9th January,2124
"W-We need to put the lab on a lockdown and leave this instant!!!! ", a panicked voice sounded through the phone that lay unattended on the floor.
The man continued to scream on the device in hopes of being heard from any one of his colleagues.....He heard the footsteps and raised his voice to convey the message.
"I really do wish that somebody could hear and act upon message, I really do! Alas, none of them are in the condition to even pick up this mobile, let alone do the task.", A deep and sultry voice spoke before letting out a throaty chuckle.
"And don't think that you are any safe sitting inside the cramped wardrobe space in that ridiculous excuse of an apartment.... Mr. Kang Jihyun. I can very well track your location and come to have a chat.Won't you prepare some snacks for the guests? ", a new voice piped in.
Before Jihyun could day anything, he heard the distant slam of the front door of his apartment. Someone had invaded his house and he had a clear idea of whom it was. He silently prayed that they won't find him and dialled the police.
As the call connected, the mobile was snatched out of his hands and there stood the invaders.....smirking at him as they thought of all the ways to have the sweet taste of revenge.
"911,what's your emergency?"
"I am really sorry, I guess I mistakenly tapped the emergency number.There is absolutely no problem."
Jihyun watched frozen in horror as one of them mimicked his voice with ease and extinguished the last hope of survival for him.
"Hello there Jihyun! Did you miss us?"
"TH311295 and JM130995, please don't kill me! I have 2 children to take care of, please! ", Jihyun stated in a pitiful voice.
"Hmmmm..... First off, our names are not TH311295 and JM130995 anymore.....That's something that you selfish people decided to name us! But we got some better ones for ourselves, I am Jimin and he is Taehyung.", the humanoids spoke gesturing to themselves.
"J-Jimin and T-Taehyung, I hope you understand that-
The man was cutoff as Jimin held his neck sharply, chocking him. He gave Taehyung a smirk as the other reciprocated with a smug smile before emitting a small knife from the tip of his fingers.
He slowly traced the knife on Jihyun's neck before abruptly slicing it off, killing the man instantly.
"The authorities must be searching for us,gotta erase all the evidence, don't we?", Taehyung stated to no one in particular.
An idea clicked in Jimin's head, he went to the mains switch and glanced at it intensely. The radiations emmited from his eyes as the a spark ignited between the live wires. He soon turned on all the electric appliances to make it seem like the house caught fire on accident.
Giving one last look to the apartment, they both exited and heard the roars of the flames that erupted within a few minutes.
"Let's go get the others and have a toast to our freedom! What do you say?"
Both of them let out a satisfied chuckle as they descended on the path of their freedom which was still a very long journey. But friends do make it pleasurable, don't they?
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