54: Escaping Fort Drakon
The Chosen Ones ~ (Unknown)
I slowly became aware of my surroundings again. I'd lost count of how many times I'd been in and out of consciousness. This time, I was laying on my back on cold stone. I heard screams of pain and I really hoped that they weren't from Alistair. I blinked several times before my eyes stayed open and focused. The back of my head was still aching from where I'd been hit the first time and my right knee had a dull, throbbing pain. Well, my whole body had a dull, throbbing pain, but my knee felt like it was the worst. I slowly sat up and saw I was in a cell. And in my smallclothes. I staggered to my feet and nearly went down again. I braced myself on the door, gritting my teeth from the pain in my right knee.
I heard a breath of relief behind me. "Oh, you're awake!"
I turned, relieved to see Alistair sitting against the wall not far from where I'd been laying. He was wearing pants, but no shirt and was holding his shield arm close to his chest. He was bruised and bloody and I wondered if I was as equally bruised and bloody.
He stood, wincing as he did so. "I was starting to worry they'd killed you."
I limped towards him, and he reached out with his sword arm to help me. "Are you alright? Where are we?" My memory of the last few... hours, maybe?... was very fuzzy. Perhaps for good reason.
"I've been worse," he shrugged. I actually doubted that. "I'll be better still when we get out of here. Here being Fort Drakon."
"Did Anora escape?"
"When the fighting started Wynne took off with Anora and Erlina. Zevran stayed behind and fought. One of them sucker punched you and they overwhelmed me a moment later. They let Zevran go and then brought you and me here."
"Well, I'm not going to wait around to be executed or for the others to try to break us out."
"I hope you have a plan."
At the moment, I had nothing that even looked remotely like a plan. I turned and went back to the door and studied the lock. It wasn't a complicated one, thankfully. "I can pick this," I said.
"With what? Your nails? They took all of our equipment when they threw us in here."
I only smiled and reached under my hair. At the base of my skull, I had a small braid. Tucked into this braid was a pair of simple lock picking tools. I knew Cauthrien and her lackeys wouldn't think to completely search me. Who else would keep lock picks at the base of their skull? I pulled them free and held them up for Alistair to see.
He shook his head and smiled. "I should have known," he said.
"Keep a watch out for the guards." It took me several minutes of picking before the lock clicked open.
"Is that a Dalish thing? Lock picking? I thought only pickpockets had lock picks."
I returned the tools to their hiding spot. "No, just a skill Tamlen taught me. Thought the ability would prove useful someday. You know, in case we came across a locked chest in some Elven ruin. Never really thought I'd be using the skill to break out of prison."
"And that it has. I guess the Dalish wouldn't be around prisons, huh?"
I shook my head. "Let's get out of here."
"Are you going to run around Fort Drakon in your smallclothes? And may I remind you that your knee is twice the size it should be and you're limping and I have a broken wrist."
I pointed to a chest. "We search those until we find our equipment. Wynne likes to put health potions in my pack when she thinks I'm not looking. I'm hoping we have enough to deal with the worst of our injuries." I pushed open the door.
The jailer ran towards us. "Trying to be tricky, are we?"
I balanced on my good leg and swung my fist, punching him in the jaw. I hit hard enough that he went down, unconscious. Quite a feat for someone four inches shorter than normal humans. I nearly went down myself. Alistair caught me and helped me regain my balance.
"Remind me not to get you mad enough to punch me."
I chuckled and took the key off the jailer's belt, along with his purse for good measure. We searched the chests until we found our equipment. First thing I did was look to see how many potions I had. Wynne had been sneaking potions into my pack ever since she'd joined us. I knew she was doing it but I never said anything to her, allowing her to think I didn't know where they came from. Figured they would come in handy one day. And they did. I gave Alistair most of them to heal his wrist. I only took enough for the pain in my knee to be ignorable and to be able to walk without a limp. Wynne could heal it the rest of the way.
"What now?" Alistair asked after we'd dressed in the guard armor we'd been captured in.
"We need to get out of here without drawing attention to ourselves," I answered.
"Easier said than done."
We left the area with the cells and made our way through the halls. We didn't run into any guards at first.
"You know, there's something about being trapped in a fortress full of people who want me dead that makes me think, hmm, being a Templar might not have been so bad," Alistair said.
I chuckled. We heard someone heading our way and we ducked down another hall and into a recess. After a few tense minutes, we emerged from our hiding place.
"That was close," Alistair said. "I have a feeling we may have a few more of those."
I couldn't count how many times we had to duck and cover before we took refuge in a room that was occupied. I heard a mabari growl and Alistair and I glanced at each other before we slowly turned around. Two mabari and a guard were standing behind us.
"Shit," Alistair muttered.
"What are you doing here?" the guard said. "Wait...," He drew his sword. "You're the two Wardens they brought in here earlier today."
I drew my swords as Alistair drew his blade. The mabari charged at us. I side-stepped one and slashed at the other. It jumped back and snarled. The one I had sidestepped away from leapt at me. Alistair stepped between me and it. It face planted into his shield and fell back dazed. The guard went for Alistair's back. I blocked the blow with one sword and planted the other sword into his chest. One of the mabari leapt at me again and I held both blades to where it impaled itself while Alistair finished off the other one.
"That was way too close for comfort," Alistair said. "And thanks for watching my back."
"Thanks for watching mine."
"Let's get out of here before someone walks in here and raises the alarm." We dragged the bodies away from the door and hid them.
We were in a hall when I heard a couple of guards coming. I pushed Alistair into a room and closed the door. We probably didn't breathe until they had passed. We both let out our collective breaths and I looked around. We had taken refuge in the armory. And I had an idea. I went over to an armor stand and tossed the armor there to Alistair.
"This didn't work in Howe's estate."
"It did until we got to the dungeon." We changed into the guards' uniform. "As long as they don't realize I'm of Elven blood and we don't run into one of Loghain's guards or Cauthrien, I think we may just be able to walk out of here."
Alistair didn't look convinced. "I hope you're right. Make sure you keep that helm on." We walked out of the armory and down the hall.
A guard walked past us and then stopped and turn. "You're supposed to be reporting to the Colonel," he said.
"Right, um, I got a bit turned around here," I said.
"Easy to do around here," He chuckled. "Especially the new recruits." He gave us directions to the Colonel.
The Colonel looked up when we entered. "What's this? Ah! You must be the new recruits we were expecting. You're late. The rest of your patrol is in the storage room. Find them and get yourself ready for inspection."
"Yes, Ser." Alistair and I walked out.
"Inspection?" Alistair asked. "How are we supposed to pass inspection and not be caught?"
"Cool it. He didn't know who we were. Keep your head."
We found the other guards from our "patrol". One of the guards turned when we approached. "Do you need something?"
"I was told we needed to get ready for inspection," I said.
"Who are you? I haven't seen you before."
"We're new recruits. I'm Elise and this is Ainnileas." They were the names of my parents but they were the first alias that came to mind.
"Norick and this is Gorin."
"Thank the Maker!" Gorin looked at Norick. "What are we going to do about... him, though?"
Norick sighed.
"Is there some problem?" Alistair asked, seeing what I was doing.
"So the assistant quartermaster... is a little miffed with us at present," Norick said.
"I told you we should've put those potatoes in the cellar straight away."
Norick ignored Gorin's comment. "Some things went amiss. Mistakes were made. The quartermaster got chewed out by Teyrn Loghain and then he chewed out his assistant..."
"And now to get back at us for landing him in trouble, the assistant quartermaster won't give us our blades. And you can't pass inspection without a regulation sword."
"Then let me handle him."
"Elise is good at handling difficult people," Alistair said. I managed not to laugh at how true that statement was.
"I hope she is."
They led us down the hall to the room where the quartermaster's assistant was.
He crossed his arms when he saw us. "You two blighted fools make a new friend?" He looked me up and down. Then his eyes turned to Alistair. "All four of you can forget about getting swords. You two chose the wrong fools to be about."
And cue my silver tongue.
"I've orders to get them ready for inspection," I said.
"Then I suggest you post for a new patrol."
"I've orders from the Colonel. I don't think you want to defy him." I really hoped he was a man not to defy.
The assistant's tone changed drastically. "You're right. That man would probably think of some harsh punishment like cleaning the rafter with my tongue." He went over to the weapons rack. "Regulation swords, right?" He returned with four swords. "Take these. Just mind you take care of them. That's good steel." He gave us the swords and we left the room.
"Thanks," Norick said. "We owe you."
"Let's get ready for inspection then."
We returned to the Colonel. I followed the men's lead, since I had never seen how an inspection was done or been in one. We stood in a row shoulder to shoulder. I hoped he would think I was just a short woman. I was a good four inches shorter than the men. He walked up and down the row. I pushed the fear and near panic down.
"So, you think you're ready to go on your first patrol mission, do you?" He said when he stopped in front of me.
"Yes, Ser!" I said.
He smiled. "That's what I like to hear!" He looked over at Gorin, who was standing next to me. "You there!"
"Yes, Ser!"
"Stand up straight! You're a soldier in the King's Army and the King's own men don't slouch! And you!" His attention was now on Norick, who was standing next to Alistair.
"Yes, Ser!"
"Stop fidgeting! You can fidget on your own time!"
"Yes, Ser! Thank you, Ser!"
"Kiss-arse. You there, blondie."
Now it was Alistair's turn. "Yes, Ser!" His voice was the strongest I'd ever heard it.
"What's the one thing a soldier can't do without?"
"Honor, Ser!" He answered without missing a beat.
"Hmph. Better than I expected. Honor is the best thing a man can have. See to it that you keep yours at all times. I expect the lot of you back here by sunup. Now get out of here. And Maker watch over you."
"Yes, Ser!" We said in unison. We turned and went to the main hall. Alistair visibly relaxed and I let out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.
We approached a door with a pair of guards. "Password?" one asked boredly. I hoped one of these guards knew it.
"Ah... 'Rabbit'. I think," Norick said.
"Going on your first patrol, are you?" the second one asked. "Good luck."
We walked past them and through another door into a large room with ballistas and lots of bustle. Alistair quickly squeezed my arm.
"Stay sharp out there," a woman standing by the door said.
We were getting closer to freedom. Alistair and I were still keeping an eye out for Cauthrein, but no one else even gave us a second glance. If I didn't have the helm on they probably would have. My tattoos would have given us away long ago. When we reached the hall leading to the entrance, we had more guards wishing us luck. Now the next task was ditching the two guards. We walked right out of Fort Drakon without anyone but the jailer the wiser.
We ran into Wynne, Zevran, and Leliana.
"So much for our grand plan," Leliana said.
"You didn't think we could handle ourselves?" I asked.
"You know them, Elise?" Norick asked.
"Yes, these are good friends of Ainnileas and I."
"Don't be stupid, Norick," Gorin said. "These are those Grey Wardens' companions."
"Don't be silly."
"Look, we owe you two for what you did for us." Gorin turned to Alistair and I before the others did anything. "We'll make up a story that we were separated and couldn't find you."
"By the time you return," I said. "It'll be discovered that we made a break for it."
"And we didn't know you two were Wardens," Norick said. "Go. With the Blight coming upon us, we need you. We can't defeat any Archdemon without you."
"We'll cover for you. Consider us even."
We parted ways and went back to Redcliffe estate. Perth gave us a double-take. "My heart is glad to see you in one piece, Wardens."
"I am glad to still be in one piece," Alistair said.
I chuckled. "Well, I don't plan on landing in a cage again anytime soon."
"I wouldn't blame you for that. The Arl is in his study. He will be glad to see you."
Alistair was stopped by a couple of the knights and I went on to talk to Eamon.
"Kadan," I turned at Sten's voice. "The Mage and the assassin told us what happened. I am glad to see you escaped unharmed."
"The jury is still out on that, Sten."
"Then be glad I did not accompany the others. The Mage and the archer did not think it wise for me to come."
I just looked at him. This quiet outsider would have killed to free me. I had no idea how to react to that.
"But I must take my leave, Kadan, knowing you are now safe." He inclined his head and turned.
"Sten?" He turned back towards me. "What does Kadan mean?"
"In Qunlet, the language of my people, it means 'Where the heart lies'. It is what we call those close to us."
"But why do you call me that?"
"Because I see you as a friend. And one worthy of the title. I have come to realize that you could have allowed me to remain in that cage to die, but you chose to free me so I may have atonement for what I did. And I would never have found Asala without you."
Right before leaving Redcliffe, we'd noticed one of the Dwarf's men from the village was carrying a large greatsword. Sten had confronted the man about it and I realized that this was the sword Sten had lost the night he and his men were ambushed by the Darkspawn. A loss that had led to him killing the farmer and his family that had taken him in, which led to him being in that cage. I convinced the thug to give it back to Sten. Something the Qunari was grateful for.
I smiled at Sten. "I'm glad you joined us. And thank you for your concern, but I think I'll be fine."
Sten nodded and then walked away.
I walked into Eamon's study. The look of relief on his face erased the previous signs of worry. "Maker's breath" he breathed. "It's good to see you in one piece, my friend."
"Indeed," Anora added. "We have been praying for your safe return."
"It's good to see you're alright, Anora."
"Thanks to you. I was... uncertain you would respond as you did, considering the consequences. I am glad you did. I thank you. Now, however, we must work together. And quickly. My father has gone mad. I didn't believe it at first but he is gripped by a paranoia so severe it prevents him from seeing sense. He saw me as a threat, yet even now I'm certain he will be telling the nobles you are dangerous murderers that have kidnapped and mind-controlled me. He may even believe it."
"Can he still take the throne without you?" I asked.
"Perhaps. It will be more difficult for him but if my father says the Grey Wardens are the enemy, many will believe it. He is a legend."
"It's true," Eamon said. "Our position in the Landsmeet is not strong and this does little to help us."
"At least that snake Howe is dead. That alone will not be enough, however. My father is committed to his path. You will need ammunition for the Landsmeet and there I can help. You have only just arrived in the city, so perhaps you are unaware of some... recent events. Denerim has been in turmoil since Ostagar. Many people here are angry or grieving. Strangely, the unrest is worst in the Alienage. Few Elves accompanied the army. They should have little reason to be upset. Which means Howe and my father must have given them a reason. I don't know what is happening there but I am certain my father has his hands in it."
"So we send the Dalish in and hope the city-born will talk to her?" I said, annoyed.
"It may help. You are an Elf after all."
I could feel my temper beginning to rise.
"A useful lead, Anora," Eamon quickly said before I could say anything. "But... you could have sent this information with your maid."
"That is true. I feared for my safety as Howe's prisoner but to tell the truth I sent Erlina to you because I hoped we might join forces. You need evidence for the Landsmeet but you need a stronger candidate for the throne. You need me."
"It sounds more like you need us," I said.
"I have no doubt Alistair is biddable enough, and decent, but even with his blood, he is no king. You think only I can see it? Not only that, he is a Grey Warden. It will look like you are trying to put a Grey Warden on the throne, despite your claims. I am a neutral party. And I am already queen."
"Anora, you are indeed Calian's widow but..."
"I am the daughter of Ferelden's greatest general. Who do you think truly ruled this nation for the last five years? Cailan? I am what this country needs not an untrained king who does not even want the throne. I can help you stop my father." It was true. Alistair didn't want to be king. But was Anora truly the best option to rule Ferelden? "Consider what I have said. For now, I think I will retire to my room. Realin, when you have a moment I ask that you speak to me in private."
She and Erlina left the study and Eamon and I watched her go. I looked back at Eamon. Have I mentioned how I did not like politics?
Eamon crossed his arms. "Well, she's quite... spirited. I remember when Loghain first brought her to Denerim. Poor Cailan was a good boy but Anora was always two steps ahead. Had him jumping when she snapped since the first time she batted her eyelashes. I cannot help thinking she is trouble. But we should keep her close, all the same."
"Why do you think she's trouble?" I didn't trust her, but we didn't exactly have much of a choice other than to ally with her.
"This is an alliance of convenience. For the moment we are united against Loghain. Be careful how much trust you place in her. I do not for a moment think Anora means to give up her power easily."
"Neither do I."
"And I would rather have her where we can watch her rather than actively working for Loghain."
"What do you think he's doing in the Alienage?"
"Maker knows what that man is capable of now. If I might make a suggestion?"
"Of course."
"Go speak to Anora. She will either make a powerful ally or a powerful enemy and the sooner we know which she is, the better."
"Agreed." I left the study and went to find Anora's room.
"Realin." Alistair walked towards me.
I smiled at him. "I see you were able to escape the knights."
"Barely. Wynne caught me next and is being grandmotherly again. I'd try to avoid her for a while."
"There's no avoiding her if she wants to find someone," I laughed.
Alistair smiled. "True." The smile faded. "I've thought about how far you've come from the Dalish recruit to the respected and clever Grey Warden you are now." I had come a long way from the tainted Hunter. "Watching you bluff our way out of Fort Drakon made me realize how much you've changed. I barely recognize you as Dalish."
I frowned. But he was right. How could anyone else know me as Dalish when I no longer acted like one? "I'm acting more and more human, aren't I?"
"You are." He touched my cheek. "I don't want you to lose yourself and who you are."
"I was sent on this path the day I left the Brecilian Forest the first time."
"Realin, you have achieved something no Dalish has ever done: Respect. When you speak, people listen. Not one Elf in Ferelden commands that type of respect." He paused a moment. "You are a wonderful leader and you never let the fact you are Dalish deter you. You stood toe to toe with Loghain and didn't back down. You held your own against Howe." He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. "I fell for a Dalish Warden who is afraid of nothing. You're strong and brave; things you are because of your birth. When we defeat the Blight and we survive, I think you should spend some time among your clan for a bit. To regain your roots."
"And if I can't?"
He smiled. "I think you will." He gave me a kiss. "I know you're probably on a mission, so I'll let you get on with it."
I chuckled. "When am I not? And thanks for your concern."
"Always." He turned to go into Eamon's study and stopped. "I know Ainnileas was your father but who was Elise?" The names I'd given to Norick and Gorin.
"Elise is my mother," Alistair nodded. "Why?"
"I was curious."
"That's how I got tainted. Being curious."
Alistair chuckled and went into the study.
I found Anora's room and went in. Erlina was nowhere in sight. At the moment. Anora smiled and sat, motioning me to the other chair. I sat and waited to hear what she had to say.
"It's good you came to speak with me. I will be blunt. I can see that your voice will be a strong one in the days to come. It is to you that Eamon listens and for good reason, although truthfully I did not expect you to be an Elf, let alone a one of the Dalish. My father must be stopped but once that is done Ferelden will still need a ruler. I would welcome your support for the throne." So this was what she wanted to speak to me privately about? To talk politics?
"Are you proposing an alliance?"
"That is exactly what I'm proposing. When the time comes, you support my bid in the Landsmeet to remain on the throne. You will be seen as my father's enemy, yet you will be in support of his daughter. You will be seen as supporting the interests of Ferelden as opposed to solely those of the Grey Wardens. In return, I add my voice to yours. Do you see? Together we can do what alone we cannot." Support her for the Ferelden throne? Yes, she was already queen, but Alistair was the son of King Maric. The bastard son but he was still of royal blood. And someone I would trust to put the people of Ferelden first. But what Anora didn't know was I could play the politics game also.
"Then I'll support you." A lie, of course, but we needed her voice against Loghain. As far as I understood, it would be up to the nobles to decide on the ruler, not me. If they chose Anora, Alistair would be happy and our relationship would continue without being questioned. If they chose Alistair, he wouldn't be happy and I didn't know what would happen to us, but I knew despite his trepidation, he would make a great king.
"That is good to hear. So we have a deal, Warden. I trust you'll keep your end of the bargain... now, I suppose, comes the task of dealing with my father. That will be no small feat, of course, but I am certain you already know this."
"I specialize in 'no small feats'."
Anora laughed. "I wish you luck, Realin."
I knew we were going to have to tread lightly in the Alienage. And bringing the whole group was not going to be the best idea if we were to get to the bottom of Loghain's activities there. Tristan came running out of my room and slid to a stop. He jumped up, put his paws on my shoulders, and gave my face a drool bath.
I laughed and scratched him behind the ears. "Glad to see you, too."
He went into a fit of barking as if he were scolding me for not taking him on the mission to rescue Anora.
I smiled and shook my head. "You get to come this time, Tristan."
His tongue rolled out of his mouth and he wagged his tail happily. I went into my room to change back into my armor and thought about who else I would take along with me. Alistair, of course, would come. Sten would just scare them. Leliana, I wasn't sure. She had been in the group that was planning on breaking Alistair and I out. But she and Wynne I knew would try to help out every orphan and beggar in the Alienage and I didn't want to be mobbed by the city-born. I heard stories from Pol, a city-born who'd found my clan shortly before my tainting. Oghren would just offend every Elf he came upon; he didn't have a brain-mouth filter. Morrigan could always tell when someone was hiding something. And Zevran was an Elf; perhaps they would be more comfortable talking to him than a Dalish or a human. I had my mind set. Tristan walked at my side as I went to find Alistair, Morrigan, and Zevran.
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