slack and he looked at me. Surprise and aw apparent in his stare.
Unable to contain it, I rolled towards the wall and vomited.
The doctor gave Wes an uneasy look before saying, "You didn't know? This is a multiple pregnancy. Sarah is pregnant with twins."
I should have seen this coming. My belly was larger than it should have been with a single child. My boobs were as tender as they had been with Laurel and Cason.
As I sat up, Wes was there. Handing me a tissue he asked, "You okay?"
I nodded and allowed Ava to help clean the gel off me.
"Did you know?" Wes asked me as we left the office.
Words didn't come easy but I managed to say, "I should have."
At the car he turned me into his arms and held me. Tears came and soaked his shirt beneath my face. Wes stroked my hair and then held me tighter.
With his deep sigh and a kiss to the top of my head, I knew there were no ill feelings, but how was this going to work out?
When Laurel and Cason were born, I had so many family members to help me. With this pregnancy, I only have Wes... but did I? We were dating, but relationships disintegrated with less. Even with Wes, there still isn't a guarantee that I have him because of his work.
The overwhelming emotions turned into worry and subsided into a low ache in my body.
There was a lot to discuss with Wes, but I could feel myself shutting down. Shutting him out. Just like before. I wanted to run but this time I recognized that running wasn't going to fix anything.
Just breathe...
One moment at a time...
Just breathe...
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