62: The Final March
Requiem for a Dream ~ Clint Mansell (The Final March)
Daybreak came and we gathered at the head of the army to begin our march to Denerim. I stood next to Alistair, Riordan, Teagan, and Eamon and looked over the army Alistair and I had worked to gather. Eamon was going to stay behind at Alistair's request while Teagan elected to march with us. He refused to stay behind. Dwarves, Mages, villagers, and Knights marched past us. I'd received word that the Dalish would meet us halfway there. I hoped this would be enough to stem the tide of Darkspawn. We'd gathered all the forces we could. We were sure the horde would reach Denerim ahead of us, thus we were in a race against time to get there. The lives of thousands hung in the balance and we would not forsake them. We had gathered an army to replace the one lost at Ostagar and I prayed to the Creators that it would be enough.
We met the Dalish Hunters a league outside of the Brecilian Forest. I saw many faces I knew. Fenarel, my old friend, partner in crime, and fellow Hunter from Clan Sabrae waved to me. I knew I had changed much since I saw him last and if he noticed he gave no sign.
"Realin!" he cried and we clasped forearms. "I always said you had the Creators' own luck. It is good to see you well."
"And you." I truly was happy to see him. And I would be glad to have him at my back in this battle.
"We have gathered what Hunters we could from all the clans. Not much compared to the warriors you lead, but it should help."
"Every little bit will help."
"May your blades find their marks and Creators' speed."
"Creators' speed." We parted and Fenarel returned to the other Hunters. It was more of the Dalish than I had expected. I had only expected Lanaya's Hunters, not all of the clans' Hunters. Lanaya must have sent word to everyone, calling them to war. Creators bless her.
We finally reached the country outside of Denerim. We were right, the horde had reached the capital first. I could see the Archdemon flying above the city and I could hear its roar as it circled high above. This was it. The battle we had been preparing for. Alistair and I took a few steps forward to calculate our push into the city. He looked around and then looked at me before walking past me and jogging up the stairs of a ruined house. I followed, stopping at the bottom of the stairs and wondering what in Thedas he was doing.
"Before us stands the might of the Darkspawn horde!" So he was going to give a speech to inspire the troops. Very kingly. He motioned to Denerim. "Gaze upon them now but fear them not!" He motioned to me. "The woman you see beside me is a Dalish Elf, raised to the ranks of the Grey Wardens!"
I went and stood next to him.
"And never a more glorious Grey Warden has there ever been! She has survived despite the odds and without her none of us would be here!" I really couldn't take all the credit. Alistair was by my side the entire time. He walked back down the stairs as he spoke. "Today, we save Denerim! Today we avenge the death of my brother, King Cailan."
I walked down the stairs and stood at Alistair's side, not as a Dalish or a general, but as a Grey Warden.
"But most of all, today we show the Grey Wardens that we remember and honor their sacrifice!" Alistair drew his sword and I drew my blades. "For Ferelden! For the Grey Wardens!"
The troops cheered and shouted and Alistair and I led the charge into Denerim. We charged the gates and the Darkspawn that were slaughtering what was left of Denerim's gate defenses.
"Hold the line!" I cried. "Hold the line!"
The Archdemon flew low over the gates, roaring. Riordan held his sword up and gave a cry before rushing forward. We crashed into the Darkspawn left at the gate. It wasn't long before my armor was stained with Darkspawn blood and my swords dripped crimson. The ones left ran through the gates, Riordan, myself, and several knights in pursuit. Once through the gates, we saw their reinforcements. Tristan ran past me and leapt. Alistair and Zevran ran at either side of me, our blades flashing. Magic flew through the air from Morrigan and Wynne. Sten's blade cut through Darkspawn easily and Leliana's arrows flew through the air. Oghren charged, his axe flying wildly. Under our onslaught, the Darkspawn fell.
Riordan approached us as we finished off the Darkspawn here. "You've managed to fight your way to the gates. We're doing better than I hoped," he said.
"That will change quickly," Sten said. Mr. Optimisim.
"Bloody nug-runners!" Oghren cried. "We're outnumbered three to one!"
"What are we to do now, Riordan?" Wynne asked. "You have a plan, I assume?"
"The army will not last long, so we'll need to move quickly to reach the Archdemon. I suggest taking Alistair and no more than two others with you into the city. Anyone you don't bring with you can remain here to prevent more Darkspawn from entering Denerim on our tails."
"Why so small a group?" I asked.
"A large group is only going to draw attention. And I think I know what we need to do. We're going to need to reach a high point in the city... I'm thinking the top of Fort Drakon might work."
"The top of...," Alistair started. "You want to draw the dragon's attention?"
"We have little choice, though I warn you as soon as we engage the beast it will call all its generals to help it. I can sense two generals in Denerim. You may wish to seek them out before going to Fort Drakon."
"I'm sure if we did slay those generals," Leliana said. "It would stop the Darkspawn in the city from doing a lot of harm."
"At least no more than they have already done," Zevran added.
"It may also waste resources trying to find them," Riordan said. "The decision is up to you."
"Do you know where they are?" Neither Alistair nor I had reached that point. We could sense them when they were nearby but their numbers, locations, and ranks were still beyond us.
"Neither of them are near Fort Drakon currently but there are too many Darkspawn here to tell you more. There are already several units of our allies within the city by now. They may be able to come to your assistance if you call them but their strength will be limited. Who are you taking with you into the city?"
I turned and looked at my companions. I would take Alistair, of course. This would be his final act as a Grey Warden and I wasn't going to deny him that. I would need Sten's strength. He was formidable and gave anyone who stood against him, human or Darkspawn, pause. And I would bring Morrigan. She had been one of my original companions on this journey. It would be fitting that we ended this journey together as well. Along with another reason to bring her along.
I turned back to Riordan. "I'm taking Alistair, Sten, and Morrigan."
Riordan turned to the others. "The rest of you will need to remain here and assist in keeping more Darkspawn from coming in the gates behind us." He turned back to me. "Who are you leaving in charge?"
"Oghren has led men into battle before."
"Fine!" Oghren said. "Let's just move onto the blasted main event already!"
"That should be sufficient. Nothing you have done has prepared you for what you face now. May the Maker watch over you."
"Creators guide our blades."
Riordan went into the city.
Oghren stood next to me. "So this is it, Realin," he said. "'When from the field of battle the Stone has fed, let the heroes prevail and the blighters lie dead.' As one of the blighters, I sodding salute you." He placed a fist to his chest. "Let's show them our hearts and then show them theirs."
"Couldn't do anything less."
Tristan nudged me and whined worriedly.
I crouched down and he nuzzled my hand. "Don't worry, Tristan. I'll be back."
He barked happily.
"Give 'em hell, boy."
He laid his ears back and growled. I smiled. He ran over to Alistair to tell him goodbye.
Leliana placed her hand on my shoulder and I stood. "So this is it... this is the end," she said. "We've come so far. It's strange knowing that all our fates will be decided in a matter of hours. I wish I could go with you."
"As do I. But it's for the best." Leliana embraced me, taking me by surprise. I returned the embrace a moment later.
"Be safe, Realin," she said when she pulled away. "May the Maker smile fortune upon you."
"And on you."
"Heading off to slay dragons without me, hmm?" Zevran asked. "Fine, fine. Say hello to the Archdemon for me. He never writes anymore, it's rather distressing."
I chuckled.
"And do watch your back. No getting eaten. Unless you think it's really important, of course."
I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll try not to, Zev. You watch your back also."
"So this is it then?" Wynne said. "All that we have been through has led up to this. Whatever happens now... to either of us, know that I am proud... infinitely proud... to have called you 'friend'. It has been a great honor and privilege to have fought at your side. May the Maker watch over you." She clasped my hands and smiled. "And the Creators guide your path."
I smiled. "Thank you, Wynne. And it has been an honor to call you friend and fight by your side. Be safe, Lethallan."
"So we head into the city together," Morrigan said. "As it should be. Once this is done, no matter how it turns out, I will be gone. You are aware of this, yes?"
"Then let me thank you now. For what you've done."
A look came across her face I'd only seen once before. "You... are most welcome. It is, I think, the very least I could offer you after what you did for me, although I feel it was not for yourself that you agreed to it. And I also want to say, you have shown me much during this journey and I have come to love you as one loves a sister. In fact, I will always see you as a sister." Her words surprised me. Then she surprised me again by doing something very unMorrigan. She embraced me. "Let us go and see this finally done, Sister. The Archdemon awaits."
"Are you ready, Kadan?" Sten asked. "The enemy awaits. Shall we grant him the death he asks of us?"
I smiled. "I'm ready. Are you?"
"This is my place. Whatever happens, I will not falter."
"I'd expect no less from you."
He actually smiled. "We will take the field. And stand together to see our enemy fall."
Alistair took my arm.
"Stop that already," I said.
"Before we head after the Archdemon, I want to say something. I know Morrigan's... what she did is supposed to save us but who knows if she can be trusted? Or if we'll even survive long enough to take that final blow."
"Doubting ourselves, are we? And after that speech you made before our charge."
He gave me a look. "I just want you to know that it's been an honor fighting by your side."
"And it has been an honor fighting by yours." I crossed my wrists and brought them to my chest. "To the honor of the Grey Wardens."
Alistair returned the salute. "To the honor of the Grey Wardens."
We joined Morrigan and Sten and I took one final look at my friends and companions. I held a blade up and they, along with the nearby soldiers, cheered. I turned and led the way into the city. The soldiers gave shouts of encouragement as we ran.
"Kill those godless bastards!"
"We're counting on you, Warden!"
"Maker watch over you!"
We ran into the city, leaving behind our friends and the cheers.
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