The boys weren't home by midnight so me and Ponyboy were tired by then so went to bed I just cant wait to get them up. I then opened my eyes to the bright sun shinning in my room. It was actually really pretty to see it come up over manhattan. I looked around and saw no one except Pony in bed. What the hell! Where are they its 9 in the morning and there not back. When I get a hold of them im gonna ground and rip there HEADS OFF!!! I then walked into the room next door. OMG what am i witnessing. I found Dally and Two bit handcuffed to each other. Sodapop and Steve had engagement rings on. I dont know what the hell thats about. I saw Darry in bed with another chick. I thought he was with Karen though. Johnny looked hung over and Dally also looked like he was about to die.
"Do I even want to know what happened! Wait no i dont but im gonna have to know now so i can fix it before 3!" I yelled waking Ponyboy up. He saw that I was angry and slowly started to back up.
"Pony get ur butt in here or so help me I will rip off ur head as well!" He then walked back in not making eye contact.
"Explain NOW!" I scolded them. I was so mad that they would let themselves do this. I mean im not gonna lie, its halarious and I would be laughin at them if I didnt have to worry about so many things.
"Um ive been here all night can I please go home now" the girl in Darry's bed asked
"ya thats fine but did anything happen with u 2 last night" I asked not sounding as angry.
"No I just dropped them all off and i didn't know if anyone was with them and i didn't want them to do something stupid so i just stayed here but can I have an autograph?" She asked friendly. I nodded signed her white wallet and she left.
"Ok i remember a magic show" Steve said rubbing his head.
"I remembered you stole my chic"Dall lunged at Soda.
"U gave me like 5 beers and made me do a chugging contest!" Johnny yelled looking sick as hell.
"Ya because there was a cute chick looking at u!"
"Y the hell is mickey not on" Two bit mumbled.
"I told u i already have a chic! And i feel like I'm gonna be sick" He said running to the bathroom.
"Y because of String Bean" Two laughed.
Johnny threw up in the bathroom. Great!
"Pony please go get eggs down stairs with some fruit for everyone" I said starring at them in disappointment. He normally fights me but he could tell I was to mad.
"Wait I remember!" Johnny yelled.
"Children gather around its story time" dall said sarcastically annoyed while rolling his eyes.
"Ok so we went to the bar last night and Dallas and Steve met these chicks. We hung around there and this one girl kept starring at me. Dally told me to try and relax and to have a few beers so i did. I then got a little buzzed and was the gonna come back. But then Dallas called me over and then pushed me on stage to do a chugging contest. I won a pack of more beer which Two bit drank in about 10 minutes and Dally still tried to hook me up with that girl"
"DALLAS TUCKER FRICKIN WINSTON" I Yelled staring him down. He still had a cold blank look. Shocker. Not.
"Anyways, I left her and went back to hang out with Darry who just kept rambling on about wierd stuff about college and Karen and just some crazy stuff. Dally and Steve started getting in a fight then Soda got involved because someone took someone's girl."
"Ha they probably alooped to Mexico!" Two bit laughed hysterically.
"Wait! Ok then we left. Dallas and me and I think her name was Kassandra? Eaither way she came with us" Soda questioned.
"Oh ya and Ellie." Steve smiled getting his meomaries back.
"Ya well then we went to one of the bars then uhh oh there was this guy who was selling wedding rings and-" Soda was then interrupted by the one and only stupid Steve.
" No the guy was a wedding guy! Wait that doesn't make sense. He was the preacher or somethin like that but u know what I mean!" They were all now super confused. I just rolled my eyes.
"Well after we took the girls to see a magic show then Dally and Two butt we're used for a magic trick then delusional Two bit thought he saw Mickey mouse and ran off stage yelling' Mickey come back! I need an autograph!' while dragging old Dally behind him. We then went to go look for them while they still had there hand cuffs on then they got into a fight" Darry explained slowly getting out of bed.
"Ya because he made me look like an idiot!" Dally yelled angrily.
"That's impossible! No one can make you look stupider then you already do ur self. Oh and that one Cherry girl." Two laughed. Dallas then punched him square in the jaw. I knew Dally wouldn't let anyone talk to him like that. Maybe me and Johnny could get away with it but barely.
"Then that one girl meet us and gave us a ride home" Soda finished up sounding exhausted.
"Well it's now 10 so Sarah and everyone will be over in 30 so start getting ready and before we go we will fix this" I said trying to come down. Pony came back with breakfast. The guys ate and Sarah finally showed up thank God! I quickly explained everything to her and she just giggled.
"Well this is a morning u will never forget" she smiled.
"Tell me about it" I laughed a little.
"All right Davey now use these 2 needles to open the hand cuffs" Jack said excitedly giving him a big confident smile. David looked like he has been waiting for this day his whole life.
"Jack didn't I tell you not to teach him that" Sarah turned torwards him.
"I know but it came in handy" he smiled pointing to his son undoing the handcuffs. She rolled her eyes and started doing my hair. Once we were done it was 1:50.
"Alright we have time to fix this mess" Sarah started making up a plan that we all followed.
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