30: The Temple
Despite Genitivi's attempts not to slow us down, we made slow progress up the mountain. Sure enough, Genitivi led us to a temple built into the mountainside.
"Wow," Alistair said, awe in his voice.
"That is impressive," Zevran commented.
We went inside and up a flight of stairs to a locked door.
"Here we are," Genitivi said. "Give me the medallion and let's see if I can remember."
I handed him the medallion.
"Yes." He manipulated the medallion. "You see, it can be manipulated, just like this and there... a key to open the way."
"How did you know how to do that?" He'd done it so quickly I couldn't follow what he was doing.
"There are very few keys like this left in the world but I have seen some. When you find the right combination, it just... feels right. It is hard to explain. Now let's see if we can open this door. There should be a place to insert this." He found the keyhole and inserted the key. The door led to a vast temple that I'm sure was beautiful at one time. It was still beautiful in a way.
"By the Creators," I breathed. We went inside.
"What I would give to have seen this hall in all its splendor, as it was meant to be. Still, sweep the ice and snow away and traces of beauty remain."
My eyes were sweeping the area, looking for any sign of a trap or ambush. "You need to stay alert now, Brother."
"I'm sorry... what? I was a little distracted. I apologize."
I chuckled and shook my head.
"These carvings were created just after Andraste's death and they may reveal things about Her life that we do not yet know. I think I need more time to study these statues and carvings."
"You want to stay here? Is it safe?"
"I could not keep up with you with my injuries. I should be safe. I don't think there are any villagers here. Go. I will be alright. Perhaps my destiny was only to lead you to the Urn."
"Is there anything else I need to know about the temple?"
"It was designed to protect the Urn from those who would steal or do harm to it, namely, the Tevinter Imperium."
"What sort of dangers are we talking about here?" I wanted to know what to expect. Walking blindly into anything was never a good tactic.
"I'm not sure. The legends were never very specific on that point. 'Only the faithful shall lay eyes on the Sacred Ashes; death and misfortune await the unbeliever.'"
I hoped that didn't include me. I didn't worship the Shems' god.
"'The Maker's gaze has fallen on Andraste's final resting place. He weeps for His Beloved and His wrath at Her betrayers endures'."
I raised a brow. "The Maker is here?" Could a god walk the earth?
"That is what the legend said and the Maker may indeed watch this place. Read between the lines, however, and you'll understand that it is merely a simple truth draped in hyperbole and metaphor. After all, no one wants to hear 'Willy toiled for many a year to perfect the curious mechanisms that would send a sharpened spike up the arse of the unwary intruder.'"
"Lovely. So keep an eye open for traps."
"I think my decision to stay here was the best one, don't you?"
"Try not to get into trouble."
"I'll be here if you need me."
We left Genitivi and ventured into the temple.
"Realin," I turned to Alistair.
"Look, before we go any farther I want to say something. I appreciate that you took me to see my sister and that you... well, that you were there to talk me down after we left. You're a true friend. I just wanted you to know that."
"So are you," I said, wondering why he wanted to tell me this now.
"Well. Now that that's out of the way..."
I followed his lead. "And since we're on the subject, I want you to know how much I enjoy your company. I feel like I've known you forever in the few months since we met." It seemed like years since my Joining.
"You know, I was just thinking the same thing. Given the circumstances, things could have been much worse. I'm so grateful you're you instead of... some other Grey Warden."
I could feel a smile playing at my lips.
"Umm... that sounded better in my head. I just mean to say that I've come to care about you." That surprised me. Surely he was meaning as a friend? Would a human care about an Elf other than as a friend?
"I care for you, too."
And I really did care for him, I realized. The fierceness I fought for him in the Fade. The thoughts I had during our horseplay and when he gave me the rose. The fear I had when the Mage in Denerim had surprised Alistair and knocked the breath out of him. I cared for him. More than I thought I could. My feelings and thoughts were confusing me.
"Now we just need to be rid of that pesky Archdemon and everything would be back to normal, right?" He said with a chuckle.
I smiled. "Perhaps."
We kept moving through ice and snow-covered halls. It was deathly quiet but it didn't have the heavy feeling as the ruins where I had been tainted. This temple almost had a peaceful feeling to it. At least until we were rushed by armored men and archers. The fight didn't last long.
"Those weren't villagers from Haven," Alistair observed.
"No," I shook my head. "Who are they and why are they here?"
We walked up a flight of stairs and through a door. Where we were ambushed by archers and a Mage. Morrigan, Wynne, Leliana, and Zevran used their spells and ranged weapons as Alistair, Sten, Tristan, and I raced forward to take on the Mage, who was being protected by berserkers. Then a creature appeared that I had never seen before. I really don't know how to describe it, but it looked like it was made entirely of ash.
"Ash Wraith!" Leliana cried.
She and Zevran abandoned their bows and left the Mages to do the ranged work. It took all of us to take down the Ash Wraith. We kept moving afterward, fighting off berserkers, Mages, and Ash Wraiths until the temple gave way to caverns.
"What is this place?" Wynne wondered out loud. We moved deeper into the caverns and were set upon by several dragon young.
"What the...," Zevran started to say before he began defending himself like the rest of us. This must be a wyrmling cavern.
"I think I know who those men are that we had to fight on our way here," Alistair said after we defeated the last one.
"Spit it out. We're not mind readers," I said.
"Dragon Cultists. When the dragons reappeared, some people swore they were gods. They would come and raise a dragon's young in exchange for the dragon's protection and blood."
"Those berserkers we fought are what happens when you drink dragon blood. It's a bit like having an unchecked taint."
"Painful, hmm?"
"So I hear."
We went through fighting Cultist, drakes, and dragon young until we came upon a man with a very large axe on his back and several lackeys gathered nearby. "Stop!" he cried, approaching us. "You will go no farther."
"Is that so?" I challenged.
"You have defiled our temple. You have spilled the blood of our faithful and slaughtered our young." He must have meant the dragon young, since we sure hadn't slaughtered any children. "No more. You will tell me now, intruder, why you have done all this. Why have you come here?" At least he wasn't calling me 'knife ears'. Yet.
"Tell me your name and I will tell you why I am here."
"I am Father Kolgrim, leader and guide to the Disciples of Andraste. Kill us and you will face Andraste. She will smell our blood and the blood of Her children on you and Her wrath will be great."
"What are you talking about?" This man had to be mad.
"The prophet Andraste has overcome death itself and has returned to Her faithful in a form more radiant than you can imagine!"
I looked back at the others. Everyone but Leliana, Wynne, and Sten had amused looks on their faces. Leliana seemed appalled and Wynne looked like she pitied him in his madness. Sten's was like stone, as usual.
"Not even the Tevinter Imperium could hope to slay Her now. What hope do you have?" I didn't know much about the Chant but I did know that Andraste had been betrayed by her husband and killed. Thousands of years ago.
"You're mad. Andraste is dead."
"You know nothing!" Kolgrim screamed. "Andraste revealed Herself to us! We are Her Chosen! To arms, my brethren! Andraste will grant us victory!"
I sighed and drew my blades. Why was it always the barking mad ones? I sidestepped the axe as it came towards me and let it meet Sten's blade. I went for one Mage while Zevran went for another. The sounds of steel against steel echoed throughout the cavern. When his lackeys lay dead, we turned our attentions onto Kolgrim himself. He was a match for Sten, but for all eight of us, not so much.
"Is he claiming that a dragon is Andraste?" Leliana asked.
"Considering that he is in a wyrmling lair and mad to boot, I think so," I said. I walked towards the lighted doorway and we emerged onto the mountain top.
As we emerged, we immediately looked around for any danger. We heard a roar and looked up to see a full-grown High Dragon flying above our heads. We took cover behind ruined pillars until it landed on a ledge and lay down, curling its head under its wing. It either didn't see us yet or just didn't care we were there.
"Hmm. That must be Andraste," Zevran said.
"Very funny," Leliana said, not amused in the slightest.
"A High Dragon is not a joke," Alistair said as we slowly emerged from cover. "We best be careful... real careful."
I nodded, acknowledging his warning. "There's another part of the temple straight across," I said. "If it becomes hostile, I say run like hell. We're no match for a dragon."
We made our way slowly across to the second part of the temple. The dragon never moved. Either it was used to Shemlen due to the Cultists or it thought we were Cultists. Or it just didn't care as long as we didn't bother it. I pushed open the doors to the second part of the temple.
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