Wes Dalton
Crickets and frogs sang their songs while we crept along the backside of the swamp road. The rain was light soothing. If we were here for any other reason, I'd take it in and enjoy it, but we were working.
Chasing some sick motherfuckers who had taken a four-year-old little girl, Cora. Asking a ransom of 2.6 million from her father and thinking they would get it was their first mistake. Thinking we wouldn't chase them into the thickest part of the bayou was their second mistake.
The humvees and our boats had gotten us far enough, but the rest was on foot. We had eyes on their small compound, and I signaled the order to stop. I'd brought a small team; four of us in all.
The main building was more like a shack. There was a small garage on the side with a larger building around back.
Signaling to Hendrix and Fuller to go around the side, I took Kiser with me. Low tech. No cameras. From all observations, no other movement but some shadows playing in the light of fire towards the back of the house.
Creeping in the doorless side entrance, the shack was empty. There were signs that someone had made food within the last hour. The hot plate was still warm, and a dirtied plate lay on a collapsible table.
"First building clear," I said through the comm. Minimal communication. Other than that, we had radio silence.
"Garage clear," Hendrix said, hushed, through my earpiece. "Movement behind main. Three men. Armed."
Looking back at Kiser, he nodded and got his rifle ready. Peering through the window, I could see what Hendrix could. The men were drinking, pistols holstered. One had a rifle slung across his back. Another had a short-barreled shotgun leaning against the lawn chair his ass was in.
I immediately looked for a way around. There was fencing, about six feet tall, running from the shack to the back building. That was how we would get around them. Pointing to the fence and then back to the doorway, Kiser knew what I was telling him.
We snuck back outside, weapons ready. "Stay put. I'm going to need a distraction. Going round to back." Communication with the others was pertinent. I needed them ready.
The back building was full of shit. Everything from gator skulls, guns, small boats, and tools. It looked like this spot may have been their hunting camp. Somewhere they didn't go often, but when they did, it had what they needed to get some gators.
In a large steel crate, I saw her. Shivering in the dress she had been taken in, Cora was filthy. Tears had made streaks through the dirt, down her cheeks. I signaled to Kiser. When he looked, he smiled. None of us knew what we would really find when we found her, but she was okay.
"Found her. Stand by." There was no easy way to do this. I didn't know how she would react when she saw me, but I had something that would help. Sliding off my pack, leaving my guns, I motioned to Kaiser that I would go in alone.
The door was locked, but not for me. Sliding my knife through the space between the door and the frame and popped the door open. I was thankful that the lock wasn't stronger. With a stronger lock, I would have probably made noise, had to take more time, and we would have been blown.
Shelving hid my presence as I crawled along the back wall. I let out a low whistle to alert her. Her head whipped up and her big blue eyes stared at me in horror. Showing her my hands and signaling for her to keep quiet, I slowly moved to reach into the side pocket of my pants.
Pulling out her mother's locket. Silver with painted purple flowers. Her eyes traveled to the locket and then back to my face. The look of horror melted into a worried smile with a hiccuped sob.
"Your momma wants you back home, Cora. I'm here to get you out of here. I need you to stay quiet though, okay?" I kept my voice calm. Nodding that she understood, made me feel a sense of relief.
Dumb fuckers, I thought.
Pushing the lock-up, I saw that she could have gotten out at any time if she had wanted to. It made me wonder what else they had told her to keep her where she was.
The crate was made for hunting dogs. The locking mechanism was simple. I didn't say anything to her about it. Instead, I offered her my hand and helped her out of the cold metal enclosure.
As soon as she was through, she threw herself into my arms. Latching herself around my neck and crying into my shoulder. I smoothed her matted hair over her back and tried to comfort her.
"Hey, hey," I hushed," I need you to be brave for me. They can't hurt you. You're going home." I needed to remind her. Pulling her away from me so she would look at me, I slid her mother's locket into her small hand. "I'm going to carry you. You hold onto that so you can give it back to your momma, okay?"
With a sniffle, she nodded again.
Scooping her up, we moved back to Kiser. Putting her down long enough to get my gear back on and let the others know we were out.
"Alright, I'm going to go look in on the brat," I heard one of the men say. Hearing him shuffle and knock over his drink, spewing profanities.
"They are on the move. Distraction, now!" I bit the order out and turned to Cora. Cupping her small face with my hands, "It is time to be my brave girl. Don't let go and don't look, okay?"
There was a sudden flash of fear in her eyes. I could tell she understood me, but I didn't have the time to wait. I cradled her to me and took off.
The garage exploded. Hendrix and Fuller were waiting out front. Guns were drawn and they were ready to run as we approached. The men from the compound were shouting as gunfire rang out.
Cora was my priority, whispering into the top of her head, "Keep your head down. I've got you. No one is getting you. You are going home."
White-hot pain ripped through my side. Stumbling with my footing, I nearly dropped her. There wasn't anything that was keeping me from getting to the boat.
Taking the same road that we had taken when we arrived, my men fired back as we approached the rickety dock. Hendrix at the wheel, we loaded in. Keeping Cora low, I covered her fragile frame with mine.
"Come on Fuller, now!" Shouted Hendrix. I could have sworn I heard a hollow thunk as the engine roared to life and we took off.
Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the other boat in flames. No one would be following us. Fuller broke out in a burst of psychotic sounding laughter.
"Fuck you jackasses!!!" He yelled as he jumped around the boat.
"Hey! Watch your mouth, Fuller!" I scolded. None of us were used to being around kids and he apologized. Covering his mouth and hunching his shoulders. I turned my attention back to our guest. "How are you doing kiddo? Are you hungry?"
"Thank you," her soft voice broke as her bottom lip pouted and tears spilled over her lashes. My heart seized and I smiled down at her.
"It was my pleasure, little lady. In no time you're going to be in your momma's arms. Your dad's too."
"I am," she said, wiping away the wetness from her cheeks. My confusion hung on my face and she clarified. "I am hungry."
"Aw, good." I ran my hand over my face, suddenly feeling lightheaded. Sitting up, the pain hit me. I'd been hit.
Reaching for the bag we'd left on the boat, I winced. It hadn't gone unnoticed.
"Shit," Kiser was at my side, digging his hand into my back. "Why didn't you say something? How bad is it?"
"I'm not the priority," I huffed. "Mess off, I'm fine."
"Fine tough guy, but I'm calling my doc. You need to be seen when we get back." He helped haul the bag to my lap and dig out the bag of crackers and a bottle of juice.
"Here sweet girl. Your momma and dad said these were your favorite. Did I get it right?" I handed her the food and her eyes lit up.
Yup, got it right. Closing my eyes, I let the peace of the water and the hum from the boat relax me. I could feel myself fall, but I couldn't tell what direction.
In the darkness, I swam, floated, or flew into my next conscious moment. Soaking in the darkness, I heard voices. Slowly becoming clear, I heard a female and a male. The male sounded like Kiser, but my eyes refused to open, so I listened.
"What happened?" The woman's voice became clear.
"He was shot," Kiser's voice was close. He and another were carrying me.
I forced my eyes to cooperate. Hardwood floors came into view through slits. My lids shut and I decided I wasn't going to fight it. I knew I was going to be taken care of and I needed to let it happen.
"I can see that, idiot. I mean how did it happen?" There she was again. Her voice was beautiful and I knew I liked her as soon as she got sassy with Kiser.
I wanted to see her. Know her face, but exhaustion was taking over.
"Small misunderstanding with some kidnappers."
"Fine. I need his gear and shirt off. I'll need to feed him an IV. Have him on his back by the time I get back. I need to grab my kit from the car." I couldn't hear footsteps, but I did hear a door swing open and then slam shut.
"Alright, buddy. Up!" Kiser smacked the back of my head before he hooked an arm under my chest.
Letting him do most of the work, I was sat on something cushioned. He stripped my vest, then shirt. Sucking in a breath as my shirt pulled away from my wound, blood partially dried into the material and pulling as it was stripped. Slumping forward, I leaned my elbows against my knees.
The door opened and shut, again. I didn't move. My body shook as the air in the room shifted. Black and white Keds on her feet with long lean legs.
"Okay boys, out. I can take it from here." Gentle hands brushed over the sides of my face. She lifted my head. "Okay bud, we're going to get yo-"
Feet had started to shuffle out of the room when she stopped. My chin was fully looking towards the doctor. Curious about why she stopped, I opened my eyes. Our eyes met.
I knew her.
In that, moment she realized she knew me too.
"Oh for fuck's sake! You've got to be kidding me!" Dropping her hands from my face, my head fell forward. Finding the strength, I pushed up to look at her.
Doing my best to give her a sexy grin, "Hey sweet thing."
"Wait, you two know each other?" Kiser had stepped back into the room with her outcry.
"Love at first sight," I said cooly. A wave of dizziness washed through me and I swayed. She gripped my shoulders to steady me. My head rolled to the side and I smiled at her touch. Her bedside manner hadn't gotten much better. Not with me, at least.
"Psh! Sure, whatever you say, lover boy. Now shut up, lie back, and let me get this IV in."
"Wait, what am I missing? How do you two know each other?" Kiser was still standing there. Before I could answer him, she beat me to it.
"My friend got shot. Then he shows up with a bunch of guys," she stopped. Looking up at her, she tilted her head from side to side, looking me over. Assessing my state. "Long story short, I had a shotgun in his face and then I broke his nose."
"I haven't stopped love-" the room spun and my world went black.
Fuck. This shit needed to stop happening when I'm in the middle of professing my love for this woman! The thought came to mind as I regained consciousness.
I was lying on my stomach on the small bed. Scanning the room, Kiser was gone. She sat on a rolling stool at my side.
"Where'd Toby go?"
"He stepped out for a smoke," her voice sounded distracted.
Pain burned through the side of my back. She was using something strong to disinfect and clean my wounds.
"Where are the others?"
"Stop talking." She had always worked hard and with her passion for medicine, I should have known better.
"Where are... OW!" Looking over, she had jabbed a finger into the hole in my back.
She gave me a mean side-eye and said, "I said stop talking."
"I love it when you hurt me," murmuring it into the pillow as she got back to work.
"Then maybe I should try being nice to you."
"Be still my heart, I think she is coming around!" Without warning, she smacked my bare shoulder. "Harder Sarah," I moaned.
"Damn it, Wes! I'm trying to clean this mess up. Plus you need stitches. Shut the fuck up and let me work!"
"I missed you, Sarah."
"Mhmm," was the only thing I heard from her.
With a sigh, I settled down on the bed and tried to clear my thoughts. As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard the door.
"You two give me any nieces or nephews yet?" Kiser cracked the tension in the room.
I smiled and flopped my head back into the pillow. Neither Sarah nor I answered him.
I heard the rip of tape and she pressed a bandage over the bullet wound on my back. Swatting my leg she said, "Roll to your back."
There wasn't enough fight left in my body to fight her, so I did as she told me to. "How much longer, Doc?"
"As long as you keep quiet and keep still, I should be able to let you rest in about 30 minutes." She stood and leaned over my body. Her chest skimming my side. "The bullet went clean through. You're lucky I didn't have to dig pieces out."
It had been a long time since I'd been with anyone. Sarah being so close with her hands on me, and the overall proximity of her body to mine made mine react to hers. There was no hiding it, so I did my best to keep my mind on the task at hand.
"Where do I need stitches?"
"Right shoulder. Apparently you passed out pretty hard on the way here. Fell on a knife?" She glanced over her shoulder at Toby Kiser. He smirked and nodded.
We had so much gear in the boat and in the SUV we'd driven that I wasn't even surprised.
"We get her home?" I turned my question to Kiser.
"Yeah. We went there first. Once she was safely in her parents' arms, Fuller and I brought you to Sarah."
Sarah's hands stilled. Her eyes met mine and there was an unspoken question. She thought we had been joking when we mentioned kidnappers. I gave my head a small shake. We weren't supposed to talk about the job.
With a few quick blinks, she was in doctor mode again. Finishing bandaging the wound before threading her needle and starting on my shoulder.
"You good, Dalton?" Kiser fidgeted and I could tell he needed to make himself busy.
"I'm good, man. Get out of here. I'll crash with Sarah tonight."
Without leaving my shoulder, she glanced at me and raised one brow. It was forward of me to assume that would be okay, but after years of not seeing her, I needed to try.
"You can stay the night but you need to be gone by tomorrow afternoon. If you weren't hurt, I'd have already been tossed out on your ass." She smiled at the thought.
"I appreciate it, Sarah." I dropped my volume and whispered it to her.
Her blond hair was pulled into a poof at the back of her head. As she turned her blue eyes to me, a memory flashed across my vision. The here and now faded as I remembered how we'd been before.
The summertime breeze filtered through the open glass doors. Naked, covered only by soft cotton sheets, Sarah lay on my chest. Still sleeping, I admired the wild mane of her white-blond hair.
We had met a week prior in grim conditions in a farmhouse somewhere in Maryland. I'd watched as she tended to her friend on the kitchen counter. Her movements were meticulous and skilled. I hadn't known her then, but I knew I wanted more of her. Her fiery attitude and quick-witted responses made me know she and I were compatible.
With a deep sigh, she stirred. I brushed back the wisps of hair that covered her face and watched as her eyes fluttered open. Her lashes twitched as she looked around the room.
We had gotten a hotel away from everything she had going on at home. Her mother hadn't stopped calling her to try to find out where her brother had run off to.
Sarah knew exactly where he was, but after his devastating behavior, she had turned her phone off and wasn't speaking to anyone.
She let out a sweet groan as she looked up at me. She was exhausted. The slight smile was proof of that.
"Good morning, sweetness."
"Morning Wes." She closed her eyes and snuggled in against my chest. Kissing the top of her head, I enjoyed the moment. Her honeyed smell filled my lungs and calmed my mind.
A knock came at the door and her eyes darted to mine, questioning and worried about who could be visiting us.
"I ordered us food. We worked up quite an appetite last night." I reluctantly rolled out of bed, snatched a towel to wrap around my waist, and headed to the door.
The tray was huge and loaded with fresh fruit, pancakes, bacon, sausage links, and scrambled eggs. There was a large pitcher of orange juice and two glasses.
Sarah's mouth fell open as she sat up in bed. Clutching the blanket to her chest she watched me as I placed the food on the round table near the window.
"That is a lot of food!"
"I didn't want us to have to leave. I'm quite comfortable staying here all day with you. Wearing nothing." I dropped the towel.
Her cheeks flushed as she raked her fingers through her hair and let her eyes travel over my body.
Through the thin sheet, I could see her nipples. Hardened peeks that pressed the fabric, begging for attention. The craving for food disappeared and a new one overtook me. I had an idea.
Grabbing the warmed syrup, I approached her. The smirk that played at the corner of her mouth told me she liked what I was thinking.
Sliding her legs off the bed, she sat at its edge. With my free hand, I unwrapped her from the sheet. Her full breasts and slender body raised a new heat. She was stunning.
She leaned back, swiping her hair off of her chest, and braced herself. I tipped the dispenser and let the sticky brown sweetness drip over the swells of her breasts. Closing her eyes, she let a moan escape as the warm liquid made contact.
In complete awe, I watched as it rolled over her skin. Down her chest, along the slender contour of her stomach, to pool momentarily in her belly button before overflowing and continuing lower.
The container became irrelevant as I freed my hand to better follow my craving. I dropped to my knees. Spreading her legs to see the syrup dip into her shaved sex. Coating her beautiful clit.
My urges took over as I leaned in. Cleaning the sugary syrup from her skin. Her moan filled my ears as her fingers snaked through my hair.
One lick, all syrup. A second proved I missed some. The third tasted more like her. My fourth I couldn't tell but I wanted more.
Her hips rolled into my hands as I urged her closer, further into my seeking mouth. Covering her clit and her entrance with my mouth, my tongue dipped. I could feel her body arch up as my tongue delved deeper into her folds.
The noises she was making made my cock swell.
I left her sweetened heat to follow the path. Up to her navel to the valley between her perked chest. She clawed my back, wanting me to move faster. She didn't have patience, but I would help her learn.
The memory faded as I drifted back to Sarah's place. She was no longer above me. She wasn't even in the room anymore. There was a blanket over me, pulled up to my chest and the lights had been turned off.
My pain had eased and the skin on my shoulder felt tight. Finding the line of stitches beneath a gauze pad, Sarah had finished. I must have passed out again. Feeling frustrated and hungry I threw the blanket off and sat up.
In another room of the house, I could hear Sarah's voice and made my way towards her. She must have had me in her guest room because there wasn't much in the room. I passed a bedroom much larger than the one I'd been in. Walking down the hall, the house opened up to a great living room and dining room. The kitchen was around the wall that divided the open space from the living room, and that is where Sarah was.
Standing with her phone pressed to her ear, she leaned against the counter.
I had gone unnoticed and I admired her body. She had let her hair down. It was longer than I remembered, but I knew its soft caress. Her slender shape was accentuated by her short jean shorts and fitted T-shirt.
As I stood there, I listened to her conversation. Her voice was light, soft, sweet as she talked to the person on the other end of the phone.
"Of course... No, I'm alright... I'm fine, really. I just had something come up." She tilted her head to one side and picked at her dish rag by the sink. "A friend needed help with something. I'm sorry I couldn't stay... Yes. I am not canceling on you tomorrow night... Me too. I'm looking forward to it... Okay... Night." She hung up the phone and turned.
Completely in her own world, she sat there, looking at her phone. She didn't seem genuinely happy. The sad smile on her face told me that she wasn't actually looking forward to whatever plans she had with the person on the phone.
I cleared my throat. I felt rude enough listening to her conversation. Her head lifted and our eyes locked.
"Are you hungry?" She broke our silence.
"Starved," I replied.
She smiled at me. "You and your appetite," she laughed.
All of my feelings were brought back to the surface. Whatever plans she had tomorrow night were going to be canceled.
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