chapter 20
Yeo na's pov.
Finally the morning came.... and I opened my eyes still sleepy and could barely open.
As I saw that hot guy sleeping next to me shirtless and looking so handsome even while sleeping.
I was just staring at him thinking of what just happened... how did we ended like this..... but then he suddenly spoke making me shutter...
"Yah... do you plan on making a hole in my face by staring...??!!" He said in a sleepy tone.
Woahhh... what a sexy voice. Hehehe.
I was dammnn in a shock and started to buffer.
"Uh..uh..n-no... I-I..was..just...." Before I could say anything as I was caught off guard. He just pulled me closer to him by my waist and my face could feel his bare warm chest and could hear his heart beating peacefully.
I was in his arms and feeling so good to be loved by him my jimini.
"Jimini.... let go now. We are on our trip and need to get ready now." I said as I realised we were not on our private holiday. Hehehe.
"Hmmmm.... okay let's stay like this for two minutes." He said hugging me more tightly and cuddling me.
"Huh...umm.. okay only two minutes." I agreed. Hehehe. As it was a good place to stay.
Finally he let go off me and we got ready went to meet the gang.
"Yaahhh... should we tell them now or maybe later right..??!!!." I said tensed.
"Umm.... whenever your are ready... because I'm not gonna let go anywhere now.." He said smiling and gave a peck on my cheek.
"Yahhhh..... " He just ran away after doing that openly.
And we saw our hot gang and my sexy bae waiting for us.
"Hey good morning guys." Jimin and I said together.
"Woahhh... what's that... you two seem to be in very good mood... did something happen last night...hehehe." Jk said giggling.
And we were surprised and shocked...
"Nooooo....!!!!!! Nothing happened." We both said together.
And everyone looked at us suspiciously.
"Hey yeo na.... come here I need to talk to you." Sam said as she dragged me away.
"What??.." I asked her.
"Yahhhh.... you are hiding something from me right?? and jimin are dating right... just tell me I'll be the happiest person to know that...huh??!!" She asked me with concered look as she linked her arm with mine.
"Ummm... actually... we.. we.. are dating from yesterday... but.. don't tell..." Before I could complete my sentence that excited girl started to jump like crazy and shout.
"Holy.... shit...... guys.... bigggg.... newwwsss......." and she ran away to announce it all to the whole world.
"Yahhh guys.... these to idiots are dating and didn't even tell us..." And after that I am doomed.
Ahhhhhhh.... this girl really got no patience.
*Deep sigh* and there was a total chaos and jimin and I just stared at each other.
"Woahhh... hyung.... you finally did it..." jk said and I was confused what's it about.
"Jk shut that crap now..." and jimin gave him death glares.
"Yah yah yahh.... you guys need to treat us after we go back." Hobi hyung said.
"Okay..... deal...." jimin said happily.
"Wow wow wow.... look at this boy so happy and our yeo na sooo shy.... hahaha." Rm hyung said smiling.
And they told us gather up. So we went.
"Okay.... no we are having a volleyball match for guys... you can team up with anyone you like. Get the teams ready and register your team names." The prof. announced and went.
Jimin's pov.
Yeah...volleyball it is.
We had our team and we got registered. Also we had to win this one. Before the game started I went to meet Yeo na.
"You gotta win this one okay..." she said smiling.
"Ofcourse.... be confident about your boyfriend..." I said being all swag and she cracked up.
"Whattt....??!!" I said making big eyes.
And she just gave me a peck on my lips.
"Go now... byee. All the best." And she ran away leaving me shocked.
Hahahaha... that girl though.
So we won all the matches and now its time for the final. Yeo na was cheering soo crazily and shouting that she was more exhausted than us. Hahhha.
Finally the match started...
"Goooo.... jiminiiii.... fighting....." Hahaha that cute thing I could hear only her cheering.
As heard her it made me more to win.
It was a very tought game between us.... sometimes they were in lead and sometimes we. But we kept going and going and going.
Finally I found a chance and hit the ball by flying high up and bammmmm...!!!!
We were the winners.... hehehehe.
I saw yeo na coming towards me more like running with happiness filling her.
"You see..... I was juts awes....." Before I could brag she just hugged me.
"You were just awesome...." she said as she hugged me and I lifted her up by her waist.
"You know I'm the best in everything I do....." I said as I smirked and she blushed. Hehehe.
So we then went to have our lunch and the rested a bit as we had a fun activity to do. I mean atleast they told us that....
"Okay students.... what we are gonna is... the super fun activity.... Treasure hunt...." prof said and everyone went..
"So for pairs we have chits take one each and the ones having same number will become pair. Got it..." and everyone went to pick their cards.
And the chaos began.... as all started to search their pairs..
I wished I got Yeo na as my partner and she wanted me.... but then again we have to follow rules. So....
"Sam who did you get??" Yeo na asked her.
"Well I don't know but its not tae we just checked....ahhh.." sam said in a low tune.
Yeo na's pov.
"Yahhh... jimini what's your number?." I asked him hoping we get the same number.
"I got 26... plzz tell me you got the same I really don't want to do this with anyone else." He said curious.
"Ahhhhhh..... I got 25...*sigh*." Damnnn we both were sad and down.
That's when a guy came shouting 25 number and the voice was familiar.
"Hey who's 25 number..." guy said.
"Me.... I raised my eyes and turned." To my surprise it was james.
I was shocked as I haven't seen him all this time or maybe I was too busy to see jimin.
"Heyy.... it's a relief that its you and not some random guy." I said to james.
"Hahaha... well same for me as well. Hey jimin what's up man.." james said.
"Hey bro... good to see you." Jimin said not so happy. So maybe he was just J.
And a girl came by asking for 26 number.... dammnnn I was shocked and definitely jealous.... she was pretty and why does it had to be jimin.
"Is 26 from you guys.." she said in a sweet tune.
"Umm yeah... I am 26." Jimin said smiling.
Woahh... look at that guy smiling to her and I was just burning from jealousy.
That's when the professor blow the whistle giving us the signal to start.
Everyone scattered and that girl dragged jimin with her and I was standing there looking at him and was looking at me while he dissapeared from my sight.
"Yeo na... let's go everyone already went." James said to me.
"Huh... ohh.. yeah. Let's go. We need to find flags right?." I said snapping out of it.
"Yeah let's find them all... fighting." He said like a kid.
"Hahaha... okay let's do that."
We went in the trees it was so dark only the moonlight and dim lights leading us the way.
Well yet we found quite some flags as the others took away many of them.
And I just couldn't stop thinking of jimin and that girl.
Ahhhhh.... what are they doing??.
Hi again... really sorry for the late updates. Nothing to say today. Hehehe... see you guys again soon bye. Enjoy😉😃.
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