The bakery
"hey pony you coming to the bakery with us?" I asked putting my books back in my locker before I leave.
"Na I got a big essay to do maybe next time though" he weekly smiled.
"Alright Two you coming"
"No they switched my Mickey time so now my TV schedule is mixed up. Crap it starts in 10 minutes I got to go bye!"
"With what car?" Johnny yelled smiling.
"I'll hot wire one!" He shouted back.
"Alright see ya later" I yelled.
We started walking to the bakery that was about 5 minutes away. I got the cupcake I wanted and Johnny got a chocolate vanilla bean cupcake. We hung out there for about an hour and talked and he kept making me laugh. How did he do that? Then the she devil came. Layla Chrissy and Maddi. "Oh hi Johnny didn't know you came here" she tried flirting.
"Oh ya well I just brought my best friend string bean" he smiled.
"String bean?" She said trying not to giggle. I just glared at her. Chrissy then went to go order there cupcakes. She got four. What the heck can they not count? "Oh here string bean we got you one." Maddi then dumped it in my hair as they all laughed. I punched Maddie in the nose and it started bleeding and I stormed out throwing the cupcake in Laylas face. "Ah I got a greaser cupcake on me get it off" she screamed. I walked all the way home angry with Johnny trying to keep up. "Hey String bean how was your da-" Soda tried to ask while I slmmed the bathroom door. " Soda opened the door and let it swing open "Alright spill the beans string bean" Soda said leaning on the door with Steve by his side eating chocolate cake. They just saw me rinsing my hair in the sink. "Your making a mess!" Steve yelled. "Don't care right now!" I said angrily. He just rolled his eyes and walked away. "Here let me help you" Soda said grabbing a towel and shampoo. He helped me wash out my hair and then we went out to the living room. "So are you gonna tell me what happened?" I slowly nodded and told him what happen. He had sadness in his eyes but of course he made me smile. Johnny cake left later that day and so did Steve but Two bit stayed. I went too sleep that night thinking about how miserable I was gonna be going back to school.
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